
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by ZakKrack, September 17, 2002, 11:00:00 PM

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As you may know already, I`m going to modify the pointsystem. I really, really didn`t want to do this during the season, but now I`m totally fed up with the attitude of the pipsqueaks, that I get 2 replays a week, and 20 on the last two days.

So. Consider this as a quick fix, but it`s also important as a test for the upcoming season`s pointing system.

We can choose the main goal:

1. Make sending replays in the middle of the month worth the pipsqueaks.

2. Make sending replays at the end of the month only not worth the pipsqueaks.

I`ll provide 4 solutions, choose one, write here your opinion, or in email. You can also suggest another version. I`ll choose the final version before the last weekend of this month (I have to program it also), so next month`s scoring will be done with the new rules, until the end of the year. Next year is another thing.

I have to tell, that I don`t want to make anyone worse the situation. With every solution someone will be unhappy, but I can`t solve it so, that everyone satisfies. I just want to make the competition more intersting for you all, and for me too.

And one thing I want to ask: please think about these as a member of the community, not as a pipsqueak who wants to win. Thanx.

So, the possiblities:

1. This year everything stays as it is, maybe there`ll be a competition only in the end of the month, and next year`s new ranking system without the average ranking solves the problem hopefully. If you all send replays when you`re donw with it this is the best solution of course.

2. The system counts the days someone is leading the scoreboard, and stores it. At the end of the month the pipsqueak who was there for a longest time gets one bonus point for that month, or maybe the first one two points, the second one 1 point.

PRO: the bonus point gives a reason to challenge during the month.

CONTRA: the gap between the top pipsqueaks and other pipsqueaks gets even bigger than it is now.

3. Every week the actual scoreboard leader gets one bonus point.

PRO: the bonus point gives a reason to challenge.

CONTRA: the gap, and i`m sure I`ll get replays only on sundays, and if someone is on holiday, or can`t play every week has big disadvantages. I don`t recommend this one, but it`s also a possibility.

4. Nothing changs until the 10th day of the month, but after it if you send a new time it gets penalty, +0.05 secs a day. For example a replay sent on the 15th day of the month gets +0.25, +0.55 on the 21th day, a replay sent on the last day gets +1.00 sec.

PRO: you have to send your best time as early as you can, because later it gets worse and worse. But this only applies for the top pipsqueaks, because 1sec is a LOT of time for the pro`s (2-3 places maybe), but it`s not such a big difference for a newbie (no place change), who for example has time to play only once a month.

CONTRA: it may happen that not the best time wins, if sent too late. Also the pipsqueaks who have not so much time to play have disadvantage, but they have it with all the other solutions.

I suggest the 4th version, but of course we`ll use the one that the most of you like.




1. Pointsystem need to change as quick as possible. Maybe it's off-topic: I think that ranking must be based on your points (not on SUM, like now it is). E.g., I and Alain have more points than Zak, but due to race number we are behind him   There are other minor disadvantages about this point system.

2. I like it   And the points gap between leader and other pipsqueaks isn't so bad ('cause now to be 1st in track isn't so important due to small gap between places, and in real life racing is 4pts difference between 1st and 2nd place).

3. Yes, I agree, this possibility is not needed, if you can to do 2nd possibility  

4. No, don't do this!!! I would choose better 1st possibility, not this! Then won't be any motivations for me to improve time a few secs or few miliseconds. Then won't be such emotions like was on ZCT Plus 2: the War of Miliseconds. Eh, nostalgy.

So, my choise would be 2nd possibility.  


SUM and this whole average ranking thing will fly away with new year`s eve, so just prepare for a hard race.  

If you and Alain can keep this form, you`ll leave me on the scoreboard with this system also.  

I don`t like it either. It was necessary, because last year there were around 6-7 active every-month pipsqueaks only. Time has passed this system.


Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I would recommend the second possibility. The first and the third are also a good solution, but the fourth one is disgusting and very unreal, I would ignore it. Zak! At the end of the month you'll feel the same thing like as at the beginning of the month with today's rules. And still no solution to the problem that it's better not to send your weak time. That's why I would wait until the last minute if I had a weak time. (Usrin s*cked on ZCT 16 with that.) But it's my opinion. So guys, decide it together.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


I think the best solution is 1st, but if nobody sends replays is impossible to have fun. So the "less-worse" solution is the 2nd.

I completely agree with Mingva and Akoss.

al il professore

do something simple, but do it fast... this month...

if its simple u can do it this month.

Like: number of rpls sent count, with the time spent in the first place, because only the ROTOIS dogs will win huge amount of points. every time.  

its not a take-it-all-the-munch-in-one-brief-and-violent-movement decision... sure. But it has to be done.

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


I make a 3:00.00 time for example with staying 1 min before the finish line.

I send the next day 2:59.00

then 2:58.00

and so on, 10 times

on the last day I send in a 0:57.60, and I win.




I guess he was drunk when he wrote it  

P.S. Alain, can you choose one of zak's suggestions?


1st possibility doesn't bring any change for now : useless  

2nd possibility is correct, but not very interesting for new drivers like me. I'll never be 1st with this...

3rd and 4th are VERY bad : -->:">

There is another possibility i think...

Everyday, points are allowed like now according to the day classification.

Then, you add all points earned during the month and divide it by the number of days between the 1st replay sent and the last day of the month.

Of course, there will be a few people who will send replay last day : divided by one ==> unfair : -->:">  according to people who sent replays at the beginning of the month.

So, let's say that we MUST send our 1st replay the 15th day of the month maximum.

PLUS : This will allow "slow" drivers like me to earn a few points at the beginning of the month. Top drivers will, of course, lead the end.

But, using this month average ranking would encourage people to send an improvement the sooner possible to try to keep their position (and so their points) in the scoreboard.

CONTRA : the better driver the last day may not be first if another driver stayed more than 10 days at the 1st place and was able to always stay in top five. That's not fair too...

So i thought that we can make an average ranking between the actual one (last day scoreboard counts) and the month average one (without the last day results in this case).

What do you think of this proposition ?


I like it, especially with the average ranking idea.

Altough if we choose one it needs a lot of programming, so please vote fast, pipsqueaks...



I don't like it   I don't like it very much  

This will allow "slow" drivers like me to earn a few points at the beginning of the month

Exactly, but if I'm at work till late evening and I can race only in weekend? Or if I want to participate in other competitions? So, it's not very good for me, a little phlegmatic person. By the way, "slow" drivers will be in beginners league next year, I guess  

So, let's say that we MUST send our 1st replay the 15th day of the month maximum

Mybe better to do weekly competition? Then Zak will receive more than 10 rpls per week  

I'm choosing only 2nd.


Although I don't think I'll ever make it to 1st, the second option definitely seems the better one to me. I don't really care if the gap between the pro's and the newbies (like myself) is bigger, because at least there'll be more competition between the top pipsqueaks! And that is cool  

So with option 2 , replays at the last day would end for sure, so that's my vote.

Cya on the scoreboard  

Bonzai Joe

I think Krys's idea is very dubious. First of all, it just means that instead of one monthly competition, we have 30 daily competitions. Second of all, it means you have to give up the brilliant new point system for a new and even more complicated nonsense point system. I still believe #1 and #2 are the only possibilities that won't completely destroy the competition. And is it really that bad that you get extra points for being first? Isn't it okay that there is a big gap between top drivers and beginners? It would be great if we could just race like before Alain...


Voted 8 pipsqueaks. Results are:

1. Stays as it is - 2

2. Most days leading - 7

3. Leader gets 1pt/week - 0

4. After 10th day time with penalty - 2

Note: 3 pipsqueaks voted for two possibilities.

We need more votes