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Your ideal competition

Started by Overdrijf, October 13, 2010, 12:35:25 PM

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Let's pretend for a moment that we are all like the great community members that run the active competitions, that we all want to put that same amount of time and effort (and webdesign skills) into letting people race. Let's say, hypothetically, that you were going to be hosting the next great stunts competition, alongside the existing ones. What would that be like? Would there be one car per race? Several? Which cars would you pick? How long would a race last? What kind of tracks would there be? Would you design them all by yourself, or let guest editors work their magic? What rules would you race by? Would there be teams? How many different trophies would there be at the end of the season? Now let's pretend you actally want to give answers to those questions. Post them here.


My ideal competition would be a seasonal event, covering a shorted period of time (3-4 months) with some kind of special rules, such as in ISM, WRC Stunts, IMSA Cup etc.
My long time dream is an interactive competition, where for example competitors race in duel battles each against each (as in USL), but with special rules, like for each battle one contestant designs the track, but his opponent chooses the car. Or something like that.


My "dream" would be a USL-like competition but using the Swiss System from chess to set up the rounds. The only problem is that it would only work well with 16+ pipsqueaks. Other than that, I would love to see a cup in some form again.

Quote from: zaqrack on October 13, 2010, 01:28:48 PM
My ideal competition would be a seasonal event, covering a shorted period of time (3-4 months) with some kind of special rules, such as in ISM, WRC Stunts, IMSA Cup etc.

3-4 months is the ideal time frame indeed, at least for special-rule competitions.

Quote from: zaqrack on October 13, 2010, 01:28:48 PM
My long time dream is an interactive competition, where for example competitors race in duel battles each against each (as in USL), but with special rules, like for each battle one contestant designs the track, but his opponent chooses the car. Or something like that.

I once thought of a competition with races having "home" and "away" legs, in which on the first week one of the pipsqueaks races with his favourite car (chosen on sign-up), then on the next week the other pipsqueak's car is used and in the end the result is given by the sum of (normalized) times.


Quote from: Duplode on October 13, 2010, 02:03:12 PM
I once thought of a competition with races having "home" and "away" legs, in which on the first week one of the pipsqueaks races with his favourite car (chosen on sign-up), then on the next week the other pipsqueak's car is used and in the end the result is given by the sum of (normalized) times.

That would be pretty funny to see. You could even combine it with both of them designing a track, preferably for driving with the other drivers car (although in that case people should have the possibility to sign up with different cars for different days, otherwise the track designer gets too much of a headstart since he knows what to drive in before the week begins).
On second thought, let's just stick with your original idea.

Something I might want to see some day is sort of an in-between form of a one-car and an all-cars system where there would be 3 or 4 cars allowed for a race with time bonusses assigned for that specific track. The trouble is of course that it's hard to find a good way to assign those bonusses. The most objective way is letting Skid drive the track with all vehicles and use those times for the percentages, but that has so many downsides I don't even know where to begin, especially in dual way switching tracks.
If the system would keep track of best times per pipsqueek per car an extra could be to have a team ranking based on the fastest combined time of 3 pipsqueaks in 3 different cars.


I love the idea of 1 car and Mingva's INDY cup rules. Its a pity that I don't have time.

I created a chasing competition that you race against bernie and there are two ways. Bernie will take the shorter and you must take the longer. To win you must crash your car against bernie's in the shorter time possible. It was called "Hunting". But I had no time to organize it and the idea was discarded.


The only way which we going to consider  the opponent as "hunted" is when you hit his car with yours and both explode at the same time. The time that will be taken will be the same moment at  both leaves the first flame cars and your windscreen are broken. The cases that won't be considerated could be: the opponent crashs by himself, or if you hit him but your car follows healthy.

We can divide the track in three sections: green, yellow and red, as one is in the graph. In the green section it is where the race against an opponent begins (we suppose in this case who the prey is Bernie). In this part of the track that shares you will not be able to hit, to touch, to cause that it restrains, or make no hint to the opponent, nor you must leave him does it. You only must follow straight without counting on his presence. You can't hunt to the opponent while he/she or you they are in this section.
In the yellow section it is when the opponent (Bernie CPU) and you separate and follow different ways. Bernie will take the shortest way towards the goal while you will have to take the longest way, previously indicated. You can't hunt the opponent while he/she or you are in this section.
The red section begins from the place in where both ways are united, yours and the other. Here also it is when the hunting of the opponent begins. Only from the point in which ways are united both, you can hunt it. You must do it before the opponent arrives at the finish line.

As far as the handling rules, we are going to use the ISA rules.


Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Good topic.

Ideal competition should be:

Before competition, a very serious identification of the pipsqueaks (live or webcam or anything demonstration of skills on a new track), avoiding ghosts and hackers reaching too good results.


Yearly final standings are based upon the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 scoring method (for each tracks), all results count.

15-20 active pipsqueaks / month.

No leading time bonus.

2 days of quiet days, immediate update after deadline on the Stunts Chat.

