
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by CTG, December 30, 2005, 03:50:19 AM

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Easy rules: send me the solutions in private message before the deadline - 23rd January 2006, midnight. The numbers behind the questions mean the value of the right answer.

1, Who was the third person in ZakStunts history reaching 3 victories? (3)
2, What was the first version of "Fisse" song in 2004? (1)
3, How many races did Krys Toff spend in ZSC pro class during the season 2003? (3)
4, Which is the smallest (area) country on the Earth having a Stunts victory? (3)
5, When did Mingva announce the possibility of advanced replay handling?  (year, month)(2)
6, Who was Vakonda? (2)
7, How many times did Nailwood finish below the podium in Kalpen's? (3)
8, Which car(s) has (have) the best pipsqueak's number average in USC history? (3)
9, Which race was the first one in ZakStunts without newbies? (3)
10, How many days is the difference between publishing BB 1.0 and 1.1? (2)
11, Where did CrazyDriver "come from" (the name of the fake country)(1)
12, Who won the most bronze medal in Stunts LOL? (3)
13, What was the name of Andre Geo's team? (2)
14, What kind of Stunts video contained a Hasil Atkins song (who made it, track, car)(3)
15, What's the family name of Zak McKracken?(1)

Who said? questions (all of them means 3 points):

16, "My goal is, instead, to make historical and beautiful replays that I and others can watch and say: "wow!". USC tracks after often good for such replays."
17, "I see great future results in Gutix and Diesel Joe. Their performance is very close to the better middle class pipsqueaks, like Zak, Krys or me."
18, "Alan Rotoi, El Portador de Luz e Stunts Oracle are the same driver? Oh, no! No kisses for Stunts Oracle so."
19, "Sadly, Denmark is an unlikely place to find gray elephants and orange kangaroos!"
20, "I stink : i didn't had time to take a shower too ! Stunts racing makes me crazy..."

Good luck! ;)


loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



No, not at all! But I love all the questions and had to laugh reading them! That really cheered me up!  :)


I can answer some, but many will require research... Great initiative :-)
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Try to solve this quiz without checking scoreboards, forum topics etc.! It's not so difficult!

Who said that? (1) If I have to choose between playing Stunts or spending a nice day with my girlfriend, I won't touch the PC ever more.

Who said that? (1) About who? (1) "he's modest - a single CD can fulfil his sexual dreams"

Who said that? (1) No driving license for women? And then who would be the worst drivers? Men?

Who said that? (1) Maybe it's easy for handsome CTG and macho Zak, but for kinds like me and maybe Akoss Poo who may be handsome but end up walking the street at midnight alone dressed in black with a dreamy expression on the face, Stunts is all that counts.

Who said that? (1) Who got the gift? (1) Our gift was a watch (he asked for it) and a football equipement (he likes football) with Zidane/Platini number : the 10th

Who said that? (1) Seriously now, akoss you are categorized as a super bouffon.

Who said that? (1) A special word goes to Myron, the messiah. Even Zak thought he cheated his rpl.

Who said that? (1) If you win this race with a DQF you will be cheating akoss. Be patient, you will win, some day.

Who said that? (1) zak and me only had some very good conversations, but not more!

Who said that? (1) There's no Alain Racing, no Argammon Racing, no Akoss Racing etc. ... only the mighty Mingva can afford to create a team 'Mimas Racing'

Who said that? (1) that's no more insane than believing in god

Who said that? (1) yep, ctg and akoss are gipsies

Who said that? (1) Akoss, CTG want to talk in private NOW

Who said that? (1) sorry if flamewaring is rather a sin than cheating then i finished saying anything

Who said that? (1) next time i'll go football/basketball match against hunagrian national tam or club, i definitelly will shout: kurva magyar

Who said that? (1) parano is a potato

Who said that? (1) that must be a really good class since the average bitchrate is 95%

Who said that? (1) i'll visit the eiffel tower in france, the colisseum in rome and the Zorro in Hungary

Who said that? (1) you can fall in love thorugh the phone
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km



Bonzai Joe 35/50
Akoss Poo 19/50


1, Who was the third person in ZakStunts history reaching 3 victories? (3) ? Bonzai Joe, ZCT 20

2, What was the first version of "Fisse" song in 2004? (1)  - Shitty, shitty, shitty Alpenmilch

3, How many races did Krys Toff spend in ZSC pro class during the season 2003? (3) - 9

4, Which is the smallest (area) country on the Earth having a Stunts victory? (3) - Malta (Alan Brincat)

