I've started working on a simple Stunts resource editor; stressed. Only plain text resources are supported right now, so MISC.PRE is probably the only file it can load. Compressed files are supported by re-using stunpack (as intended), but remember to change the file name (=> MISC.RES) when saving as encoding is not supported.

I've only tested it under x86_64 Linux, altought that shouldn't really matter. It'll hopefully compile for Windows/Mac etc. as well using the GNU toolchain.

Quote from: Duplode on April 05, 2008, 12:38:01 AMThe code is available in a public repository. Google Code project hosting doesn't offer XML feeds of commits, but I'll post a message here when/if I add something exciting. In order to build it you'll need a SVN client and the QT4 dev package.
you may be sure beta testers won't be lacking!
Code Select
svn co http://stuntstools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/stressed/ stressed
cd stressed
qmake stressed.pro
src/stressed /path/to/MISC.PRE
I've only tested it under x86_64 Linux, altought that shouldn't really matter. It'll hopefully compile for Windows/Mac etc. as well using the GNU toolchain.
Quote from: Duplode on April 05, 2008, 12:38:01 AMThe "colors" are in fact materials that can have simple textures. Locating and reversing this data structure would take longer than just making the list by hand. I took in-game screenshots and identified the color values...
BTW, before I forget, dstein: are you reading the colour data while generating that shape pics for the file from somewhere?