
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by CTG, September 06, 2007, 04:36:35 PM

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The end. I can't find better words for this moment. I worked 5 years in the professional and cruel Stunts school to reach my biggest goal: to win a championship. Now it seems my wish became true: after four consecutive victories I have enough point advantage ahead of Mark to win ZakStunts 2007. This is the perfect moment for a pipsqueak. Being on the top, it's time to finish my Stunts career -  I can't have higher goals than this. Maybe saving the title next year or winning other series would be exciting, but I don't feel any power, will or nerve to challenge them. In the last 3 years I felt Stunts is just a bad addiction for me, not more (and this feeling became stronger and stronger). With this mentality it was really hard to keep anything from my former enthusiasm and activity. My mission is completed and now I must have a rest. It's hard to say but ZCT 78 was my very last race in ZakStunts and any other competitions. Of course I won't close UnskilledStunts before the planned season final but I'm going to race there only for fun and to help you with useful (?, :)) tricks and advices. But I won't leave the community: Forum and MSN is not only for talking about Stunts but about many other things too. So don't say goodbye - just happy long Stunts-free holidays. :)


I feared such an annoucement after seeing Z78 result.
But you told so many times that you'll retire that I know you'll stay more or less, like Akoss.

And this feeling you describe as "bad addiction" is what I always wanted to be free from. That's why I left Orion in 2003. I wanted to continue racing Stunts because I love the game, not because of championships or because of "duty" to the team or any other stupid (in my opinion) reason.

I changed my attitude with Damage Inc., where my goal is only to race because I like it. Some tracks I race hard because I'm in good mood or because I like the track/car combination, and sometimes I race the minimum because I don't want to race more.

Not beeing focused in an objective is the best way to keep racing years after years. Look at previous champions of ZakStunts : once titled after a crazy year full of RH, they stopped more or less. Or definitively. Roy, BJ, Alan "Oracle" Rotoi, Alain, Gutix, BJ, Ayrton, ... Where are they all now ? Some come back from time to time for brief appearance, but a complete season is not thinkable for them anymore.

This my advice : don't get focused on victory or on championship, race because you like it and as long as you like according to the track/car, not because of goals. Don't spend 2 hours in a row racing a track aiming for 0.05 second lost somewhere. I never race the same track more than 30 minutes in a row. And to be honest my Stunts racing time overall in a month is 2H to 3H maximum per month for all competitions (not per competition like I'm sure some do or did). It's less than that since there are less active competitions these days. I'm sure I even spend more time in the forum than racing some months. During mid-2002 to end 2003, I spent much more time racing, and I started to feel the "fed up with Stunts" mood coming. I changed my mind before it happened.

If we all do that, then the community will stay alive. Else, only a very few of us will still be there racing in 2 years (AbuRaf, Zak, JTK, me and maybe a few others, not more). All the others will disappear after some hard races and long suffer up to victory. Victory is not a goal, it is a gift offered from time to time.

Don't focus on goals, focus on pleasure of racing, focus on fun, focus on Stunts spirit. And focus on noRH racing too, the real essence of Stunts.
Cheers, long live Stunts !

Mark L. Rivers

I'm agree about what Krys told you, CTG, even if I think you won't be able to race for fun. I think you'll race again, because you loves the challenge and it gives you a lot.
To avoid your retire, I want to add just a small consideration: it's true, you won ZakStunts title this year. But I don't think you are really satisfied for this victory. I was (I am...) your unique regular opponent this year, an opponent who begun to race only 18 months ago. I think you would be more satisfied if you had won the title racing beside some historycal opponents (no names, you know them). So this it's a very poor title for a driver like you, a very poor title to be your last championship. If you want to be remembered next years, you have to race again, maybe against some drivers stronger than I was this year. Next year they could be in...  ;)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km


Quote from: Mark L. Riversyou won ZakStunts title this year. But I don't think you are really satisfied for this victory. I was (I am...) your unique regular opponent this year, an opponent who begun to race only 18 months ago. I think you would be more satisfied if you had won the title racing beside some historycal opponents (no names, you know them). So this it's a very poor title for a driver like you, a very poor title to be your last championship. If you want to be remembered next years, you have to race again, maybe against some drivers stronger than I was this year. Next year they could be in...  ;)
Well, it seems obviously that Mark understood CTG's spirit regarding "motivating insults". :D ;D


Motivating insults can't touch me at the moment. ZakStunts is still ZakStunts whoever are the opponents. I had to grow up to Mark's power from my former apathy and take a lot of time and nerves to beat him. It wasn't easy, so I'm satisfied with the result - I had a really great rival having a splendid future in all the competitions. Maybe later I'll find back to Stunts racing once (USC doesn't count :)), but it won't be in a year.


Seeing one join the "elder gods" makes me, from the other end of the spectrum, (i.e, newbie racing hard to master the basics and gain fluency, thus learning how to do the same in less time) quite reflexive... anyway, I am sure CTG will keep provoking us to higher standards, whether on or off track  ;D Grats for all...


We all now you won't leave stunts. You're way too competitve to do that and if you the chance to win another championship (nevermind the rivals), you'll take it, because that's what makes you such a great pipsqueak, you never have enough!

Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


I agree with Akoss' comment...
But we can't be quite sure.



Good luck!  And come back full strength soon  :)
But we can't be quite sure.


You will definitely return! 8)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Yep, just take your time as it fits best  :)


Queen of Drama... Attention Whore!  ;D