5, When did Mingva announce the possibility of advanced replay handling? (year, month)(2) ? October 2002

6, Who was Vakonda? (2) ? girl, Zak's friend, permanent visitor of #stunts on mIRC few years ago

7, How many times did Nailwood finish below the podium in Kalpen's? (3) ? 6 times from 25 races

8, Which car(s) has (have) the best pipsqueak's number average in USC history? (3) ? Ferrari GTO, 20 pipsqueaks/2 races

9, Which race was the first one in ZakStunts without newbies? (3)  - ZCT24

10, How many days is the difference between publishing BB 1.0 and 1.1? (2) - 5th October 1990 and 12th February 1991, 130 days

11, Where did CrazyDriver "come from" (the name of the fake country)(1) - India

12, Who won the most bronze medal in Stunts LOL? (3) ? Leo Ramone, Krys Toff, Dark Chaser (5-5)

13, What was the name of Andre Geo's team? (2) ? Karioca Stunts

14, What kind of Stunts video contained a Hasil Atkins song (who made it, track, car)(3) ? Alain, ZCT24, Audi Quattro

15, What's the family name of Zak McKracken?(1)  - ?cs

Who said? questions (all of them means 3 points):

16, "My goal is, instead, to make historical and beautiful replays that I and others can watch and say: "wow!". USC tracks after often good for such replays." ? Bonzai Joe, USC interview

17, "I see great future results in Gutix and Diesel Joe. Their performance is very close to the better middle class pipsqueaks, like Zak, Krys or me." - CTG, USC interview

18, "Alan Rotoi, El Portador de Luz e Stunts Oracle are the same driver? Oh, no! No kisses for Stunts Oracle so." ? Dark Chaser, Stunts News

19, "Sadly, Denmark is an unlikely place to find gray elephants and orange kangaroos!"  - Mingva, #stunts chat

20, "I stink : i didn't had time to take a shower too ! Stunts racing makes me crazy..." ? Krys Toff, #stunts chat, during WSM 2004

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I did my 19 pts without looking up anything.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Well-done BJ, not so bad, Akoss.


Quote19, "Sadly, Denmark is an unlikely place to find gray elephants and orange kangaroos!" - Mingva, #stunts chat
It's really not my sentence!!! My english language knowledge isn't so good to create such a high-tec sentence :D So, it definitelly wrote someone else who used my nick. And as you probably remember, there was a time in chatroom we fooled with each other nicks :)

P.S. I guess, it was BJ using my nick  :roll:


It's true that the formulation of the sentence sounds like me, and I could have used your nick at some point, but I certainly don't remember saying anything like that: I was sure it was from JTK's diary from the meeting, but if it's from the chatroom, it can't be.
But we can't be quite sure.


Shame on me I don't remember which log file was it... Sorry guys, the only sure thing is that it was a conversation between BJ's and Mingva's nick.


New quiz, deadline is 5th February, midnight!

1, Who has the most completed ZSC races without entering TOP8? (2)
2, How many questions did Zak McKracken ask from Kevin Pickell? (2)
3, Tell me 7 girls who played Stunts in any competitions! (4)
4, Which was the first, unofficial track of UnskilledStunts? (2)
5, What's the favorite football club of Leo Ramone? (2)
6, When did Alan Rotoi join ZSC? (year, month)(2)
7, How many times did FloFlo81 and Dottore take part in the same race? (3)
8, What's the nickname of Zak's cousin hosting #stunts? (1)
9, What was the famous sentence of Helen, the bot when she was deoped? (2)
10, Where does Diesel Joe live? (country, town)(2)
11, Who was the last active Spanish pipsqueak in ZakStunts? (2)
12, Which USC race was so scandalous that CTG created the following rule: "Competition manager must announce his final replay at least 24 hours before the deadline"? (track name, car, year, month)(3)
13, Which track won TDC2002? (track, designer)(2)
14, What was the famous sleeping position of Thomas at WSM2004? (3)
15, Which nation(s) had the 3rd most pipsqueaks in ZSC 2004? (3)

Who said? (5*3 points)

16, "/me slaps Argammon around a bit with his hidden 37.20... :P"

17, "WOW! stunts combat mode is ON! i hope i can join it! it seems that all stars are battling now: BJ (not blowjob, but bonjai zoe) alanrotoi, akoss poo and gutix!"

18, "Hey you bl?tty vazzes, come to Stunts chat instead!"

19, "I realized I suck in every shooter game where you can view with your mouse"

20, "alain is a sex machine:)"

Good luck again! :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

CTG's result in my quiz: 9/21

Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km