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Started by zaqrack, March 05, 2007, 08:15:44 AM

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Quote from: zaqrack on March 05, 2007, 08:15:44 AM
i like heroes ;)
So do I. I discovered it last week and I watched 1 or 2 episodes per day since then. I watched 11th episode yesterday evening. I'm getting closer to the current episode (17th right now, 18th tonight) day after day. :)
I like very much Hiro and Niki/Jess personnalities. Obviously, Sylar and Peter are the key characters of the 1st season, the end of episode 11 confirmed my opinion about that.
I just discovered this morning that online comics of "Heroes" are available at official website ( ). I'm downloading pdf files right now. ;D


I started to re-watch Dallas series few weeks ago. It's funny to see 70's... Dallas was broadcasted in Hungary between 1991 and 1997 (1977-1991 in USA).

J.R kicks ass! ;D


Quote from: CTGI started to re-watch Dallas series few weeks ago. It's funny to see 70's... Dallas was broadcasted in Hungary between 1991 and 1997 (1977-1991 in USA).
It has been broadcasted in early 80's in France.


Quote from: Krys TOFF on March 05, 2007, 11:25:23 AM
Quote from: CTGI started to re-watch Dallas series few weeks ago. It's funny to see 70's... Dallas was broadcasted in Hungary between 1991 and 1997 (1977-1991 in USA).
It has been broadcasted in early 80's in France.

The last series was made in 1991.


Btw Victoria Principal (Pamela Ewing) was a pretty chick in 1977. ;D (What a shame she wasn't born 30 years later).


Quote from: Krys TOFF on March 05, 2007, 10:12:07 AM
Quote from: zaqrack on March 05, 2007, 08:15:44 AM
i like heroes ;)
So do I. I discovered it last week and I watched 1 or 2 episodes per day since then. I watched 11th episode yesterday evening. I'm getting closer to the current episode (17th right now, 18th tonight) day after day. :)
I like very much Hiro and Niki/Jess personnalities. Obviously, Sylar and Peter are the key characters of the 1st season, the end of episode 11 confirmed my opinion about that.
I just discovered this morning that online comics of "Heroes" are available at official website ( ). I'm downloading pdf files right now. ;D

Lucky you, we have already catched up with the last episode. The very last one(no17 perhaps?) is a really amazing! You'll maybe change your mind about the key characters after watching this one :)

Btw the series called 4400 is pretty similar to Heroes and also quite good.


Quote from: CTG
Quote from: Krys TOFFIt has been broadcasted in early 80's in France.
The last series was made in 1991.
I was talking of the beginning : 1977 USA season started in 1981 or so in France. I don't know if lasts seasons of Dallas were ever broadcasted in France. If I remember it well Dallas was not broadcasted in France anymore in early 90's, so probably in France we stopped before the real end of Dallas.
Anyway, I never got interested by Dallas, Dynasty and so on. In the 80's (and it's still true now) I was much more interested by SF series like Star Trek or Twilight Zone.

Quote from: zaqrackthe series called 4400 is pretty similar to Heroes and also quite good
1st season of 4400 was really good. Since 2nd season it seems it's quite "diluated", less energy, more "off-times", the rythm is much slower than 1st season sadly. I'ts going to be like as "slow" as LOST if they continue to slow down the plot this way. Not that I don't like Lost, it's just that I think the plot is progressing too slow.
Originally, 4400 was supposed to stay only a 6-episodes "one-shot". But with its success, the end of 1st season was quickly changed and it became an on-going serie of 13 episodes per season. 2nd season was too "slow" IMO and I was thinking of stopping to watch it but 3rd season gave back my interest with the interesting character of Isabelle.


Lost sucks, I can't imagine any good things about Heroes and 4400 seems to be too bad for me.

Watch House MD! ;D


I guess it's time to open this topic after we flooded avatar fight :)

So my "watchlist" is (some only because of my gf :)):

24 -it's laughably stupid sometimes, Jack Bauer for president! :D
Prison Break - getting worse episode by episode, the next season won't be worth watching it
4400 - I agree with Krys on this one, could be better
Heroes - like it very much, intresting plot
Dexter - imho this is the best one, really exciting and well-written
Las Vegas - not bad, but not top of the line either
several anime - it varies, but I like emotional ones.
Szomsz?dok - Hungarian series from the late 80s about everyday problems -the first parts are hillarious ;)


Dallas, Desperate Housewives (LOL), ER, House MD, Knight Rider, Smallville...

