
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Your mistake

Started by alanrotoi, June 02, 2004, 10:24:38 PM

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Today's Mr.Hiccup mistake (nothing bad, he used INDY instead GTO) makes me think about we all had errors or mistakes in competitions (sending the wrong replay for example).

Could you tell how was your error? All of us had at least 1 error ;) Mine for example was I forgot to send a replay in zct23 0.05 faster but with a totally different shortcuts/trick. I sent it to Akoss Poo some months after. Another mistake was (and I've never said it until now) I raced on the zct track in 2003 were we used the Lamborghini LM-002 and the time I did was for a 3rd place (I noticed it after the end of the track) but I didn't send the replay. I didn't forget it I just didn't want to do it. Now I think it was a mistake or at least a silly desition  :oops:

What's your error-mistake-silly desition?


Well, I once forgot to send a replay to a teammate :D As a result, he said I had pissed on him, and then he quit Stunts, leaving the team in ruins...

I also once drove an USC track with the Indy and sent my time to CTG - unfortunately it was to be driven with the Jaguar...

On Dublin, I had a 3rd place time (1.23), but I forgot to sent it.

I didn't send a replay on CTK2003B or CTK2003C. If I had sent those, I would have won the original game... On the second I didn't because I thought my time was crap, on the third I didn't partly because I forgot and partly because I didn't care now that I had missed the second race. But I guess that's all part of the game :D

I also once told Alain my time back in 2002. He had filled me with a lot of lies, and in the end he used knowledge of my time to beat me to second place. Good thing the boy is afraid of racing these days...
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I only had some small mistakes in the past: I didn't even try to do some tricks on zct14, 17 although they were not so difficult, and it cost some positions to me.

To Jacky: 1./ I was third on Dublin with my 1:22.. 2./ You also forgot to send your rpl on act06... 3./ It would have been a so glorious victory to me on CTK2003C if you had sent your (0.10 weaker than mine) replay...
Chürműű! :-)

160.28 km


1. Okay, then it was a 4th place time... anyway, it was quite a lot better than the 1.29 or 1.27 I had otherwise :D

3. Yes, I'm sorry... but I did forget. Although I think if I had raced the second race, I would not have forgotten.
But we can't be quite sure.


Hmmmmm I don't remember any major errors from my Stunts carrier... :)


This is not your mistake but a guy like CTG who created ghosts can't race. I still don't understand why he did it. (I don't want to open a t?pic here about it. This is a finished matter, I just don't know what he won with all of these)


As far as I can imagine his plan was to create a driver who is always slower then him...


Quote from: CTG on June 07, 2004, 08:05:45 PM
As far as I can imagine his plan was to create a driver who is always slower then him...

Yeah, that was the main reason. ;D


I guess I have three mistakes:

1. In Paleke's World Stunts Championship I only raced once in the beginning of my online racing not realising that I dealt with another set of rules than usual (IRC-rules). Therefore my only result in that competition was discarded, but I learnt I should read the rules before playing.  8)

2. In Duplode's Southern Cross Stunts Trophy's last track I took the lead severel times not realising that my replay had a flaw. Therefore all my replays were discarded and I ended up with the time sent from my first replay, even though I had a better one without a flaw on my computer. :P

3. In Dark Chaser's competition two years ago I raced two or three races, but crossing the line of the road all times without seeing it. Because I was so unmotivated at that time I didn't check the emails he sent back to make me correct my replays, therefore all my replays in the competition ended up beeing discard on after another. I did not race his last tracks because of motivation-crisis and I guess I still owe him an apology.  :-\
Charles Dickens said: "An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself."


I can't believe I forgot to mention my most important mistake: CTRACK28

It was February 2001, I had just started competition racing and Kalpen's contest was at its highest with more than 15-20 pipsqueaks each month. It was a short track. I drove it an insane amount of times, from start to finish, knowing nothing about Replay Handling. In the end I finished 5th, in 0.38.35, which was just 0.55 slower than the winner, Mark Nailwood, 37.80, in front of the biggest names of the era, CAP and Fdzierva. They were godlike to me back then. I tried so hard and thought I did so well, but still they could beat me.
Years later I would learn from Mark Nailwood himself that everyone used replay handling in those days. Well, everyone except me. I had found a power gear way on the track, but could not complete it without replay handling. Just to test it, I finished a continued replay in 37.35, 0.45 ahead of the subsequent winning time by Mark Nailwood.
If I had known about replay handling, I could have won CTRACK28, my second race, ahead of all the legends. It would have been a really big thing for me back then, at the age of 15.
Even just now I visited to check the old scoreboards, and I felt the surge of excitement I used to associate with the black/orange/yellow vision of that site, when I was just a talented newbie.
But we can't be quite sure.


This was a wonderful post. Now we are living different times and newbies are TOLD how to use replay handling. They will never understand the frustration and hundreds of restarts we have experienced in our first races :)


Quote from: zaqrack on February 02, 2012, 04:04:58 PM
This was a wonderful post. Now we are living different times and newbies are TOLD how to use replay handling. They will never understand the frustration and hundreds of restarts we have experienced in our first races :)
I was told how to user RH but still I learnt about that frustration from restarting over and over again from NoRH competition. That's why I think it takes a different kind of driver for those championships. Of course you need talent, but being consistent throughout 1.5 or 2 mins is the key, while RH allows you to be great 10 secs at a time (usually even less). Oh, I miss NoRH leagues...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Oh, I forgot to stay On-topic. I guess my mistake was never taking ISM events really seriously under the idea I wouldn't be able to win even if I played 24h/day. Giving up before fighting is always a big mistake.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)