
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by zaqrack, December 06, 2008, 07:58:33 PM

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Congratulations! Out of curiosity: do you foresee him/her being born in China or in Hungary?



giving birth at home would mean at least 6 months at home - work does not allow me to do so and we do not want to be separated for this long.

So we opted for a full healthcare insurance provided by my employer (was one of the requirements I stated for relocating to Shanghai) and plan to give birth in an international hospital in Shanghai - which would bring astronomical costs I cannot otherwise afford. Shanghai is REALLY expensive.

Governmental Chinese hospitals would be cheap and on par with the service level provided at home - but there is always a lot of waiting and little care involved.

As far as I know that means we will also have to give a Chinese name to our baby :)


Quote from: zaqrack on October 13, 2011, 05:40:11 PM
Andi is expecting our second baby :)
Hej Zak, congratulations! I hope the future mother is fine (and father and brother as well) and that you're looking forward to becoming a family of four. One more future generation pipsqueak. :-)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Thank you all!

of course I am filled with anxiety!
Today we had a wonderful ultrasound :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

No wife or children, but maybe a place for her/them in the future: I live apart from all my parents and grandparents now. A month ago, I moved to my own flat. A big step in my life.  8)
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Quote from: Akoss Poo on October 21, 2011, 10:39:44 AM
No wife or children, but maybe a place for her/them in the future: I live apart from all my parents and grandparents now. A month ago, I moved to my own flat. A big step in my life.  8)

Congratulations! Great to hear.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 21, 2011, 01:26:47 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on October 21, 2011, 10:39:44 AM
No wife or children, but maybe a place for her/them in the future: I live apart from all my parents and grandparents now. A month ago, I moved to my own flat. A big step in my life.  8)

Congratulations! Great to hear.

I think Akoss Poo should organize the next WSM.



Richárd Ács-Pongó was born yesterday 19:56 Shanghai time with 51cm and 4.00kg.

He and Andi are both feeling very well.
Such a huge weight and it does not show at all except a few wrinkles... maybe his bones are from steel :D


Congratulations! More little Zaks  :D  I hope to meet them both someday.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: zaqrack on April 18, 2012, 07:14:07 AM
Richárd Ács-Pongó was born yesterday 19:56 Shanghai time with 51cm and 4.00kg.

He and Andi are both feeling very well.
Such a huge weight and it does not show at all except a few wrinkles... maybe his bones are from steel :D
Like me!  8)

Zak, congratulations and all the best for your new son! Greetings and all the best wishes for you and your family! Enjoy the new life and the changes that are happening now.  :D
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Quote from: zaqrack on April 18, 2012, 07:14:07 AM
Richárd Ács-Pongó was born yesterday 19:56 Shanghai time with 51cm and 4.00kg.

He and Andi are both feeling very well.
Such a huge weight and it does not show at all except a few wrinkles... maybe his bones are from steel :D
GREAT NEWS ZAK!! CONGRATS!! I hope for the best for the four of you! Aiming for the girl from now on?

PS: That's not THAT heavy. My little sis was 5.200Kg, I was 4.75Kg, my older brother was 4.400Kg and my middle brother was 4.550Kg...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Congrats Zak!! My best wishes for your family!


Quote from: zaqrack on April 18, 2012, 07:14:07 AM
Richárd Ács-Pongó was born yesterday 19:56 Shanghai time with 51cm and 4.00kg.

He and Andi are both feeling very well.
Such a huge weight and it does not show at all except a few wrinkles... maybe his bones are from steel :D

Congratulations! What does the Chinese horoscope say about this date?


That's wonderful  :) Congratulations!