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I thought you (all) have a high enough IQ not to watch S-H-I-T like these... I'm very disappointed...
Chürműű! :-)

2990.82 km


If I can add some cartoons too: South Park, Dragonball.

Akoss: we don't watch Bar?tok k?zt and Muneca Brava (Vad angyal). :P


Quote from: Akoss Poo on March 05, 2007, 02:53:31 PM
I thought you (all) have a high enough IQ not to watch S-H-I-T like these... I'm very disappointed...

it's no more shit than hollywood movies.


Series I watch at the moment :
- Heroes (don't watch it if you don't like comics at all, but a must-see if you like comic books),
- 4400 (see previous posts. I still watch it for Isabelle character that is almost as interesting as Niki/Jess character in Heroes),
- Lost (I start to get bored, plot evolution is too slow. Maybe it will change as now it's confirmed that the serie will have "only" 100 episodes, we'll see...),
- Desperate Housewives (I saw only 1st season with my wife and liked it, I still had not started to watch the 2nd and 3rd ones : I'll watch them in French with my wife when it will be broadcasted),
- David Nolande (French serie. Only 6 episodes made so far, others are beeing made. Really good. A little bit like Tru Calling or Early Edition for those who know, but way much better)
- Samantha Oups ! (French funny mini-stories with 3 guys playing to be women),
- Camera Caf? (French funny mini-stories about life at work in front of the coffee machine),
- Kaamelot (French funny mini-stories with Arthur, Merlin, Knights of the round table and so on, numerous funny anachronisms. You liked Monty Python's Holy Grail ? You'll like Kaamelot too).

Other series I like :
- The Prisonner ("I am not a number, I am a free man ! Muahahahahah". A must-have. Only 17 episodes sadly... Best one is the 16th and the marvelous mind duel between number 6 and number 2. Worse is the 17th with a weird finish, too bad it ended this way...),
- Star Trek Classic series (still one of my favorites, I have some episodes on tapes and DVD),
- Star Trek Next Generations (logical sequel to the Classic serie, but I prefer the classic. Other Star trek series are not as good as Classic and NG),
- Alfred Hitchcock presents (yes, I'm an old-timer who likes old series ;)),
- Monty Python's Flying Circus (incredibly stupid, so extremely needed),
- Fawlty Towers (same comment as Monty Python's Flying Circus),
- Twilight Zone (never saw the newest serie, I know only the original (60's, the best) and the 1st sequel (80's, not as good as the original one)),
- Black Sheep Squadron (Aaaaah, I wanted to be Robert Conrad when I was a young boy watching this serie. Strangely, I never liked him in The Wild Wild West...),
- Prison Break (1st season only, even if sometimes the facts are completely irrealistic. Once they managed to leave the prison (2nd season) the story tends to be a big nothing (like X-Files after a few seasons) so I stopped watching it),
- Cadfael (polar in middle-age, well done (as were the books by Ellis Peters). Too bad they made only a dozen of episodes...),
- Columbo (nice Peugeot 403 ! ;D Columbo is what Cadfael would have been if born in 20th century),
- The Persuaders (since I'm a young boy I like it, still dunno why exactly, but I do :D),
- Un gars, Une fille (French funny mini-stories, not broadcasted anymore),
- Friends (I never saw the last seasons, but the first 3 or 4 seasons were funny),
- Dead Zone (sometimes good, sometimes bad depending of the episodes. Main plot (based on the book by Stephen King) is way too much diluated IMO, we see it only in 4 or 5 episodes per season),
- Without a Trace (sometimes good, sometimes bad depending of the episodes),
- Medium (sometimes good, sometimes bad depending of the episodes),
- Numb3rs (sometimes good, sometimes bad depending of the episodes),
- Millennium (sometimes good, sometimes bad depending of the episodes (yes, I know, I repeat myself)),
- The X-Files (only the 3 or 4 first seasons. After that it is watchless).

My wife likes to watch numerous other TV series that I don't like too much (mainly French) so I go play at the computer or the X-Box when she watches them. ;)