
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by zaqrack, January 31, 2006, 10:06:33 PM

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Quote from: "Akoss Poo"black is not plastic, i don't like black on a girl due to a different reason

plastic is a polished nail, the wild hair (thin eyebrush, high heeled shoe etc.)... if were a girl, i would not do things like these

I don't think we understand "nail polish and wild hair" the same way. In your eyes I guess it's a "bimbo-look" (because you put thin eyebrush and high heels in the same box).
In my eyes black nail polish and wild hair is a way to dress up, when you're at a goth party. You're not trying to look pretty, but to look dark and deep :) and I'm not only talking about girl hair. Jacob looks good when he's dressed in black.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

you are trying to be fashionable, not goth and dark

girls like this are - deep inside - trying to hide themselves, because they are afraid of themselves. trying to resemble to others... just to avoid showing themselves...

i contemn all things which are not natural on a girl, and put them into the same box
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"you are trying to be fashionable, not goth and dark

girls like this are - deep inside - trying to hide themselves, because they are afraid of themselves. trying to resemble to others... just to avoid showing themselves...

i contemn all things which are not natural on a girl, and put them into the same box

Maybe it's fashion to be dark in your country, but not in Denmark. If I wanted to hide behind a fashionable mask, I would look a lot different. And I would also "dress up" much more often than just a couple of times a year. If you're really afraid of yourself, you wouldn't "dare" to look "normal" almost every day.

I think we're misunderstanding each other a bit :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

It really must be because of the differences in the countries. Here, it's fashion to be a goth (and thus to be sad, to use makeup, dye your hair to black, thin your eyebrush etc.), fashion to be a rocker (to be a tough guy/girl, wear a heavy boot, a leather jacket etc.). It's fashion not to be a fashionable person (the disco bitches and their followers). Here, now, you can be yourself, you can preserve your personality if you just look average. It's for the girls, too.

And I was always attracted to the natural things on a girl.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"It really must be because of the differences in the countries. Here, it's fashion to be a goth (and thus to be sad, to use makeup, dye your hair to black, thin your eyebrush etc.), fashion to be a rocker (to be a tough guy/girl, wear a heavy boot, a leather jacket etc.). It's fashion not to be a fashionable person (the disco bitches and their followers). Here, now, you can be yourself, you can preserve your personality if you just look average. It's for the girls, too.

And I was always attracted to the natural things on a girl.

Really? In Denmark girls have to look as Britney Spears. There are some goths, but most people look at them and think they're crazy.
When all this is said, I really don't think I'm dressing goth these few days, I think I'm dressing dark :) I don't colour my hair, wear boots and leather clothes or have thin eye brush or wear white powder...I'm really looking forward to see the girl in your country. It sounds like there are many things there are different from Denmark.

Have a nice weekend Akoss!  :D

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Here you 'have to' be even worse than Britney Spears. Hungarian girls are plastic. Always. Almost all of them.

Why do people want to be like someone else? Like the others? Like Britney? One has to show his or her real personality. Fashion only influences the weak people, the people without a personality, or one who wants to hide himself/herself.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "lised"I'm really looking forward to see the girl in your country. It sounds like there are many things there are different from Denmark.

Have a nice weekend Akoss!  :D

Thanks! You, too! ;)

You will see many Barbie dolls here...
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Well you can't satisfy everyone with the way you look. If you like to wear make-up, you can't satisfy Akoss. Personally, I don't see what's wrong with looking un-natural. Appearance is after all just surface - it's not really what matters. If you look natural, your looks still don't have anything to do with the way you really are. I like to use clothes, wild hair, make-up etc. to make me look better than I do without it. If I had to use plastic, I would too :-)

And as Lise says, goths are very rare here in Denmark, you are really courageous if you dare to walk the streets in eye-liner and chains etc., people stare at you in strange ways... I don't like it at all, which is a pity because I like to wear these things. I usually actually let myself be subdued by these norms and just dress normally, slightly darkly. It's sad...
But we can't be quite sure.

al il professore

relook yourselves, you all suck big time.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Train and bus timetable for AUG 14-15 on our planned trip:

We travel 3 times by train, and one time from eger to Kazincbarcika by bus, because it's much faster on that route. If Akoss knows an even better solution (microbus?:)), we can change of course.

