
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Call for critics

Started by JTK, November 03, 2003, 08:06:34 AM

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Hi pipsqueaks,

season 2003 is over. Now I want you to know what you think about it. I want to re-open a new contest in 2004 for also 3 or 4 months. Are there things to change? Why did a prize like this NOT result in more races? Should there be no registration ? What about the ranking system? Why not updating the scoreboard in the last three days to prevent time hiding? Should there be no restriction like accepting only three replays? Other topics?

I would really like to read your comments to host a better contest next year.

By the way: In the end - THANKS TO YOU FOR RACING!!!  8)

al il professore

change into yourself. i mean, we all are searching for the perfect competition, but in the end, only charism and luck prevail. it happened that you became the best stunts competition... just go on on that...

i want a yearly kalpen competition... i also want a last days no updates, because if we rely on your updating in these moment, it can make us lose the race.

I want the same rules, the same car, the same track designer.

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


don't see much need to change anything ;) it was pretty much perfect, perhaps the tracks could have been a bit longer, but that's about everything. The 3-replay-limit didn't disturb me, i hadn't had the time to produce much more anyhow, and if it helps you...
the only thing i really didn't like was, that the most stopped racing after the first track, but that wasn't you fault either ;) so long - looking forward to kalpen 04!


Shoegazing Leo

Excellent competition: i need only a change: the difficult of competition is the no-RH Rule... I disliked it, but at all the competition is fantastic...

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Leo: there's no -rh rule... :D

Critics: please a bit less water (sorry much less water), longer tracks.
Repeated elements: jumps to elevated corners from high to low. Missing corkscrews, boulevards, real power gear shortcut ability.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


There was only one problem: CTK2003B was such a bad track that you really didn't want to race on it. So only half of the people who raced in the brilliant CTK2003A raced there. This of course ruined the whole competition, and made the CTK2003C race, which was on quite a good track, uninteresting. Just don't make a track just to annoy us next year, you're too good at that... I don't think there's a need for any radical changes.
But we can't be quite sure.

al il professore

there is no bad track, only bad drivers... i personally think the B one was the best. i still regret not to have been able to play on it. I imagined a big SC in the end.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


So we all did, but the windmills made it annoying. Principally you are right that there are only bad drivers, but what defines a bad driver in this case is someone who won't waste his time doing something tedious and uninteresting (driving that track). I think it's a pity that we keep talking about this track though, as most of JTK's other tracks are masterpieces, and he is my all-time favourite track designer. Just look at all Competition tracks from 2000 and 2001 (and some of the ones from 1999 too).
But we can't be quite sure.


Hey JTK.
My 2 cents:

1)remove the 3 rpl limit
2)no registration
3)Maybe a 6 month contest?
4)Yes the windmill track prevented me from racing the last 2 tracks :)


Thanks guys, I will definitely learn from your comments. But keep on writing if something esle comes to your mind.

By the way your comments inspired me of trying something really nice for the 2004 season  8), but I won't tell it by now... :mrgreen:


Main critics: Kalpen contest is dead. :(

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

You must have too much free time or you are a stunts addict if you are crying for another active competition. Btw, I miss Kalpen Comp. too, it was my favourite.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Quote from: CTG on October 13, 2005, 12:49:51 AM
Main critics: Kalpen contest is dead. :(