
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by CTG, February 21, 2006, 08:05:44 PM

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Hamarosan népszavazás, nosza szavazzunk mi is! Melyik aljas pénzbehajtás szünjön meg?

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Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: February 21, 2006, 08:05:44 PM


we are tipping on the outcome of the elections (which will take place early April) But yes, about 70% together for right+far right seems to be a correct prediction.  :-\

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: zaqrack on February 26, 2010, 09:08:25 AM
we are tipping on the outcome of the elections (which will take place early April) But yes, about 70% together for right+far right seems to be a correct prediction.  :-\

Far right is only pretended fake right, they should be counted together with MSZP, not with Fidesz...
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 26, 2010, 01:45:29 PM
Quote from: zaqrack on February 26, 2010, 09:08:25 AM
we are tipping on the outcome of the elections (which will take place early April) But yes, about 70% together for right+far right seems to be a correct prediction.  :-\

Far right is only pretended fake right, they should be counted together with MSZP, not with Fidesz...

That sounds like a brainwash by Fidesz. Btw Jobbik will make an alliance with Fidesz.


Wow, Hungary will really become a driving force for evil in Europe...

But I supposed the new right wing leaders will be smart enough not to have cameras rolling when they talk about their lies and corruption :)
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: CTG on February 26, 2010, 05:36:58 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 26, 2010, 01:45:29 PM
Quote from: zaqrack on February 26, 2010, 09:08:25 AM
we are tipping on the outcome of the elections (which will take place early April) But yes, about 70% together for right+far right seems to be a correct prediction.  :-\

Far right is only pretended fake right, they should be counted together with MSZP, not with Fidesz...

That sounds like a brainwash by Fidesz. Btw Jobbik will make an alliance with Fidesz.

That sounded like a true fan of Jobbik. Not their conception, the PARTY. I think you should lick the picsacipö of Krisztina Morvai, puppet of the pretended right wing.

Usrin, you should watch the South Park episode 'Gennyes tus és redvás szendvics', and you may understand why you should choose even if there's only shit on the voting palette.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 28, 2010, 09:10:21 AM
Quote from: CTG on February 26, 2010, 05:36:58 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 26, 2010, 01:45:29 PM
Quote from: zaqrack on February 26, 2010, 09:08:25 AM
we are tipping on the outcome of the elections (which will take place early April) But yes, about 70% together for right+far right seems to be a correct prediction.  :-\

Far right is only pretended fake right, they should be counted together with MSZP, not with Fidesz...

That sounds like a brainwash by Fidesz. Btw Jobbik will make an alliance with Fidesz.

That sounded like a true fan of Jobbik. Not their conception, the PARTY. I think you should lick the picsacipö of Krisztina Morvai, puppet of the pretended right wing.

Usrin, you should watch the South Park episode 'Gennyes tus és redvás szendvics', and you may understand why you should choose even if there's only shit on the voting palette.

I'm going to vote for MSZP, like in 2002 and 2006. ;D


Quote from: CTG on February 25, 2010, 07:55:59 PM
Mit lehet nyerni? ;D

A gyöztes jutalma 1 db babkonzerv. ;)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi!!!  8) 8) 8)
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Partial results (after processing 99.18% of the votes):

52.8% Fidesz (popularist shit "right" wing)
19.3% MSZP (left wing)
16.7% Jobbik (radical right wing)
7.4% LMP (young jewish liberals)
2.6% MDF (something in the center)


Íme, a tippverseny eredménye a hibapontokkal. (Piros: tévedés felfelé, zöld: tévedés lefelé)

Tehát: 1. CTG 11 hp., 2-3. Usrin és Zak 21 hp., 4. Akoss Poo 27 hp.

CTG alkalomadtán átveheti megérdemelt babkonzervét. :)

Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister


Votes in Borsod province (where I live):

rank party votes percentage
1    FIDESZ-KDNP    156 249    45,87
2    JOBBIK    92 646    27,20
3    MAGYAR SZOCIALISTA PÁRT    64 387    18,90
4    Lehet Más a Politika    14 318    4,20
5    MDF    6 267    1,84

Votes in Kazincbarcika #24 voting district (the town part where I live):

1    Lehet Más a Politika    20
2    Összefogás Párt BAZ M-i Lista    5
3    MDF    9
4    MSZDP    3
5    FIDESZ-KDNP    163
7    MUNKÁSPÁRT    2
8    JOBBIK    195
9    MIÉP    1

And one more message:

F*CK OFF LMP!!!  >:( >:( >:(
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km



1    FIDESZ-KDNP    436 443    46,32
2    MSZP    238 673    25,33
3    LEHET MÁS A POLITIKA    120 715    12,81
4    JOBBIK    102 139    10,84
5    MAGYAR DEMOKRATA FÓRUM    44 266    4,70

Budapest 03/16, Stunts HQ district:

1    MSZP    117
2    JOBBIK    40
5    FIDESZ-KDNP    225


Results of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, my home county:

1    FIDESZ-KDNP    95 951    49,42
2    JOBBIK    46 613    24,01
3    MSZP    34 707    17,88
4    LEHET MÁS A POLITIKA    10 971    5,65
5    MAGYAR DEMOKRATA FÓRUM    4 140    2,13
6    MUNKÁSPÁRT    1 775    0,91

Voting district #56 of Szolnok (my neighborhood):

1    JOBBIK    91
2    MSZP    164
5    FIDESZ-KDNP    251
6    MUNKÁSPÁRT    8
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Official result of the elections (mandates):

263 - Fidesz-KDNP (over 2/3, they have the power to modify the consitution...)
59 - MSZP
47 - Jobbik
16 - LMP
1 - independent