Cars are mainly fast, preserving the suffering and annoying of driving of slow and bad-handling cars (e.g. Porsche Carrera, Lamborghini Countach). No special rules, all kind of shortcuts allowed.

Track length ranges between 1:05 and 1:35 (winning time). Manager should be one who doesn't have the chance to enter the podium positions. Most of the tracks are designed by him, except for some guest designers.

Tracks and competition are discussed in forum and on chat like in the Golden Era, making the competition more alive, alluring and exciting. pipsqueaks are parts of a community, talking about several issues with each other.

This is all by nature racing with the simplest scoring method - forming a real community along the way of the season.
Chürműű! :-)

160.28 km


And of course the ideal competition's winner must be Akoss Poo. :P ;D


You know wat I just thought of? Why are all competitiontracks still round? I mean, you could just say the objective is to "hit that wall as fast as possible" and make a boring way back just because the software demands it. We are using replays to time after all, not highscoreboards.


Quote from: Overdrijf on October 31, 2010, 08:02:33 PM
You know wat I just thought of? Why are all competitiontracks still round? I mean, you could just say the objective is to "hit that wall as fast as possible" and make a boring way back just because the software demands it. We are using replays to time after all, not highscoreboards.

Nice insight... I guess we would really enjoy more challenges in the spirit of this one.


This was the beta version of the Hunting Stunts Competition. As you can see, the logo was adapted for 4dsL later.


Quote from: alanrotoi on August 12, 2013, 05:25:18 AM
This was the beta version of the Hunting Stunts Competition. As you can see, the logo was adapted for 4dsL later.

Why 'hunting'? What were the planned rules?


Quote from: alanrotoi on October 14, 2010, 04:50:31 AM
I love the idea of 1 car and Mingva's INDY cup rules. Its a pity that I don't have time.

I created a chasing competition that you race against bernie and there are two ways. Bernie will take the shorter and you must take the longer. To win you must crash your car against bernie's in the shorter time possible. It was called "Hunting". But I had no time to organize it and the idea was discarded.


The only way which we going to consider  the opponent as "hunted" is when you hit his car with yours and both explode at the same time. The time that will be taken will be the same moment at  both leaves the first flame cars and your windscreen are broken. The cases that won't be considerated could be: the opponent crashs by himself, or if you hit him but your car follows healthy.

We can divide the track in three sections: green, yellow and red, as one is in the graph. In the green section it is where the race against an opponent begins (we suppose in this case who the prey is Bernie). In this part of the track that shares you will not be able to hit, to touch, to cause that it restrains, or make no hint to the opponent, nor you must leave him does it. You only must follow straight without counting on his presence. You can't hunt to the opponent while he/she or you they are in this section.
In the yellow section it is when the opponent (Bernie CPU) and you separate and follow different ways. Bernie will take the shortest way towards the goal while you will have to take the longest way, previously indicated. You can't hunt the opponent while he/she or you are in this section.
The red section begins from the place in where both ways are united, yours and the other. Here also it is when the hunting of the opponent begins. Only from the point in which ways are united both, you can hunt it. You must do it before the opponent arrives at the finish line.

As far as the handling rules, we are going to use the ISA rules.


Quote from: alanrotoi on August 12, 2013, 08:06:37 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 14, 2010, 04:50:31 AM
I love the idea of 1 car and Mingva's INDY cup rules. Its a pity that I don't have time.

I created a chasing competition that you race against bernie and there are two ways. Bernie will take the shorter and you must take the longer. To win you must crash your car against bernie's in the shorter time possible. It was called "Hunting". But I had no time to organize it and the idea was discarded.


The only way which we going to consider  the opponent as "hunted" is when you hit his car with yours and both explode at the same time. The time that will be taken will be the same moment at  both leaves the first flame cars and your windscreen are broken. The cases that won't be considerated could be: the opponent crashs by himself, or if you hit him but your car follows healthy.

We can divide the track in three sections: green, yellow and red, as one is in the graph. In the green section it is where the race against an opponent begins (we suppose in this case who the prey is Bernie). In this part of the track that shares you will not be able to hit, to touch, to cause that it restrains, or make no hint to the opponent, nor you must leave him does it. You only must follow straight without counting on his presence. You can't hunt to the opponent while he/she or you they are in this section.
In the yellow section it is when the opponent (Bernie CPU) and you separate and follow different ways. Bernie will take the shortest way towards the goal while you will have to take the longest way, previously indicated. You can't hunt the opponent while he/she or you are in this section.
The red section begins from the place in where both ways are united, yours and the other. Here also it is when the hunting of the opponent begins. Only from the point in which ways are united both, you can hunt it. You must do it before the opponent arrives at the finish line.

As far as the handling rules, we are going to use the ISA rules.

Scrolling is a great function, sorry... ::) ;D


Quote from: alanrotoi on October 14, 2010, 04:50:31 AM
I created a chasing competition that you race against bernie and there are two ways. Bernie will take the shorter and you must take the longer. To win you must crash your car against bernie's in the shorter time possible. It was called "Hunting". But I had no time to organize it and the idea was discarded.

It sounds like Krys owes you some royalties  :D