
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Crop Circle

Started by zaqrack, November 18, 2002, 08:03:56 PM

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awaiting your comments...


Another boring and annoying track from the makers of GTO. What can I say? It's all very well to have a theme and that, but it's not enough when the track is just annoying and full of power gear... 1
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Good track but poor terrain, and it was appeared in the contest after 15th November, so it must be 2.
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


1 point for the worst track...  :evil:


Uuuuuh, what's this? ONE POINT!!!  :twisted:  :evil:  :twisted:


Yes, I agree - 1 point maximum :x


I like the design from bird's view. Not the best, not the worst: 3 points for Crop Circle.


Something like GTO... 2 points


I don't think this one has been made by the same guy that did GTO, i think it's due to the same tortured mind that created Neptun. Look at the "flower" effect on top left (on top view), it's like the curved version of the strange figures of Neptun, isn't it ?
Also, on GTO all roads go to something (houses, car park, ...). On this one roads lead to trees  :!:

Of course, the idea of divided roads and confusing roads leading to nowhere are the same way... But i prefer GTO because scenery is better and it was the 1st of that kind. :lol:

Btw, i like tracks that force you to study them on top view if u wanna be sure to finish them without nervous breakdown. I think my mind is a little bit special too...  :P

So i can't give 1 point only, even if this track is not good.
2 points, that's my vote.


ok Kris, That was a very funny post!  :lol:

This track is very good if you drive a saturday afternoon with 29? C and a cold 7up on your desk. And also if you drive against a red Indy or a red Skoda with Skid Visious on it. I like the tracks when the opponents don't die in a stupid jump or when they try to do a shortcut and they found water.
The track is easy and today I want to drive in an easy track so it gets more points :)
Mark: 4


I want to race, not to search for the road... :x

My vote is 1.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Um ok I'll use a new system for rating so terrain does not make give most tracks bad marks:

terrain: well if you want to use crop circles you should not put so many unfinished one's and there should definatly not be so many dead ends! on a lot of places they are unnecessary!
And I think the water should be smothed out! It's to edgy ;)
Another idea would be to remove the loops and jumps which are not part of the track! why are they there anyways?

The trees should be scattered around and not drawn in lines and maybe some ships on the water would not hurt either:

terrain: 1 out of 4

track:It's a fast easy track w/o to many interesting objects.Still it's not that bad... Actually following Kryss theory I liked Neptun a lot better and it deserves a better rating than 2 but thanks to CTG I can't adjust it :/

track rating: 3 out of 6

1+3:2= 2

-> final rating : 2 sorry with decent terrain it would definatly been at least a 3

al il professore

five. guess why.

(don't guess to hard its nothing but the average notation ah ah)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


just like GTO.
don't like the extra road, cubicular rivers, but like the hills
it's a bit too long too
not enjoyable for me.

al il professore

this was my track
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.