
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Scheduled replays

Started by zaqrack, August 16, 2012, 07:50:53 AM

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Seeing Renato and Friker battling yesterday for the LTB gave me an idea:

Quiet days are with us since almost a decade now (wow...). It is a great solution to a big problem, however, less and less significant now that the activity is a bit lower.

What if we would reverse the idea, and allow pipsqueaks to send scheduled replays? Of course not backwards, but forward in time.  Let's say if someone is battling for the LTB and is afraid that after he goes to sleep someone will overtake. He could schedule a replay for 2am or 3am next morning, which then only shows on the scoreboard from that time.

Scheduled replays could not be rescheduled or revoked. Such a system would allow everyone to do some strategic thinking and possibly increase the number of sent replays and the battle for LTB.

what do you think?


"Surprising" answer: no. It's also a strategic step to send your best when the SA pipsqueaks go to bed - they do the same. It works for ages, why to change?

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Delete LTB, as I had always been said.
Chürműű! :-)

2751.71 km


definitely no! even counting minutes not hours is better idea. :)


I think it sounds like a good idea.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 17, 2012, 11:30:48 AM
I think it sounds like a good idea.

Bwin would give about 1.01x for that opinion.


Why not? It's something new, without taking out any of the previous possibilities.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: CTG on August 17, 2012, 02:04:45 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 17, 2012, 11:30:48 AM
I think it sounds like a good idea.

Bwin would give about 1.01x for that opinion.

Because I'm so smart and it's such a good idea?
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 18, 2012, 06:26:05 PM
Quote from: CTG on August 17, 2012, 02:04:45 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 17, 2012, 11:30:48 AM
I think it sounds like a good idea.

Bwin would give about 1.01x for that opinion.

Because I'm so smart and it's such a good idea?

I have no mood for useless arguements.


But you have mood to sum up another post


I think Zak should start a poll about it and only explained votes should count.

Scheduled replays would give only the illusion of an interesting strategic battle - I prefer the real fights on the track (time hiding is not my cup of tea, it never was). One vote against it.


btw, I don't think if it would help. I'm so tired to explain more deep xD


OK, since it involves quite a lot of coding and seems to have only limited support from the community, I will postpone this idea :)


Quote from: zaqrack on August 20, 2012, 08:19:44 AM
OK, since it involves quite a lot of coding and seems to have only limited support from the community, I will postpone this idea :)

It's your competition, you have to decide. But if you start this system, do it at the beginning of a season.


Quote from: CTG on August 20, 2012, 09:48:14 PM
It's your competition, you have to decide. But if you start this system, do it at the beginning of a season.
This is not Zak's style. He would never do something just because "it's his competition". I don't remember him doing anything like that before at least...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)