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Messages - Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Competition 2003 / question
July 22, 2003, 08:46:20 PM
there are 2 little blocks next to the coloumns of the stations. do they belong to the coloumn of not? (can i cross it... or not???)

if i can cross it, i'll have fantastic times!
Chat - Misc / dublin
July 18, 2003, 07:52:46 PM
why not 1:17.70 natural F3 view? don't move the camera, alain is not on the road according to my text

maybe i'll ask usrin to put a pic onto LW web site!
Competition 2003 / z28
July 18, 2003, 07:30:34 PM
these times for me are too strong, i will suck this month
Competition 2003 / myron's 1:12
July 16, 2003, 04:27:39 PM
we know alain did that 1:09.50 --->>> he can keep his win

we know it wasn't myron who did 1:12 --->>> delete his result

alain and myron cheated that 1:12 --->>> 3 pts minus i think from annual score pro, and 50 from overall
of course from myron and alain, too
Indy Racing Cup / orion
July 16, 2003, 04:22:38 PM
alain and argammon are the real drivers

krys is a member, he drives, he gain points, nothing special (and he found z21 trick). i wouldn't say he is a mediocre driver, much better than that

leo is the student at orion

the others... hmmm...

mingva is the cheater, who administrates a fantastic competition in unfair way

myron is a mediocre driver, with alain's rplz he is good
Competition 2003 / zct28
July 16, 2003, 04:06:45 PM
I wanted to use the melange on act08. I won't. Maybe I'll ask Usrin to create a track.

I hate the rule. We can drive through the column and the roof. I sent a clear rpl but is it allowed to drive a bit though the column? It would help me. And. There are cases when in F1 view we are under the roof, in F4 we are nowhere (in the roof!), in F2 and F3 we are above the roof. Is it enough to be under the roof in only 1 camera view? Or all? Can we touch the ground? (i hope)

And 1.24 is impossible i think. Maybe 1.29, but not me...
Team Zone / time hiders 2
July 16, 2003, 03:34:53 PM
forgot argammon. between 2nd and 3rd
Team Zone / time hiders
July 16, 2003, 03:30:09 PM
Time hiders top 5

1. alain
2. roy
3. alan rotoi
4. bonzai joe
5. akoss poo
Chat - Misc / kalpen
July 16, 2003, 02:50:54 PM
I like the track CTRACK 34 and after 20 minutes of driving i have 1:53,00.
... is here... hehehehehehehehehehehe... Mingva is not a moderator there... hehehehehehehehe... :D

>    No, he didn't. Wasn't any space between wheel and road. I know,
in rules
> isn't mentioned how much of wheel must stay on the road. But most
> important - no separation (no streak of grass) between wheels and

The car doesn't cover the road! 0,00% of the road. There's grass
between the car and the road in every second pixel. The remaining
pixels: the first pixels of the cars are following the last pixels of the
road, so there's no separation in this 50%, but the car still doesn't
fade the road. So Alain left the road. Penalize him.

> P.S. Don't be a weeper, learn to lose honourably ;)
It's only because Alain is your teammate. There's always what Alain
wants: no pipe trick, but no penalty for him. Shit...

But I hope you can watch clipboard files. (clipbrd.exe at Windows) It is


Zak, please don't delete it. Thanks.

And shame on Mingva, who is a worm.
Indy Racing Cup / Dublin
July 16, 2003, 02:24:07 PM
Quote from: "al il professore"look the difference between alanrotoi (in yellow) and me in light grey, on the finish line:

you can see its useless to cheat: the difference is only ten meters

You didn't cheat. You only left the road, and that means you get penalty, no matter you didn't win any time with that. Don't compare your rpl with Alan's, you have same time wiht pArAnO, 1:22,60, and Rotoi's is 1:21,20. That's it...

Somebody deleted my link which contained the picture, and motherfucker Mingva wasn't succeeded to write me a normal answer to my mail. Orionians are dirty cheaters, and shame on all of them!!!! Let's call back Pershing to check the rplz.
Indy Racing Cup / asuncion
July 13, 2003, 07:09:21 PM
Quote from: "al il professore"i just drove 1.18.55. cool!

really? then skid your mother. i can't do 1:18.55.
Secondary 2003 / act07
July 13, 2003, 06:59:09 PM
welcome back rotoi on my track

i'll start act07 driving this week

c u on the scoreboard (c u all)
Competition 2003 / thx, dutch!
July 13, 2003, 06:57:05 PM
Quote from: "XDude_NL"
Quote from: "al il professore"xdude thinks orion cheated. Zak thinks it too. Thats two people. There is no smoke without a fire.

yes, we cheated. Its my fault. I wanted myron to be better than doelloos and to go to professional. We cheated because there was a risk that myron was beaten by... who? i dont remember. But there was a big risk. also, there is the proof we cheated ;)

on rplinfo, try this: save myron and my rpl at 5.95 and use rplinfo to see the keys pressed: you will see that in this beginning part, that was so important compared to the entire length of the 1.10 track, the datas are totally different: it means that i played myron beginning and make it have the fantastic advantage of 0.05 seconds. Notice that Myron and I are the only ones to be that fast in that part... cheating is obvious.

Well, i was so happy to cheat this game called stunts, that i hate... And promise i will continue cheating, because my heart is evil and i like to cheat.

When i cheat, my life seems better, and i breath easier.

rplinfo data of our rpls:
<Myron> 119-0-3-12-2-0-0-0
<o_Alain_o> 119-0-5-15-1-0-0-0


Alain and Myron have to be DQF because of cheating.
That means:
1. Akoss
2. XDude_NL
3. Doelloos

yes, very good idea!
Competition 2003 / zct28
July 13, 2003, 06:49:06 PM
Okay, let's bet

1. Alan Rotoi
2. Alain
3. Bonzai Joe
4. Akoss Poo
5. XDude
6. Myron
7. Zak
8. Doelloos
9. Krys
10. Usrin