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restunts: build repldump-original failes

Started by llm, February 27, 2025, 10:28:37 AM

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does someone builds the repldump-orginal (not repldump) without errors?

for me using the same environment like for restunts/restunts-original it fails

        cd ..
        cd repldump
        if exist makefile make /DTARGET=original
MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
        bcc /c /u- /mm /v /nbuild\original /DRESTUNTS_DOS /DRESTUNTS_ORIGINAL -I../c  repldump.c
Borland C++ 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 1997 Borland International
Mar 19 1997 17:29:40
Warning repldump.c 122: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 125: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 131: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 134: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 143: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 146: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 149: Suspicious pointer conversion in function init_trackdata
Warning repldump.c 204: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 208: Call to function 'init_main' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 209: Call to function 'init_div0' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 212: Call to function 'file_load_resfile' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 212: Nonportable pointer conversion in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 214: Call to function 'file_load_resource' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 214: Nonportable pointer conversion in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 215: Call to function 'file_load_resource' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 215: Nonportable pointer conversion in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 222: Call to function 'init_unknown' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 224: Call to function 'init_kevinrandom' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 226: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 227: Call to function 'file_load_replay' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 228: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 231: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 233: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 242: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 244: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 245: Call to function 'track_setup' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 246: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 248: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 250: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 252: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 253: Call to function 'init_game_state' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 254: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 258: Call to function 'get_kevinrandom' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 266: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 267: Call to function 'setup_player_cars' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 284: Call to function 'restore_gamestate' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 285: Call to function 'restore_gamestate' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 286: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 295: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 299: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 302: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 306: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 310: Call to function 'update_gamestate' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Warning repldump.c 315: Call to function '_printf' with no prototype in function stuntsmain
Fatal: '..\c\build\dos\fileio.obj' does not exist - don't know how to make it

** error 1 ** deleting repldump-original

someone fixed that problem already?


Works fine for me. I think you must build restunts first to create `src\restunts\c\build\dos\fileio.obj`, then (without cleaning the workspace) you can build repldump-orginal. Possibly a missing dependency in the makefile.