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Started by zaqrack, March 05, 2007, 08:15:44 AM

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Neither did I, but I remembered another one I watched when I was 5 or 6 YO. I can't remeber the name but it was about 3 robots which connected and created a big one. They had different atacks depending on which robot (Red, Blue or Black) where on the head.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: Chulk on March 19, 2007, 10:35:14 PM
Neither did I, but I remembered another one I watched when I was 5 or 6 YO. I can't remeber the name but it was about 3 robots which connected and created a big one. They had different atacks depending on which robot (Red, Blue or Black) where on the head.
Mmmm, Transformers maybe ?

Another 2 anime I watched when I was young :
Goldorak :

Captain Future (French name : Capitaine Flam) :


I also watched transformers but that's not it. Robots names were Alpha, Beta & Gamma (At least here). Series name here was Albega (for ALpha, BEta & GAmma, obviously)
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Back to Heroes for Zak and I (and other who may like this serie).

On the last comic (number 25), we see the past in 1968 with 2 main characters : Austin and Dallas.
I think that Austin is Linderman :

left : Austin in the comic book
right : Malcom MCDowell (Mr Linderman) when he was young (in Clockwork Orange movie)
They really look the same, don't they ?

So, maybe Dallas is daddy Petrelli. That would explain the link between Petrelli family and Linderman. Dallas has a letter about is son starting to walk, so this mean his son was born in 1967 or end of 1966. His boy is now 40 years old or so. That would be perfect to fit the theory as Nathan Petrelli looks like this age.

What do you think Zak ?


Proof that Austin IS Linderman :
novel 27 :

spoiler of episode 29 (23rd April, less than 3 weeks to wait now) :


Another spoiler of episode 19 of Heroes :

Damn, watching Lost in the meantime makes me feel more and more bored by Lost compared to Heroes.


Lost last episode (19) was really good. It seems that Lost story-makers kept all their good ideas for the last episodes of the season.

And here is a Heroes parody by MAD TV :


I forgot to say that last episode (number 20 : Five years later) of Heroes was a kick-ass good episode ! Tonight there will be the 21st, I think I'll be able to see it tomorrow. Damn, I can't wait.

As soon Heroes and Lost will have their summer break, I started to watch the first season of Dexter. Only 12 episode for this first season, but it seems quite good according to the first episode.


Dexter is really good. Black humour, really uncanny compared to numerous American series. I like it. I watched 8 episodes so far.

Heroes is still so good, even if episode 21st was not as good as 20th and 22nd ones. Numerous deaths of characters in episode 22, damn ! :o But an appearance of Chris Claremont, the famous writer of the golden age of X-Men. Nice.

Next week : last episode of the season for Heroes and Lost. Lost is back to its best at the end of this 3rd season after a bad boring middle of 3rd season.

Infos for next year :
- Lost will have 3 more seasons but only 16 episodes per season instead of 22-24. Episodes will be displayed from January-February to April-May without break instead of September-May with 2 breaks.
- Heroes will have a mini-serie named "Heroes Origins" during its only break planned. A 6 episodes mini-serie. All episodes of it will focus on one new hero not seen during regular serie. Americans will be able to vote for which of the 6 new hero they prefer and the winner will appear in regular 3rd season of Heroes. Nice idea IMO. And the proof that Hereos will have a 3rd season as far as NBC knows. Good news.
- Dexter should have a second season, with still only 12 episodes of 52 minutes (while most American series are only 40-42 minutes long).


watch Pushing Daisies if you can.
It's sweet, funny and so much different from everything else.


I'm quite busy with Heroes season 2 and Dexter season 2.
And I downloaded the old-fashionned Time Tunnel that I'm watching too.
And I'm also watching BattleStar Galactica (new one) seasons 1 and 2 that I never watched (I saw only the pilot of 2003 some years ago).
And I wait for Lost season 4 (the end of season 3 was very good) and Jericho season 2 too.

So, I'm not sure to have time for another serie right now. :D But I'll check for it.


heroes 2 was quite a disappointment until the 4th episode.
Dexter is great, as always :)


I started to watch Battlestar Galactica too, and I'm watcing a quite old series named 'Quantum leap' which is very interesting. Also, I recently finnished watching 'V'. Great!
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: ChulkI started to watch Battlestar Galactica too, and I'm watcing a quite old series named 'Quantum leap' which is very interesting. Also, I recently finnished watching 'V'. Great!

Quantum Leap is the same spirit as good old Time Tunnel. ;)

V is a classic SF-alien invasion style. Not my favorite but correct.

Quote from: zaqrackheroes 2 was quite a disappointment until the 4th episode.
Dexter is great, as always :)

Dexter is excellent you mean ! I love the atmosphere of this serie. ;D

Heroes 2 is starting as Heroes 1 : slowly. But I like the Hiro/Kensei duo, and Sylar is becoming a new kind of character, interesting.
I'm sure Kensei is still alive (why would he die with his power ?) in current timeline and he may be the one killing the "twelve". He may even be the one at the origin of the "twelve" reunion. If I had not seen the comic with Petrelli and Linderman during Vietnam war, I would have thought that Kensei is daddy Petrelli (due to Claire's power compared to Kensei's). Tonight : episode 5 is aired, I should have it tomorrow evening. ;)


South Park S11E09 - More Crap rulz!!! ;D