
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Mark L. Rivers

Month`s Tracks - USC / Re: Szombathely
December 13, 2006, 10:18:49 PM
A great soundtrack for a great video... 
SWR and ISM / Re: Stunts World Ranking updates
December 12, 2006, 10:08:57 PM
Quote from: vamologocomisso on December 12, 2006, 12:36:30 PM
Quote from: Mark L. Rivers on December 03, 2006, 08:18:33 AM
SWR update after final result of Z69 (ZAK) and Di Palma (WSC). Some highlights:

Mark, in your page I cant see the z69?s update...

You're right! I'm very sorry...  :-\  I was sure to have update it...
Now it's OK! Thanks!
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 11, 2006, 11:04:11 PM
No others included in top 10 have confirmed their presence. The invitation has been extended (by official mail) to the following drivers:

11th CTG
12th Argammon

and, in alphabetical order,

13th Cas
13th Mislav
13th Zak McKracken

(Yes, if all them will accept, there will be 11 drivers at ISM 2007  :D)

New guested have to confirm their own participation within midnight (GMT+1) of 15th december 2006 sending a mail to A new guested can confirm his presence even if he has not received his personal invite. He can send a mail to within midnight (GMT+1) of 15th december 2006). If one or more of them won?t confirm their own participation, the invite will be extended to a correspondent number of drivers, in order of ranking. That will be the last invitation.
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 10, 2006, 07:18:23 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 09, 2006, 10:03:09 PM
Who confirmed and who didn't ?

These are drivers which have confirmed at this moment: Ayrton, AbuRaf70, CTG, Gutix, Krys TOFF and, sure, Mark L. Rivers...  ;)

Quote from: zaqrack on December 10, 2006, 09:15:06 AM
Quote from: Mark L. Rivers on December 09, 2006, 05:06:21 PM
Six drivers (4 of them are in the first 5 positions of SWR) have confirmed yet their presence. Only 33 hours to join at the event for last 4 drivers which have title to race. Any chances for drivers over 10th place?
No 14 is in if none of the 4 remaining confirm :)

Very happy to hear it, Zak!  :)
Even if... you are not 14th but... incredibly 13th paired with Mislav and Cas which have the same total points...  :o 
As aforesaid, rank for ISM is calculated at midnight (GMT+1) of 5th december with partial results of Szombath (USC) and HotRod (WSC). So a special and temporary SWR to determine ISM rank has been calculated and it's published on ISM official site.
Instead SWR site reports the situation updated at 3 Dec, the real situation about SWR. This because, as ISM News page reports, "partial results of Szombath (USC) and HotRod (WSC) only contribute to write a temporarily SWR list to determine which drivers will participate at ISM 2007. Final results of Szombath and HotRod will substitute their respective partial results, which won't affect normal updates of SWR."

So the official rank to determine the participants to ISM 2007 is only at ISM site. And I only have realized today that there's a very curious situation about you, Mislav and Cas...  :)

SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 09, 2006, 05:06:21 PM
Six drivers (4 of them are in the first 5 positions of SWR) have confirmed yet their presence. Only 33 hours to join at the event for last 4 drivers which have title to race. Any chances for drivers over 10th place?
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 06, 2006, 11:50:13 PM
ISM 2007 ranking list is definitive! After partial results of Szombath (USC) and HotRod (WSC) a special and temporarily SWR list has been written to determine the participants. You can see at ISM site checking\stunts.SDR\ISM\ISM_news.htm.
(Partial results of Szombath (USC) and HotRod (WSC) only contribute to write the temporarily SWR list that determines which drivers will participate at ISM 2007. Final results of Szombath and HotRod will substitute their respective partial results, which so won't affect normal updates of SWR).

These are the first 10 drivers of SWR which have title to participate at ISM 2007:

1st  Ayrton
2nd CTG
3rd  Renato Biker
4th  Gutix
5th  Krys TOFF
6th  Mark L. Rivers
7th  Bonzai Joe
8th  Dottore
9th  AbuRaf70
10th Chulk

A personal invite to participate at ISM 2007 has been sent to the first 10 pipsqueaks (by now Krys TOFF too...  ;)) which have to confirm their own participation within midnight (GMT+1) of 10th december 2006 sending a mail to A pipsqueak included in final top 10 can confirm his presence even if he has not received his personal invite. He can send a mail to within midnight (GMT+1) of 10th december 2006). If one or more of them won?t confirm their own participation, the invite will be extended to a correspondent number of pipsqueaks classified after the first 10 assignees, in order of ranking.
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 06, 2006, 01:44:00 PM

Well, as descripted in ISM Rules page "ISM 2007 will be composed by 3 contextual and distinct short races which will begin the 20th December 2007 and will finish the 27th January 2007"...
So, as Krys said, no problem for winter holidays...  ;)
SWR and ISM / Re: Stunts World Ranking updates
December 03, 2006, 08:18:33 AM
SWR update

SWR update after final result of Z69 (ZAK) and Di Palma (WSC). Some highlights:

