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Topics - vamologocomisso

lets stay focus on the topic, because some others topics about football were contamined(a word that akoss like, hehehe) by all kinds of sttuff besides football. Its true that hungarian volleyball and danish handball or even brasilian "cuspe" competition are very interesting and all, but how about not talking about these great sports here ?  :evil:  :cry:  :-D  :-D

Im really excited abou the beginning of another world cup and Im about to quit my job so I could watch every game, hehehe (im not macho enough ;)

well, I will put my predictions bellow, and I must say that I would love to commit lots of mistakes, because this is the beauty about the biggest sport event ever.

1    *Alemanha*     2    X     1    *Costa Rica*
2    *Polonia*    2    X    2    *Equador*
3    *Inglaterra*    1    X    1    *Paraguai*
4    *T. Tobago*    1    X    3    *Suecia*
5    *Argentina*    2    X    0    *C. do Marfim*
6    *S. Montenegro* 0    X    2    *Holanda*
7    *Mexico*    3    X    0    *Ira*
8    *Angola*    1    X    3    *Portugal*
9    *Australia*    2    X    3    *Japao*
10    *EUA*       1    X    3    *Rep Tcheca*
11    *Italia*    2    X    0    *Gana*
12    *Corea do Sul*    2    X    0    *Togo*
13    *Franca*    1    X    1    *Suica*
14    *Brasil*    3    X    0    *Croacia*
15    *Espanha*    1    X    1    *Ucrania*
16    *Tunisia*    3    X    3    *Arabia*
17    *Alemanha*    2    X    0    *Polonia*
18    *Equador*    2    X    0    *Costa Rica*
19    *Inglaterra*    3    X    0    *T. Tobago*
20    *Suecia*    1    X    2    *Paraguai*
21    *Argentina*    2    X    2    *S. Montenegro*
22    *Holanda*    2    X    1    *C. do Marfim*
23    *Mexico*    3    X    0    *Angola*
24    *Portugal*    2    X    0    *Ira*
25    *Rep Tcheca*    4    X    0    *Gana*
26    *Italia*    3    X    1    *EUA*
27    *Japao*    1    X    0    *Croacia*
28    *Brasil*    4    X    1    *Australia*
29    *Franca*    1    X    1    *Corea do Sul*
30    *Togo*       0    X    2    *Suica*
31    *Ucrania*    0    X    4    *Arabia*
32    *Espanha*    1    X    0    *Tunisia*
33    *Costa Rica*    1    X    1    *Polonia*
34    *Equador*    1    X    2    *Alemanha*
35    *Paraguai*    3    X    0    *T. Tobago*
36    *Suecia*    0    X    0    *Inglaterra*
37    *Ira*       0    X    0    *Angola*
38    *Portugal*    0    X    0    *Mexico*
39    *C. do Marfim*    2    X    4    *S. Montenegro*
40    *Holanda*    2    X    2    *Argentina*
41    *Gana*       3    X    1    *EUA*
42    *Rep Tcheca*    1    X    1    *Italia*
43    *Croacia*    3    X    0    *Australia*
44    *Japao*    0    X    1    *Brasil*
45    *Arabia*    3    X    1    *Espanha*
46    *Ucrania*    1    X    0    *Tunisia*
47    *Suica*    2    X    0    *Corea do Sul*
48    *Togo*       2    X    3    *Franca*

49    *Alemanha*    1    X    1    *Inglaterra*
50    *Holanda*    0    X    1    *Portugal*
51    *Paraguai*    3    X    1    *Equador*
52    *Mexico*    2    X    2    *Argentina*
53    *Rep Tcheca*    4    X    2    *Japao*
54    *Suica*    2    X    0    *Arabia*
55    *Brasil*    3    X    2    *Italia*
56    *Ucrania*    1    X    0    *Franca*

57    *Inglaterra*    2    X    0    *Portugal*
58    *Rep Tcheca*    3    X    1    *Suica*
59    *Paraguai*    1    X    1    *Argentina*
60    *Brasil*    3    X    0    *Ucrania*

61    *Inglaterra*    1    X    0    *Rep Tcheca*
62    *Argentina*    0    X    2    *Brasil*

Decis?o Terceiro Lugar
63    *Rep Tcheca*    2    X    0    *Argentina*

64    *Inglaterra*    1    X    3    *Brasil*

:-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D
well, just created the topic...
I dont submited any tips yet :roll:
General Chat - ZSC / YouTube
May 05, 2006, 07:24:53 PM
Thats nearly impossible! I think this guy used RH!
:-D  :-D
Motor sports, Racing / F1Tipping Scores & Rankings
April 24, 2006, 07:28:51 PM
I will put our rankings here, so we?ll be more motivated to submit tips more accuracy, hehehe :wink:

