
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Spoonboy

Stunts Chat / Re: Car categories
July 24, 2024, 08:22:46 PM
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on July 24, 2024, 04:03:45 PMBuses: Ikarus
Heh, so what you're saying is:

We need more buses ;)
Stunts Chat / Re: Car categories
July 23, 2024, 11:35:31 PM
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on July 23, 2024, 04:20:43 PMIndy and F1 categories could be merged as "Open Wheels". Or somebody will make an F2, F3, F-Opel/Chevrolet/GM Lotus car...

I agree, Open Wheels combines the F1 and Indy classes nicely. I had though maybe "F1/Indy" but not sure if SG would like the "/"?

A few classes I've been adding to my suggestion list for Erik's Megapack are:



Supercars (to include Hypercars)

Le Mans (or Sports? Fast closed-cockpit cars that don't fit ISMA classification)

Saloons (slower street cars like Corolla GTi for instance)

Again, these are just suggestions for discussion. But imo I do think class names would work better than letters.
I can look at the xls and try sorting the rest into sensible groups - but this may take some time and research!

On the up side, this may take some time and research! ;D
This looks great.
The 'Select by type" option will be fun, but we need to assign types to the rest of the cars. This will be an interesting game in itself!
Also, Simple Garage seems to 'park/retrieve' the selected cars quite slowly, is this normal? (Not used s.g before)
But wow, what a great tool!
Chat - Misc / Re: The Thank You thread
July 21, 2024, 11:38:05 PM
Quote from: Erik Barros on July 21, 2024, 08:04:49 PMAs a complement to the topic I created to promote the Megapack, I would like to thank @alanrotoi, @Duplode, @Cas e @dreadnaut, I bother you many times to explain the obvious to me  ;D .

Thank you @Overdrijf, @Zapper, @Daniel3D, @KyLiE, @CTG, @crazy jimmy, @cody, @Mark L. Rivers and Ryoma organizing the car files I see that you were and are very important to the community.

Thank you @Spoonboy, you were the trigger for the creation of this project.

Most likely I may have forgotten someone, it's not personal.

@Erik Barros thankyou for this - from first try it seems to work very well!
It's a real achievement to get all cars together like this. I look forward to helping with this in any way I can.
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 14, 2024, 02:36:23 PM
For better or worse here's my badly driven blind auto effort!
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 13, 2024, 09:57:53 PM
I'll go with green car, if I get the green light!
Will be out at an outdoor event, so unlikely. But if I can get away, my phone-based racing will win the day :)
Live Races / Re: Generations - (2024-03-17)
July 13, 2024, 12:08:17 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 13, 2024, 12:01:04 AM
Quote from: Spoonboy on July 12, 2024, 01:20:51 PMHey all,

Just trying a self-imposed pseudo-live v1.0 run here, to test my methods.
Could someone watch my replay and give my race a report? Would be interesting to know how I would have placed!

Felt like a rough start, and the chicanes were hard to get neat.
Only used RH for 3-4 corrections for later braking, mostly before the first corner. Think I had over a minute left on the 12min timer.

But it was a fun track - these fast simple tracks look good for testing cars!

I checked your replay. Since you raced in the "teaser track", not the one we used in the race (we tend to publish a last minute changed track to make sure the replays are made in the event time and not before, check here:

Anyway, I have some thoughts about your driving. It's a race against the clock so you can tell the rush in your fingers, the exaggerated breaking before corners and the not taking advantage of the speedups. This is totally normal, even more if it's your first "deferred" live race. You can't be in every detail the whole race  and you can't be perfect in every corner or every jump. You can solve a corner or a trick just right there in the middle of the live race but most of times wins a conservative driving + some known of shortcuts and practice. Watch the video and the different laps of the pipsqueaks. Watching how others races in the same conditions sometimes helps to learn details. A tip: don't be afraird of the corners. I saw the corner you mentioned, the one after the jumps and before the banked corner, and you break too much and a bit early. I left a dirt road tile in that straight as a sign where, more or less, you could slow down. Also other indicators of the corner were the columns of the highway. Some of these details you'll find in the track of the live race this Sunday ;)

