
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by CTG, April 28, 2006, 11:54:15 PM

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No question who is the loser of the month: I'm suffering from a head injury caused by a stupid accident on Friday (high speed crash between my head and the edge of bookshelf). I spent the Saturday in hospital and the diagnosis was concussion of the brain. I have lay in the bed for 3-4 days without TV/computer (as you can see I couldn't stand using the internet, too bad for my recovery :D) or any physical/mental exercises.

November sucks!


Are you blind? How come a person hits his head with the elevator and only few weeks later, hits his head with a shelf so fast that he ends up with brain concussion?
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Here in Brazil, as the saying goes, the "cursed month" should be August... perhaps it changes a bit according to the timezone, as it seems  :-X


Quote from: Chulk on November 24, 2008, 02:16:55 PM
Are you blind?

Fortunately not. But it hurts and also feel dizzy... :-\

Edit: bah I just understood what you wanted to say in an ironic way... Somehow I have sudden "headfirst" movements (like standing up too fast) when I'm not enough careful and sometimes it ends in a crash.


I had the same "headfirst moves" problem you have, until one day I saw a friend of mine get up to fast, hit his head with an open window and fall unconscious. From that day on, I'm extra careful with my moves, although I still hit my head every once in a while.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: Chulk on November 24, 2008, 10:06:59 PM
I had the same "headfirst moves" problem you have, until one day I saw a friend of mine get up to fast, hit his head with an open window and fall unconscious. From that day on, I'm extra careful with my moves, although I still hit my head every once in a while.

Due to this bad habit I had several accidents in the past when going downstairs, standing up, turning somewhere, etc - but usually hurting "only" my ankle/knee/hands and not my head... Not the best period of my life - but still not the worst (touch wood!).


Is it normal to check my senses in every hour and to watch if there's brain liquor coming from my nose/ear or not? :D

(I can't believe concussion's effect is getting worse after 5 days but on the other hand I can's see any signs of serious brain/bone damage in my head - only the stronger and more diffuse headache and feeling really dizzy when not laying in the bed)


Quote from: CTG on November 27, 2008, 01:25:26 PM
I can't believe concussion's effect is getting worse after 5 days
Maybe you should see your Doctor again...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: Chulk on November 27, 2008, 09:34:40 PM
Quote from: CTG on November 27, 2008, 01:25:26 PM
I can't believe concussion's effect is getting worse after 5 days
Maybe you should see your Doctor again...

I did. X-ray did not show fracture, possibly I'll have EEG and CT tests next week.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

After 3 electrotherapy treatments, a lot of ointment and medicine, my hand is still in the same status. The plaster was its best treatment in December, it's never that bad than before the plaster, and there's an ointment which is good painkiller but gives no treatment. It is still swollen, turgid, and after some activities (lots of writing, typing, cooking, cycling - and especially after table football), it hurts (somewhere between burning and torpidity). The problem is with my wrist (and with my hand/fingers, originating from my wrist I guess). I'm afraid of the same problem as BJ's (same computer games :)), and of operation...  :-\ ??? >:( :(
Chürműű! :-)

2990.82 km



It's tough, but it's all you can do. Also, see a physiotherapist rather than medical specialists.

1. You must learn to relax your arms completely. Normally when you aren't using your arms, that doesn't mean you are relaxing them completely. To do this, put your arm on a table, and then "let it fall". Pretend that you are letting your arm fall to somewhere lower than the table. Recognize this feeling.

2. See for how long you can relax your arms completely (if sometimes you have to use them, besides using them only as lightly as possible, try to use just one arm, and always the same during a day). You must employ this complete relaxation for many hours on end, that's what allows the tendons to regenerate.

3. Once you feel that you can move your arm a little bit without hurt, do stretching exercises. Relax your underarm muscles, and press the tips of your fingers against at a wall so that your wrist is suspended in air at a 90 degree angle (but supported by your fingers pressed against the wall).

4. Once you have recovered some more, start working out by lifting not-so-heavy things up and down in your hand.

Have a physiotherapist work this out for you and determine when you can do what. Do not play Stunts, or table-football.   
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

It would be hard because I have 12 classes of laboratory practice per a week... After examinating (July), I would like to work, and my family wouldn't let me rest my arm for a long time... And health problem solving aren't as easy here in Hungary than there in Denmark... Doctors are for their money and not for health care...
Chürműű! :-)

2990.82 km


Screw doctors, you need physiotherapy...

I know it's a crap situation, but you have to take care of your body. If you must use your arms, use them only when you have to, and preferably stress your under-arm muscles as little as possible. Typing on a computer is one of the worst things - but it is much better when your arms rest on the table. This is extremely important. Do not type without resting your elbows and under-arms on a table.

You shouldn't underestimate this problem... But it is possible to recover almost completely (I still feel the hurt sometimes, but then immediately stop and either rest or stretch my arms, depending on how bad it is (rest if it's worse, and then stretch later))
But we can't be quite sure.


I also agree with the physiotherapist vs. doctor issue. They also helped me a lot more with my arm fracture rehabilitation than doctors did.


Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 28, 2009, 05:03:03 PM
After 3 electrotherapy treatments, a lot of ointment and medicine, my hand is still in the same status. The plaster was its best treatment in December, it's never that bad than before the plaster, and there's an ointment which is good painkiller but gives no treatment. It is still swollen, turgid, and after some activities (lots of writing, typing, cooking, cycling - and especially after table football), it hurts (somewhere between burning and torpidity). The problem is with my wrist (and with my hand/fingers, originating from my wrist I guess). I'm afraid of the same problem as BJ's (same computer games :)), and of operation...  :-\ ??? >:( :(

No doubt, you have penis cancer. ;D