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Useless messages - place for maniacs!

Started by CTG, September 09, 2005, 01:47:57 PM

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CTG should...

win ZakStunts 2011
4 (17.4%)
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shut up
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skid hot teenage girls
6 (26.1%)
böff an öblös one
5 (21.7%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I ate S?LET an hour ago. That will make me fart heavily. :D

P???????????????????????????!!!  :toimonster:  :smt117  :axe:
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km


"Why can't we not be sober?"

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km

al il professore

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


"Why can't we not be sober?"

al il professore

vaya como paillasso? vaca como plisso? caga como risotto? last time he sent a replay i remembered how to spell his name... :(
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.



qwertz - qwertz.


But we can't be quite sure.


I went through a very important change of lifestyle in summer. Before that, I always did it in the evenings, but for some reason it became harder and harder. Finally, I get to the point when I always had to postpone it to next morning. But than I could enjoy it as almost never before! After waking up, I always started to fart heavily, and started to strongly feel that I MUST shit; at the first time I was afraid I had diarrhoea. But I hadn't any problem: the result was big and smelly, but it didn't need too much wiping. That was very good, because Detox was true: shitting is good, but wiping is shit!
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

al il professore

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Quote from: "al il professore"photos. please.
Just waiting for CTG to open the separated topic designed for them. :) But I can recommend you! As Akoss said: forever POO! :-D
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.





Signed: god

JTK states: At least there seemed to be one believer.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

CTG is a big spammer. He posts his silly messages everywhere, just to 1.) reach Alain in post number (completed) 2. reach 1900 posts (completed) 3. reach 2000 posts (he will reach it in 3-5 days I guess).
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km