Its just coincidence that I have waited to be the best ranking among us to do such thing  :roll:  :-D

Lets go with the rankings:

182 = vamologocomisso
247 = Mingva
289 = CTG
336 = Akoss Poo
656 = Krys Toff
961 = Chulk
1179 = Usrin

Now, lets improve our rankings.
Our league is doing very well. Stunts league is in 34th place.
Chat - Misc / Infected South Americans
April 20, 2006, 06:42:26 PM
first of all, akoss sure was hard, but we south americans(not everybody, of course) dont care much to it, because for us stunts is just for casual fun, when we dont have anything better to do. Dont get me wrong, I really love to play stunts, and most of all, to compete against great drivers (all around the world, including the infected south americans, hehehe).

It seems to me that stunts was a "way of life" for you europeans back then (Gold Era, hehehe). Like, the main subject, the bigest hobbie, what you did with all(almost) of yours free time (not just playing, but making real friends, chating, laughting, etc). And because of that, everything was more fun and dense.

I start to play because my real (flesh and bone) frined, DarkChaser, told me all about it (in 2004). And we used to play this very game in 91 until 93. If was magic to remember those days.

Now I will get to the point. The point is that, like kids, we(me, DarkChaser, all of you) were VERY excited to remember those kids days, the fun, the joy. And still like kids, after a while(depends a lot) we start to lose the super-hyper-mega happiness we tasted in the beginning. Again, dont get me wrong... and dont forget that some just start to have a very busy life.

The question that I want to do is: Would "your" "clean" competition-community-happiest days stayed the same as allways IF we, infectted south americans(:)) dont ever joined ??? Think about it...

By the way, why Fdzierva, Roy Wiegerinck, Ben Snel, Bismarck, and all of the first stars of this competition "retired" from this community whitout the infected invasion ? :cry:

Dont be like Rubens Barrichello who blame everything, everyone for his failures! :wink:
Eu sou da paz! :weedman:

Um Argentino chegou na Rodovi?ria em Curitiba e pediu uma informa??o (provavelmente foi o Leo ou o Renato que atendeu):
- Oye!. Onde tem um autocarro pra ir asta la a estacion pra apanhar um comboio para Paranagu??
- Aqui n?o chamamos autocarro, chamamos ?nibus.
- OK. Entonces como apanho o onibus pra ir asta la estacion e apanhar o comboio?
- Aqui n?o chamamos estacion, chamamos ferrovi?ria.
- Muy bien. Entonces, onde tem o onibus pra ir at? ? ferrovi?ria e apanhar o comboio?
- Aqui n?o chamamos comboio, chamamos trem.
- Caramba! Entonces, my hermano, como apanho o onibus pra ir ? ferrovi?ria para apanhar o trem??!!!
- Aqui n?o dizemos apanhar, mas sim, pegar.
- Carajo, me dejas de bromas? Muy bien, como pego onibus pra ir ? ferrovi?ria para pegar o trem??!!!
- N?o precisa ir, ? aqui mesmo...
- Joda! Hay que preguntar: Como ? que ustedes chamam "hijo da puta" ac? em Brazil?
- N?o chamamos. Eles v?m da Argentina sem ningu?m os chamar.

:-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D
Chat - Misc / The E.T?s Atari cartridges mistery
March 27, 2006, 04:59:51 PM
They find out what happened with all the cartridges.

This is REAL, this is TOP SECRET, this is SPOOKY!!!
come on! lets submit our tips in stunts league -

who?s first ???  :-D
Chat - Misc / Shockwave?s Drag Race
March 16, 2006, 08:30:30 PM
Very nice game for not so busy workers :wink:

You need shockwave 10.1 (im not sure, the site will tell you if need it to)

Carrer mode, online (against your friends), etc...
Spanish Chat / Libertadores da Am?rica
March 09, 2006, 09:18:03 PM
I created this topic in this section because its a south america?s competition, but I will write in english so our europeans friends can read and talk about it.

Some curiosity of mine about this competition that I like so much:
- Question for the europeans folks: It is true that in europe you dont give a damm about it ? Even dont know which teams are playing and the traditional ones? :cry:
- In argentina its also called Libertadores da America ?
Spanish Chat / Quem odeia o CTG ???
March 02, 2006, 02:44:29 PM
eu  :-D