
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by CTG, September 10, 2007, 11:59:15 AM

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That's why I don't want to go back to the university...

About 1.5-2 X: Usrin, you were/are a bourgeois! ;D Kidding, of course.

I suggest you should really find a new job as soon as possible. Is it important for you to stay on the field of geology or will you look also for other possibilities?

Yesterday I tried to summarize my own possibilities as I want to leave my current workplace in the next few months:

1, Staying at my current firm, but moving to another department (no laboratory work) - maybe I won't be allowed to do that, because my current department has lack of (experienced) employees. Probably my salary would go down from Y to 0.7-0.8 Y.

2, Staying in pharmaceutical industry, but moving to another firm (Teva) - I should practice english heavily (it's horrible at the moment) and also have to repeat statistics and quality management subjects to have a chance at the job interview. It would be too much before finishing my PhD. Salary: a lot better, 1.2-1.5 Y.

3, Staying in industry, but leaving pharmaceutical field (food industry, scientific consultant in any field of chemisty, whatever) - too few possibilities at the moment, mainly far from Budapest.


I am sad to read these posts, especially Usrin's. Hopefull you will find a stable and well-paying place soon, anywhere in the world.
Language is key. All I have achieved (not much) is mainly due to my knowledge in foreign languages.


Quote from: CTG on January 26, 2012, 03:12:37 PM
I suggest you should really find a new job as soon as possible. Is it important for you to stay on the field of geology or will you look also for other possibilities?

I'm sure that I won't leave geology. It was a real choice in 2006 (when I graduated), but since than, I have gained experience, collected references, and built a personal network as a geologist. That would be worth nothing in another field, so now I have far the best chances in geology. Moreover, I've almost always enjoyed my work (except some stupid administrative tasks), so I've absolutely no reason for changing to another field.

I've not started job hunting yet, but the only thing I'm waiting for is getting PhD degree. Until than I try to improve my English as much as I can. (I totally agree with Zak, but in my field, English level seems to be more important than the number of other spoken languages.)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: Usrin on January 28, 2012, 01:57:54 PM
except some stupid administrative tasks

It can't be worse than Good Manufactury Practice (GMP)...


Some news...

1. From the next month, I'll get the higher salary (1.5 x HUF) at the Geological Institute again. In exchange, I'll have to organize the work of ca. 20-25 people in one of our major projects (with a lot of unreal deadlines). It means that it's my responsibility to produce a good final report for 30 June. But being the 'leader' of this project doesn't mean that I became the boss of these people... so I can't do more than kindly asking them to work hard.

2. I've been invited for a job interview by a geoscience consulting company in Norway. (They have had my CV for more than one year, but now I updated it with my PhD, which made me more interesting for them.) The interview will be held on 15 March.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


good luck for the interview!


Quote from: Usrin on February 22, 2012, 11:14:47 PM
The interview will be held on 15 March.

Tell them that you are the mighty Slovak foretold already by Nostradamus and you will get the job for sure. ;D


The plan, I want to keep myself to my own deadlines:

tomorrow - calling the HR assistant again if she found me something at another department or not (no offers since December? kidding!?!?!?)

if yes: problem solved
in not...

Monday - sending my CV, motivation letter and other necessary papers to the big fish (the biggest generic pharma... !hint: headquoters in Petah-Tikva)
still Monday - talking to my boss: I want to leave this department, but preferably staying at the company - but if I don't get a decent offer before 31st March, I'm going to leave in a month (maybe to the big one, maybe to another place)
31st March - still no offer? Announcing my quit, so I can leave on 30th April. Still no new job? No problem, at least I'll have time some to finish PhD.
30th April - hopefully my last day here. I hate my boss + workmates + dangerous materials (especially steroids and carcinogenic solvents). Office is a better playground for me...


Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: CTG on February 27, 2012, 05:09:50 PM
Tell them that you are the mighty Slovak foretold already by Nostradamus and you will get the job for sure. ;D

They already know that from my CV.  8)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: CTG on March 01, 2012, 03:24:53 PM
The plan, I want to keep myself to my own deadlines:

tomorrow - calling the HR assistant again if she found me something at another department or not (no offers since December? kidding!?!?!?)

if yes: problem solved
in not...

Monday - sending my CV, motivation letter and other necessary papers to the big fish (the biggest generic pharma... !hint: headquoters in Petah-Tikva)
still Monday - talking to my boss: I want to leave this department, but preferably staying at the company - but if I don't get a decent offer before 31st March, I'm going to leave in a month (maybe to the big one, maybe to another place)
31st March - still no offer? Announcing my quit, so I can leave on 30th April. Still no new job? No problem, at least I'll have time some to finish PhD.
30th April - hopefully my last day here. I hate my boss + workmates + dangerous materials (especially steroids and carcinogenic solvents). Office is a better playground for me...

If you are such determined about what to do (and with the qualification you have), I wonder why you are whining about this whole thing...
Chürműű! :-)

3202.14 km


Quote from: CTG on March 01, 2012, 03:24:53 PM
30th April - hopefully my last day here. I hate my boss + workmates + dangerous materials (especially steroids and carcinogenic solvents). Office is a better playground for me...

From your plan, it seems that it will be definitely your last day there. If you can afford several months without a job, you have absolutely no reason for staying further. If I were you, I would in no case change my mind.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Because I'm loyal. No, no... that's the "official" answer (targeted to HR). Because I can't stand the change, even if it will be probably better. On the other hand I am a coward. Even more likely I'm a hidden psychopath in real life: I'm always quiet, everybody thinks I'm a modest good guy who loves his job. Well, I'm not that kind of man. And it will be a huge surprise for all the assholes.


Next step: I asked my boss for a 20-30 minutes long talk. It will be on Monday.

Btw I can afford a few months without job, but I don't want to stand without a fixed one for a long time. And touching our reserve money would fvck up the plans about buying a house as soon as possible. Conditions in our current flat are... well... damned annoying because of the neighbourhood. Details about the whole situation (work, PhD, flat): only if you want to hear them.


Quote from: CTG on March 02, 2012, 05:19:00 PM
Details about the whole situation (work, PhD, flat): only if you want to hear them.
I do
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)