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Started by nails, May 22, 2003, 04:50:32 AM

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act05 - in the text file it says that the test time was 1:34  :| - i could barely make 1:39
am i missing something?
*heavy metal shirts aren't funny, come here boy, i'll show you funny*


Akoss Poo is one of the best drivers. Anyway sure there are some shortcuts. Try asking the Stunts Oracle by email to and the homepage is
He can help you!!

al il professore

Welcome nails.

I am able to help you in learning some driving, just mail me or come msn chatting, or come irc chatting.

and go to figure out there what we kings are able to do:



but remember its downloading old rpls and watching them pushing on D key that you will learn how to master the cars. with D pushed once, you can read the direction, the engine rpm in replay mode. Also watching the brakes light in F3 view can learn you when to brake and when to break.

And you will quickly understand our cars never brake and always break :)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

al il professore

P.S. Just look at my first lap ever on competition, its zack stunts 15. I drove in auto gear and had a horror show on track :) second month i drove with manual and made a superb second place. try do be 2003 super rookie.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Everybody is an amateur at start. Be sure you will improve if you stay between us for a while. So send your replay, 1:39 is a good time for a beginner I think. I'm happy because you tried my track, try zct 26, too, and send your rplz. I think I will drive under 1:24 on ACT 05...
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


thanks guyes, i half expected everyone to be all snoby (spelling?) and like "figure it out yourself dumass!" sorta thing :P - heh cool

Quote from: "al il professore"but remember its downloading old rpls and watching them pushing on D key that you will learn how to master the cars. with D pushed once, you can read the direction, the engine rpm in replay mode

um - actually, the replay pannel is in the way of me reading the rpm - is there any way around that?

Quote from: "al il professore"
I am able to help you in learning some driving, just mail me or come msn chatting, or come irc chatting.

yep - i just added you to my msn list ......
*heavy metal shirts aren't funny, come here boy, i'll show you funny*


You have to press "R" also, then the replay panel will disappear while you play the replay.
They are right: 1.39 is very good for a beginner! Driving Stunts on your own computer is one thing, on a competition is another... I guess we can all say these competitions have improved our skills incredibly much, and the same will happen to you if you play :D Just watch the replays... especially the old winning replays from Zakstunts competition. If you want to be better with the Lancia, see replays from ZCT8, ZCT15 and ZCT21 (packed with ZCT9, ZCT16, ZCT22) and if you want to be better with the Porsche 962 (the car we drive on ZCT26), see replays from ZCT7 and ZCT17 (packed with, of course, ZCT8 and ZCT18)

Good luck :D
But we can't be quite sure.


thanks, that helps alot :)
*heavy metal shirts aren't funny, come here boy, i'll show you funny*

al il professore

heavy metal shirts :) they are cissies.

ooops you added me to your msn list, i forgot to add you, i just chose to allow you to see my online status. so when you see me, just knock knock, i am here.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.