- New surpass between AbuRaf70 and Chulk, now are respectively 9th and 10th;
- CTG reduces again his distance from Ayrton: 1,150 points is new gap;
- Total Points increase for AbuRaf70, CTG, Gutix, Mark L. Rivers and Renato Biker;
- Total Points decrease for Ayrton, Bonzai Joe, Chulk, Dottore and Krys TOFF;
- TOP10 - New entry: no one - Egressed: no one
- TOP30 - New entry: no one - Egressed: no one

- Only 2 results before final rank for ISM 2007:

1) Szombath (USC) - Deadline 5/12*
2) HotRod (WSC) - Deadline 5/12**

* Start race 21/11 - End Race 15/11 - Half Race 2/12 - See ISM Rules page
** Start race 6/11 - End race 30/12 - Half Race 3/12 - - See ISM Rules page

Stunts Drivers Races / Re: RH Season 2006
December 01, 2006, 09:09:34 AM

A short interview with Gutix, first SDR RH champion, is available at SDR site in News page!  :)

SWR and ISM / Re: Stunts World Ranking updates
November 30, 2006, 08:23:04 AM
SWR update

SWR update after final result of Freedom (SDR). Some highlights:

- Overtaking AbuRaf70, Chulk gets the 9th place, very near to Dottore;
- Only 0,557 pts divide 7th place to 10th place;
- Gutix reduces his gap from 3rd place, only 0,098 pts from Renato Biker;
- CTG reduces his gap from Ayrton but gap is still about 1,5 pts;
- Total Points increase for AbuRaf70, Chulk, CTG, Gutix, Krys TOFF and Mark L. Rivers;
- Total Points decrease for Ayrton, Bonzai Joe, Dottore and Renato Biker;
- TOP10 - New entry: no one - Egressed: no one
- TOP30 - New entry: Vamologocomisso - Egressed: Sergio Baro

- Only 4 results before final rank for ISM 2007, in order:

1) Di Palma (WSC) - Deadline 29/11
2) Z69 (ZAK) - Deadline 30/11
3) Szombath (USC) - Deadline 5/12*
4) HotRod (WSC) - Deadline 5/12**

* Start race 21/11 - End Race 15/11 - Half Race 2/12 - See ISM Rules page

** Start race 1/11 - End race 30/12 - Half Race 2/12 - - See ISM Rules page


Stunts Drivers Races / Re: NORH season 2006
November 28, 2006, 05:57:51 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 28, 2006, 03:22:46 PM
One problem : on season scoreboard I have no point for 5th noRH race (control). Why ?

Simple, I had wrongly assigned your points to Gutix...   ::)
Now it's ok, sorry!  :)

Stunts Drivers Races / Re: RH Season 2006
November 28, 2006, 01:55:38 PM
Swan-song by a great CTG: Gutix has won first SDR RH title!!!

Gutix is the winner of the first SDR RH title!!! It has not been enough for a great CTG to win the last race with an awesome performance in the last hours. Getting the 2nd place, Gutix has defended his leadership (6 points the final gap) conquering the final victory: really congratulations!!! It has been a great challenge which has seen involved for all the 2nd part of the season three great pipsqueaks: Gutix, CTG and Chulk. But Gutix, leading the championship since 4th race, deserves the victory, even if CTG (5 races won!) and Chulk (8 podiums!) have been worthy opponents! A 6th place in last race permits to Krys TOFF to conquer the final 4th place. AbuRaf70 and Mark L. Rivers (respectively 7th and 4th in last race) have not succeeded to overtake him. Sure the french driver (2 podiums for him!) deserves his final position not to having more time to race in this final of season, cause... well, you know why! Anyway, the inoxidable argentinian (the only with others teammates to have taked part to all races!) has gained a final 5th place really great! About Mark L. Rivers (4th with an improve, good 6th final place for him, with some very good performances (three 2nd places). Probably we'll see again him in next SDR season... Going on, 7th  Renato Biker (leader after three races but then disappeared), 8th SuperBrian (5 races for him and good possibilities to improve if he will leave autogear) and then a group of pipsqueaks with only one or two races competed: Alain, Dark Chaser (podium in his unique race!), Bonzai Joe, CTG (skimming 3rd place in his unique race!) and Vamologocomisso (pleasing surprise in last race with a very fast time).
And now a short pause before another involving RH season. SDR will come back next february, just after ISM 2007. New engaging tracks for fast Stunts cars (but there could be some surprise with other cars...) will permit to all Stunts drivers to express all their wide experience and mastery in new exciting races, where shortcuts and tricks will be mixed with speed and adrenaline! See you!!

Stunts Drivers Races / Re: NORH season 2006
November 28, 2006, 01:54:38 PM
Chulk has won the first official Stunts NORH contest!!!

