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Useless messages - place for maniacs!

Started by CTG, September 09, 2005, 01:47:57 PM

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CTG should...

win ZakStunts 2011
4 (17.4%)
2 (8.7%)
shut up
6 (26.1%)
skid hot teenage girls
6 (26.1%)
böff an öblös one
5 (21.7%)

Total Members Voted: 21



But we can't be quite sure.


GRUNGE no HAMSTER otona bite
REVENGE no LOBSTER hiki tsurete

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Important message: Akoss Poo feels something like love. Not sure if it is love or if it will stay longer than a week, but I feel something for a girl. What am I writing this for? Because this girl is not Laura. Despite I don't have any chance I think, this feelings make me happy, because I got over Laura. Great B?????????FFFFFFFFFF for this!

More information: I don't have an erection anymore, since I used handwork two times this evening. Well, this post is rather useless than the previous was, but this was the topic.

Well it seems as for me, this topic tends to be Akoss Poo dick, heart and b?ff diary... but who cares? Don't read if you aren't interested. B?FF. Okay? Another B?FF.

Now I'm sleepy. I'm tired of playing Rise of Nations. I'm going to sleep after this stormy day - in my heart. B????????????????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!

Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km


B?FF! I've erection - for no more than 99 HUF (0.40 EUR). Thanks to SPAR(R)! :P
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


I see this topic is full of useless messages and maniacs so the name is perfect!


Nevermind the comment on my football team
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Deutscher Meister wird nur der THW, nur der THW, nur der THW!


"Why can't we not be sober?"

al il professore

ultramarine nigritude.

do you mind if your neighbour is a serial killer? what would YOU do about it?

do somebody understood yet that our societies are crap because nobody cares of nothing anymore? evil happens because people let it crawl.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Quote from: "al il professore"
do somebody understood yet that our societies are crap because nobody cares of nothing anymore? evil happens because people let it crawl.

That's complete nonsense :D

1. Evil doesn't happen. Only christian fundamentalist believe in evil.
2. People let it crawl - well no, if "evil" is found out, it will never be let do anything.
3. What do you expect before it's found out - pre-emptive strikes at potentially mass-destruction-weapon-holding countries?
But we can't be quite sure.


I'm afraid the title of the following article (found on can't be translated... but it's a bit ambiguous in Hungarian. :D
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

al il professore

complete nonsense

not really, one people on ten does not think his life was driven, that evil and good fight each other and still, one people on ten can be right.

1. Evil doesn't happen. Only christian fundamentalist believe in evil.

lots of other religious communities believe in evil. the bouddhist think you must love your friends AND fight your enemies until they die. like the muslims. the words and the sword. asking ourselves what are the consequences (for example catholics about the protestants: "kill them all, god will choose its sheeps") make us believe a god cannot say that.

2. People let it crawl - well no, if "evil" is found out, it will never be let do anything.

how could i explain myself clearly... e.g. the very small things we do are modifying the karma.

3. What do you expect before it's found out - pre-emptive strikes at potentially mass-destruction-weapon-holding countries?

i think that in a breaking fast future everyone's ID will contain his personal history, acts and choices, and that the next dictatures will be much powerful. in those days will humans be able to say what is evilness? our enemies are attacking us. like the beef wait quietly for the butcher to cut its throat.

"an aware man equal two. and with internet much more." lao tseu

"enslave an enemy without killing him is the acme of excellence" sun tzu
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


I do not believe in evil because evil does not believe in me.  :evil:

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I wanted to eat spaghetti with some sauce last week. I wanted to add tinned meat to the sauce, but when I saw the ingredients' list, I decided to eat bread and butter with vegetables... It was a DEKO tinned meat, and the ingredient I found the most edible was meat of the pig's head...  :shock:  :?
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km


Quote from: "JTK"I do not believe in evil because evil does not believe in me.  :evil:
Muuuahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! :lol:  :smt046