Did you feel the adrenaline? Think about that feeling x10 in the context of the live race. Everybody racing at the same limited time. A race against other pipsqueaks, against the clock, against own imperfections, which most of them you don't have time to improve with replay handling. That's the best I can with my limited english :D

BTW you did 83 jumps. ;D

Haha thats great, thanks for counting! XD
And thanks for the advice. I can see the buzz from racing against the clock on a new track! I remember watching the video (and enjoying the soundtrack!) but will rewatch and also practice more. Not just racing approach but also timing methods to make sure nothing goes wrong, whenever I do race for real.
Live Races / Re: Generations - (2024-03-17)
July 12, 2024, 03:41:27 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 12, 2024, 02:24:47 PMI can check it in few hours. Let's see where did you end and how was the ride. Howbmany jumps did you do?

Ended in mid-air above the first tunnel ;)
Not sure on jumps, had a couple of magic carpets and a few banking jumps.
Live Races / Re: Generations - (2024-03-17)
July 12, 2024, 01:20:51 PM
Hey all,

Just trying a self-imposed pseudo-live v1.0 run here, to test my methods.
Could someone watch my replay and give my race a report? Would be interesting to know how I would have placed!

Felt like a rough start, and the chicanes were hard to get neat.
Only used RH for 3-4 corrections for later braking, mostly before the first corner. Think I had over a minute left on the 12min timer.

But it was a fun track - these fast simple tracks look good for testing cars!

Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 12, 2024, 10:55:57 AM
Thanks guys! Extremely unlikely I'll be able to schedule some time away this specifically, but I'll getbit set up as much as I can just in case.
Even if I can't race, I'll try some dummy runs (from the future!) as practice for another time.
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 11, 2024, 11:22:15 PM
Looks fun and the HEXA is a starship  ;)

Can someone give me a one paragraph description of how to compete?
How does the time/lap limit work?
Are there multiple paths?
Not sure if it's the same in every live race.

PM is fine, or just a general idea of what to expect on here, as I may have to act fast if I do get the chance.
Or jump to an alternate dimension!  ;)
Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
July 11, 2024, 11:16:55 PM
Love the body, gears, rpm, it's out of this world! ;D
Very unlikely I'll get a chance to race it for real this time, but will stay hopeful.
Quote from: Erik Barros on July 11, 2024, 12:13:14 AMThe differences in strategy are quite interesting, I generally like to do several laps before starting a more serious lap, to get used to the layout. But there are players who prefer to advance only when they have their maximum at each checkpoint on the track.

PS 1 - I'm curious about @Mark Nailwood method, he's been competing since the 90s, a legend. And he feels a big difference between what competitions were like in the past and what they have today.

PS 2 - There's a very good article by @BonzaiJoe, I don't know if you've seen it, there's a lot of gold mining on the website and the forum  :)  (

Yes, reconnaissance is always a good plan!

It is interesting to look old races and see the chat during them. I've also found my teammates' knowledge of previous races, maybe seeing rare tricks before, has been so valuable for context in the modern races.

I remember reading @BonzaiJoe's article soon after I started. It taught me a lot about my approach to races, and made me realise that there was a lot more to Stunts than just driving fast. There are many subtle aspects and hidden depths that you only realise by being an active part of the community!
Quote from: Erik Barros on July 07, 2024, 11:31:17 PMI need to thank you and @Duplode for leaving ltb hours available  ;D  ;D  ;D

Haha yes!  ;D

I find that some months I work on laps quietly and submit them only when totally happy with them.
Other months, I submit my progress more while replays are public, to see how close I can stay to the top!
This open method is probably more work, but maybe makes me concentrate on details I might not otherwise revisit until later in the month 🤔

Either way, its a pleasure to be mentioned around such amazing names!

For fun, I'll share my thoughts of an average Stunts month for me, as I see it in my head:

Week 1: New track! Lap blitz.
Week 2: Calm refining of laps, occasionally starting over.
Week 3: Exhaustion, battle weary...
Week 4: Last chance! More blitzing, perfecting, hoping...

And then fitting R4K and maybe a CCC race into the mix 😁