The start depends on when we want to arrive to Kazincbarcika. I though Eger and Tokaj both need at least 5-6 hours to enjoy ourselves.

So we either go with the 7:15 train from Budapest, arrive to Eger at 9:22, and then we leave to Kazincbarcika at 14:40 (arrival at 16:14)
Or we take the 11:15 train to Eger and leave with the 19:37 bus to Kazincbarcika, in this case to have  a night party. :)
Third option:
we take the 9:15 train, arrive to Eger at 11:12, and leave with the 15:55 bus to D?d?stapolcs?ny sz?vetkezeti italbolt (means D?d?stapolcs?ny collective drink shop), and there wait 20 minutes for the bus to Kazincbarcika, where we arrive at 17:59. Well this is what I call a REAL eastern-Hungary trip :)

On the next day we may leave with the 10:26 train (journey time 1:38, the preferred choice) or the 11:28 train (journey time 1:14, needs a compulsory seat ticket which is around 2EUR) to Tokaj, where we spend a nice time again, and most likely we return to Budapest with the 17:51 InterCity or the 17:51 slow and full and cheaper by 4EUR train, and get a nice sleep at home  

The total ticket costs at FULL price (unfortunately as I know you have to pay the full price, but I'll ask about international student cards. will be around 6400HUF (~25EUR) and a total of 9 hours spent travelling (and having fun meanwhile :))

I asked about renting a microbus, that would around 280EUR for the bus with fuel and road fees included. I guess thats no option. :(


Budapest-Keleti pu. 07:15 09:22   2:07 142 km   1.624 Ft - 2.
Budapest-Keleti pu. 09:15 11:12 1 1:57 142 km   1.624 Ft - 2.
Budapest-Keleti pu. 11:15 13:12 1 1:57 142 km   1.624 Ft - 2.


Eger, aut?busz ?llom?s   Kazincbarcika, aut?busz ?llom?s   14:40   16:14   1:34  
Eger, aut?busz ?llom?s   D?destapolcs?ny, sz?vetkezeti italbolt   15:55   16:56   1:01   0:20 (waiting time)    
D?destapolcs?ny, sz?vetkezeti italbolt Kazincbarcika, aut?busz ?llom?s 17:16 17:59 0:43
Eger, aut?busz ?llom?s   Kazincbarcika, Szt.Fl?ri?n t.     19:37   21:15   1:38  


10:26 12:04 1 1:38 81 km  890 Ft - 2.
11:28 12:42 1 1:14 81 km 1.020 Ft [R] [P] 1.2.


17:24 20:12 Budapest-Keleti pu.   2:48 238 km 4.060 Ft 2.880 Ft [R] 1.
17:51 21:12 Budapest-Keleti pu. 1 3:21 238 km 3.895 Ft 2.880 Ft [R] 1.2.
17:51 22:07 Budapest-Keleti pu. 1 4:16 238 km 3.375 Ft 2.360 Ft - 1.2.


Quote from: "zaqrack"So we either go with the 7:15 train from Budapest, arrive to Eger at 9:22, and then we leave to Kazincbarcika at 14:40 (arrival at 16:14)

This is my choice!

But of course forever D?d?stapolcs?ny sz?vetkezeti italbolt!!!  :lol:  :-D


this was  the first picture I could find about D?d?stapolcs?ny.


Quote from: "zaqrack"this was  the first picture I could find about D?d?stapolcs?ny.

THIS IS A PARASZT!  :-D  :smt044  :smt082


And I'm sure we wont get lost here!


but its not such a small village, it has more than 1600 inhabitants!