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Can't load replays

Started by royreiger, January 30, 2010, 10:06:53 AM

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Hi all!

I can't load replays people send me.
Stunts shuts down when loading the replays.
Also the replay info on Zak's site can't load my replays correctly.
It's a bit frustrating because the competition must go on.
Is anybody familiar with this problem? Or knows a solution?



I also had the same problem with some BJ replays, dunno why. Everybody else could open it...


Weird. First thing to try would be a fresh "install" of Stunts, I guess. Otherwise, in which system do you run it? (XP, pure DOS, DOSBox...) And does Zak's RPLInfo produce any specific error?


I installed a fresh version of Stunts, but Stunts shuts down after trying to open the replay :-(
I run it on windows XP. It can load older replays, but new ones which are send in lately can't load.
The replayinfo says: -1:07.20 for example when 1.50.XX is driven. Weird.


Hmm... most likely the issue is with the replay files themselves. Here are a couple things to consider:

1. First of all I recommend you to do a sanity-check test, just to ensure the game is working normally: drive a test replay, save it and see if Stunts and RPLInfo can load it properly.

2. Next thing to look for is the file size of the .RPL files. A replay file can be no smaller than 1829 bytes, for it must contain a copy of the track data as well as the file header. If the files you're getting are smaller than that, negative times will be reported by RPLInfo and Stunts will crash on loading them. You can predict the file size of a replay, in bytes, by the formula

1828 + (time in seconds + 1) * 20

Check whether the files are too small. If they are, the files are bad. Try re-dowloading them (something might have corrupted the files on the way to or from your mail server) and, if that doesn't solve it, ask people to send them again.

I guess the files are indeed corrupt. If the suggestions above do not help, though, tell us and we'll investigate further.


I 'can' open the replays now! :-D
I don't know how or why. Today I was able to open them. Weird! Maybe a fresh version of Stunts did it.
Hope this won't happen again.

Thanks for your comments :-)
Hope to see you in the competiton... a short track this month... won't take much time ;-)

Reiger (Roy)

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