
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by ZakKrack, September 17, 2002, 11:00:00 PM

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I vote for the 2nd solution. But I've a question: what will happen if the scoreboard isn't updated for some days? For example: on the 1st day of the month, I send the best replay. On the 2nd day, CTG sends a better one, but the next update is on 5th. So I lead the scoreboard for 4 days, and CTG is very angry.   Zak, if you want to count the days using the dates of our emails, it's OK, and I said nothing.   But if this problem is real, I think the 3rd solution would be better... (Yes, I see that it's not too popular.)   The 4th is nonsense: I don't want to see a race where the fastest pipsqueak doesn't win, only because he sent his fast lap too late.

Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Nobody thought maybe is better two competitions per month? For example in October the first 15 days zct18, and from 15 october to 31 zct19...

I don't like it, but is a solution.

ben snel

TWO! (2nd choice). . But it would be even better when the bonus points wouldnt be given to only the the first one, but to the first 5. Or is that too difficult?


OK, almost all people liked the second solution, so I guess we`ll choose that one.

Usrin: of course it`s counted on a daily basis, by paper&pen with my hands, not an automated script. It`s much easier this way.

So the next question is what Ben mentioned, and also I mentioned it in the chat in the beginning.

Only the first +1 point, or more?

Take in consideration, that we CAN`T give more than two points, because then who play good in october-november-december have much advantage compared to those who were good in january-september.

So, my versions:

1. the first (most on the top)gets +1

2. first +2, second (second most time on top) +1

3. first three: +2/+1/+0.5

4. first four: +1/+0.75/+0.5/+0.25

5. first three: +1/+0.5/+0.25

or any combination/version should do.

vote pls. I think the 5th is the most fair.




I aggree with Zak : 2nd solution and 5th method of bonus points is the best compromise.

But i still think that an average ranking during the month can be interesting.  


I'm choosing 1st variation. But if most votes would get 5th I wouldn't very upset or angry  

ben snel

first 3 is also OK. and we have to keep thinking about Zak too. so option 2.5 is fine by me

zak: thumbsup!!

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

2.1 or 2.4 or 2.5 I think.

I think +2 points are too much.

We should have this modification in the ISA Competition, too.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


What are you talking about??? 2.1? 8.3??  


I think ISA rules won't change until next year. By the way, in ISA championship isn't such situation with "last day replays"  



It's a problem with the points-system.

Here is my suggestion (Sailors use a similar system):

A race will last for 28 days and will always start on the first. If the month has more days (all except february   )

these days will be held free for the site-admins. They can update the site then and have not to hurry too much.

We will split the 28 days in 4 periods (call it weeks if you like   )

After each period we will have a result:

I will demonstrate you an example with 5 pipsqueaks to make this system more clear:

1. Period:

1 Roy

2 Zak


4 J23


Roy gets 1 point, Zak 2, PII 3, Juank 4, CTG 5.

As you see the position of the drivers will be noticed as points. So points are bad!

After each period we have to modify the track a bit (put a new tree somewhere), so the drivers cannot send the same replay.

Further results:

2.Period: 1-Roy 2-PII 3-J23 4-Zak 5-CTG

3.Period: 1-Zak 2-J23 3-Roy 4-PII 5-J23

4.Period: 1-Roy 2-Zak 3-PII 4-CTG 5-J23

The best 3 results of this 4 periods would count for each driver. So this would be the final result:

1-Roy   3   (1-1-[3]-1)

2-Zak   5   (2-[4]-1-2)

3-PII   8   (3-2-[4]-3)

4-J23   9   (4-3-2-[5])

5-CTG   14   ([5]-5-5-4)

Point-system for the championship would be freely chooseable.

For example (I like it)[I think Zak wanted it for 2003]:


Maybe you will ask:

What if one driver drives just in periods and not in 3 (you need at least 3) or 4???

Then he gets ranked worser than the last ones of each period he didn't race. If he for example starts racing in the 3rd Period, and 15 pipsqueaks were driving in the first period and 17 in the second, he gets ranked 16th in the 1.P. and 18th in the 2.P.

What if two or more drivers start racing in a later period, will they both for example get ranked as 16th?

No, the pipsqueak who joins the race first would get ranked better than a pipsqueak who joins later. If for example J23 starts racing in the 2 P. and CTG too, but later than J23, J23 gets ranked before CTG in the 1.P.

So you should race at least in 3 of 4 periods to have a good result.

What do you think of this system?


No, I don't like this suggestion. Then would be almost 4 different tracks, and u'll must race every week if u'll want to win. But sometimes we haven't so much time for playing Stunts, and our last day replay brings victory to us  

It's better 1 or 2 pts for the best performance during the month.

al il professore

ask the person sex. If its a girl, give her the points, if not, dont @#%$ him.

it would be simpler to keep things as they are. Lets send times on the last day. Modern knights will still send their times soon and fight others. Lets think about simple things. I am disturbed by the idea of sending rpls and rpls. Just because sending more rpls dont make fast rpls. Its the opposite. Every of us think like that: the more i drive, the faster i get. If i drive fast without making the other know my time and make them beat me its my problem.

Beware of closing everything, prohibiting people to enjoy playing. And dont say it make people reluctant to play to be beaten. Because former-beaten-on-the-quiet-days-pipsqueaks make winning pipsqueaks on the next month.

Stop sailing hundred miles away and think: what is the point of making so complicate rules for nothing, no money at all, no bumper girl in your bed in the end. I don't want to change the rules in 2k3. sleep on it. the best rule is to keep ur rpls in your ass and do the plane.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


I thought that drivers will see a time problem in the sailor-system. During I worked on the system I knew that it will fill up the drivers calendar too much, but I didn't find a solution. First I thought the system should just contain 3 periods, but then it's not really attractive. If we expand the periods to 2 weeks, we would have too less races in a year.

Maybe a brain will find a solution, if not I vote for Zaks system #2.