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little analysis Zak15

Started by ben snel, August 04, 2002, 06:00:00 PM

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ben snel

Me and Alan have the fastest beginning. But on 3 measure points around 30 sec. of the race Alan looses some 2 seconds (!!) on the rest of us, due to staying on the road. But then he drives the piece of the elevated corners so well, that he's behind Roy and Bonzai again. I'm not near anymore, and I keep loosing time, especially after the loope. Roy and Bonzai take a real loope-jump for shortcutting, and Roy wins about one second on Bonzai with that. Although Alan doesn't do a real jump, he looses only one second on Bonzai. After this Alan is the fastest on almost all measure points again, so that he's 3rd close to Bonzai. Of the 17 pieces I cut this track into, Alan drove 9 of them the fastest, Roy 3, Bonzai 2, and I one. One 2 pieces two of us drove the same time. The fastest times of all the pieces put together makes a time of 1:35,05.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

No, I had the fastest beginning.
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


Ben said:"Alan looses some 2 seconds (!!) on the rest of us"

I can explain that time lost before the elevated road jump.*

I did that "stunt" in my first time (1.44.xx I guess) so I decide improve all I could from that jump. But the previous 40 secs I didn't race anymore. I improve 4 seconds in the last minute of the track (with the lancia!!). Then I can say I did my best in zak15, and I'm happy for that.

* I discover (for me) after that jump the Lancia can go to 215 mph. I didn't use that replay because the car turns impossible to control on the elevated road. I keep the replay if someone wants to see it, justs call me  .

PD: I did animated gif of stunts done by me in competitions:

If you did animated gif of cool stunts you can send it to me   and I'll publish it in the Stunts Community