
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by zaqrack, January 31, 2006, 10:06:33 PM

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World Stunts Meeting 2006 draft event plan


welcoming the first persons at Ferihegy Airport. Having endless conversations and doing anything we'd like to do. live races, free programme.  
welcoming the remaining persons at Ferihegy Airport. (most likely only me and maybe someone else will go while the others keep on playing)
In the afternoon a brief sightseeing (optional)
In the evening most likely a live cart race on a near racetrack
The main Budapest sightseeing trip, which might cover some nearby areas too. This is a whole day spent together, so its not optional, its fun, and so a must :)
In the evening most likely Stunts live races until we all crash 100 times, and souvenir sausage shopping for KHR and JTK :)
goodbye to those pipsqueaks who have to fly back home. As most likely the younger pipsqueaks wll stay, we'll have a party in the evening somewhere (if there is any :))
early (don't drink too much on sunday!) departure with the help of the world famous Hungarian National Rail Company. Around lunchtime we visit Eger, one of the most beautiful citiies of Hungary with a nice castle and lots of wine :)
In the late afternoon we arrive to Akoss's place and his mother will cook a real gulasch for us. We discover the nightlife of Kazincbarczika.
departure in the morning with M?V (don't drink too much, again! :)), and we visit Tokaj at the banks of the Tisza, home of the famous Tokaji Asz? dessert wine. In the late afternoon we travel back by train to Budapest. (depending on how many more days you'll stay I guess Akoss might not come with us back) And having of course a big sleep.
Resting, packing and leaving. I stay, of course. You can also stay of course. :)


Sounds great! Thanks for putting so much work into it.


although i don't know my timetable for the summer, i guess i'll be there between 12th and 16th august.


it's a pleasure :)
and on the other hand this is my chosen profession too, so I have to exercise it :)


It certainly looks like a great programme! I'll try to be there as much as possible
But we can't be quite sure.


Yeah! We're going to be there the whole week right?  :smt026

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

sounds really great, only two little things:

a.) not my mother will cook that gulasch ;), be preparred for an Akoss-gulasch! I cooked that a few times, and my friends were satisfied with it the last time I cooked a gulasch.

b.) well, the night in Kazincbarcika. Two possibilities:
- to drink in Pap? Beer Pub till the dawn, after it, in other pubs, and sleep on the train in our way to Tokaj
- to organize a garden party instead of Kazincbarcika nightlife, and we can sleep there in tents (if we can get enough of it)

it seems i'll be there: August 10th-15th
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"b.) well, the night in Kazincbarcika. Two possibilities:
- to drink in Pap? Beer Pub till the dawn, after it, in other pubs, and sleep on the train in our way to Tokaj
- to organize a garden party instead of Kazincbarcika nightlife, and we can sleep there in tents (if we can get enough of it)

Weather dependence? :)


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"
- to organize a garden party instead of Kazincbarcika nightlife, and we can sleep there in tents (if we can get enough of it)

i vote for this option!
I can supply a 4 person and a 2 person tent.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Great! ;) I would also vote for that option! :D And I could also supply a 4 person tent, and a 1+1 person tent (the first person: ME, the second: a girl)! ;)

When we will be walking between the railway station and our flat, we can drop in for a beer to Pap? - just to visit this magic place, and to substitute the nightlife program with it.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


I want to sleep with Lise.... erm I don't want to SLEEP with her. Same tent provides some more interesting things for us...  :-D (pooping competition, for example).


Quote from: "zaqrack"Having endless conversations and doing anything we'd like to do. live races, free programme.
Very good start! :)

Quote from: "zaqrack"In the evening most likely a live cart race on a near racetrack

Quote from: "zaqrack"souvenir sausage shopping for KHR and JTK :)
I hope Tesco's storage is a huge one ;-)

Quote from: "zaqrack"As most likely the younger pipsqueaks wll stay, we'll have a party in the evening somewhere (if there is any :))
What about the grandpas like me? :-? :P



Now here's my data:

Hamburg - Budapest
Flight Lufthansa LH 3476
Arrival in Budapest/Ferihegy: 10.08.2006 08:25 am, Terminal 2B

Budapest - Hamburg
Flight Lufthansa LH 3477
Departure from Budapest/Ferihegy: 14.08.2006 09:00 am, Terminal 2B,
which means check-in must be done until 08:30 am



When are the goth and dm parties you talked about taking place Zak? :bear:


Quote from: "CTG"I want to sleep with Lise.... erm I don't want to SLEEP with her. Same tent provides some more interesting things for us...  :-D (pooping competition, for example).

I'm sure she doesnt want to sleep with you :D