It was announced: Chulk is the winner of the first official Stunts NORH contest!!! He really deserves the title after a season lived always at the vertex. He has showed a great ability in this very difficult speciality, where tecnique marries the risk and the heart weighs more than other things. Really congratulations!!! Principal opponent of Chulk has been Mark L. Rivers (2nd in the last race with a little improvement in the last hours), the only ables to engages the argentinian champion, the only with Chulk to climb on the first 2 tallest steps of the podium. It has been a great challenge, really exciting, a challenge which has given sap to this wondeful speciality, a challenge we will hope to repeat in next season! Other starring of this competition has been Krys TOFF which has taked part in all races (the only with Chulk and Mark L. Rivers) getting a final 3rd place in the season. Sure if he could spend more time for the races, he would marked more and more points, but his appreciation for this speciality is a thing really great! Then Gutix (4th), 3 times on the podium, CTG (5th) with 1 podium skimming a 2nd place (Control), SuperBrian (6th) with three encouraging races for the future, and finally, ex aequo at 7th place for Zac McKracken and Parano, both authors of high performances even if isolated.
Well, this first official season of Stunts NORH races was a bet last spring. When I have thought to begin it, I had many doubts. Really would the way individuated, DOSBox 0.65 and his video recording system, has been able to give new sap at this wonderful mode to race Stunts? Really would any drivers decide to take part at this older speciality in this unconventional way? Well, after these 6 months of NORH races, I think facts have demostrated that there's a special passion which pulses in a good number of Stunts pipsqueaks, a passion which can be expressed only in a NORH race. I'm happy to have found the way to express it officially on the WEB, permitting to all Stunts drivers to enjoy in this special contest even if far from the others! OK, now it's time for a pause. But next february, a new NORH contest will start again on SDR. All Stunts drivers which have taked part in this season and more others, are invited to participate at the big show: I hope to see really all them!! 
SWR and ISM / International Stunts Master 2007
November 26, 2006, 03:38:46 PM
Hi all!
This is the official topic about International Stunts Master 2007, the special happening that will see engaged the first 10 drivers of Stunts World Ranking counting official races results achieved between 1st january 2006 and 5th december 2006.
As you maybe have seen yet on official site (\stunts.SDR\ISM\ISM_index.htm), the event has been anticipated. New date is the following:

From 20th december 2006 to 27th january 2007

Some details are changed too. Read this following extract of ISM rules to know substantial changes, typed in red (for spanish translation go to to end of this message):

"The International Stunts Master 2007 (ISM 2007) is open to the pipsqueaks which will occupy the first 10 positions of SWR at the midnight (GMT+1) of 5th December 2006.  If a race beginned in next November won?t be finished at midnight (GMT+1) of 5th December 2006, this race will concur to SWR classification only if, in that moment, it will be almost at half of its original duration. In this case, the positions at midnight (GMT+1) of 5th December 2006 in that race will determine the results to be included in SWR.
After 5th December 2006, a personal invite will be send by mail to everyone of the first 10 pipsqueaks of SWR. Everyone of them will be invited to confirm his own partecipation at ISM 2007 within midnight (GMT+1) of 10th December 2006. Anyway, a pipsqueak included in final top10 can confirm his presence even if he has not received the personal invite. He can send a mail to within midnight (GMT+1) of 10th December 2006.    
If one or more pipsqueaks won?t confirm their own partecipation, the invites will be extended to a correspondent number of pipsqueaks classified after the first 10 assignee, in order of ranking."

Spanish translation of the extract of ISM rules:

"El International Stunts Master 2007 es abierto a los  corredores que seran en las primeras 10 posiciones de SWR a la medianoche (GMT+1) de el 5 de Diciembre 2006. Si una raza iniciada en Noviembre no ser? acabada a la medianoche (GMT+1) de el 5 de Diciembre 2006, esta raza contribuir? a la clasificacion de SWR solamente si, en el momento, ser? llegada a la mitad de la su original duracion. In esto caso, las posiciones a la medianoche (GMT+1) de el 5 de Diciembre 2006 de la raza costituiran los resultados da ser incluido en SWR.
Despues el 5 de Diciembre 2006, un invitacion personal ser? enviada por e-mail a los primeros 10 corredores de SWR. Cada uno de ellos ser? invitado a confirmar su participacion a ISM 2007 dentro de la medianoche (GMT+1) de el 10 de Diciembre 2006. De toda manera, un corredor incluido en los primeros diez del las clasificacion final puede confirmar su presencia sin haber recibido un invitacion personal, enviando una mail a dentro de la medianoche (GMT+1) de el 10 de Diciembre 2006.   Si uno o mas corredores non confirmaran su participacion, las invitaciones seran extendidas a los corredores (en numero correspondiente) clasificados despues los primeros 10 que han titulo, en ordine de el ranking. " 
SWR and ISM / Re: Stunts World Ranking updates
November 23, 2006, 08:03:02 AM

SWR update after final result of Szeged (USC). Some highlights:

- CTG gains about 1 point and overtakes Argammon. Two points is his new gap from top 10, but only few races remain to add before 5th December;
- Renato Biker reduces his gap from CTG for 2nd place;
- Werda climbs three positions overtaking Paleke, Nach and Kub;
- Total Points increase for Dottore and Renato Biker;
- Total Points decrease for AbuRaf70, Ayrton, Bonzai Joe, Chulk, CTG, Gutix, Krys TOFF and Mark L. Rivers;
- TOP10 - New entry: no one - Egressed: no one.
- TOP30 - New entry: Sergio Baro - Egressed: Herr Lambo