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ZCT 40 - First Melange race at Zak

Started by CTG, June 22, 2004, 11:24:50 AM

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My tips for the TOP10:

1, Alain  1:25.50 (he came back...)
2, Gutix 1:26.60 (did he loose motivation or just bad series?)
3, Mingva 1:27.40 (follows Alain's good performance as always)
4, Akoss Poo 1:27.70 (misses podium)
5, Bonzai Joe 1:28.10 (lazy)
6, Usrin 1:29.40 (he's very good at the moment)
7, CTG 1:30.80 (I must finish racing this week, summer holiday comes)
8, Krys Toff 1:32.50 (he pushes hard, but not enough hard to beat me :) )
9, Alan Rotoi The Oracle 1:33.60 (lazy)
10, Dark Chaser 1:40.10 (he starts the real middle class)


One precision CTG : this is the 2nd ZakStunts race with Melange car. :wink:
And I think Argy will be back to race as Alain and BJ are back at their best.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

1 Alain il professore
2 Gutix
3 Akoss Poo
4 Bonzai Joe
5 Zak McKracken
6 Krys Toff
7 Mingva
9 Dark Chaser
10 Diesel Joe
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

al il professore

the first melange race was oil embargo and i won it :)

this is my bet!

1. gutix 1:18
2. stunts oracle
3. akoss
4. bonzai joe
5. alain
6. mingva
7. ctg
8. krystoff
9. zak
10. usrin
11. tom israels

i may edit it further
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


The last day to submit your tips: 10 July. You can watch current results of prediction game by pressing here.


Holidays are almost here and I realized I didn't predict... So, let's do it.

1/ Alain (plenty of free time, back at his best)
2/ Akoss Poo (will beat Gutix one day finally)
3/ Gutix (still on top)
4/ Bonzai Joe (if he races...)
5/ CTG (he is away, but he did a very good time before leaving)
6/ Zak (already has a good time too)
7/ Mingva (if he races)
8/ me (if I can find time to improve, else I'll be 9th or 10th)
9/ Dark Chaser (he can do it)
10/ Oracle (won't improve this month, too busy with 4DSL)


oops, I forgot to submit my tips  :oops:

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

whooo i submitted my top5 very well this time :)
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Yes, Akoss predicted well this time: top3 correct. There's results:

1. Akoss Poo - 52.02 pts;
2. CTG - 28.08 pts;
3. Krys Toff - 17.34 pts;
4. Alain - 15.96 pts.

Akoss with CTG are leading in overal ranking too: