
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Topics - zaqrack

World Stunts Meeting 2004 / World Stunts Meeting 2004
August 30, 2003, 11:05:39 PM
The 1st offical World Stunts Meeting will be held in Budapest,

either 2004 August 13-14-15 (fri-sun) or
        2004 August 20-21-22 (fri-sun)

20. of aug is national holiday, so I dunno its better to have the meeting then or not (roads closed and stuff, but there are more things to see probably) Of course those who want to stay longer, can stay, I can provide the food+shelter for a longer time.

Chat - Misc / ZakStunts sucks
August 30, 2003, 09:43:36 PM

because it shows its back to the world. I love browsing it, and using it, and when I update it I always feel I made it better, BUT

I always think with a head of a pipsqueak, a maniac, an addicted fan.
If someone comes here to DL some games, then he'll find some (ok now only a very small number, but when I have motivation I'll write some reviews),

but what happens if someone who liked Stunts and says: "wow, a page about Stunts", and visits the site?

nothing at all. He comes here, he can see lots of maniacs who race hours/week, and achieve incredible stunts, but all we can offer to him is a short FAQ, and a very small number of downloads.
Ok, ok the driving schools too, but its mainly for new pipsqueaks.
He looks around, thinks "I'm not addicted to this game this much" and leaves. And never comes back possibly.

I plan improving the site to attract people who are searching information about the game itself, because they are the best possible pipsqueaks.
this means:

-we need a very detailed description about the game
-collect all the utilities and addon progs available for stunts
-write longer information about these things
-proper introduction to the pipsqueaks world
-and competitions available to anyone (like TDC or an extended permanent competition, where not only top5 is showed, but top 100

there are lots of intresting information/stuff on the site (like the Pickell interview), but all at different places.
Not as much as on the Kalpen's page (stunts/competition) but there's an urgent need for reorganization and expansion.

If you can help in ANYTHING what possibly could be intresting to someone who likes stunts (faqs, reviews of cars, track design manual, tips, utils, etc...)
then please write it here or contact me.
help me improving the site.

You can read in the rules:

at the end of the season only those are counted as pro who raced at least 4 months in the pro league. Thats compared to the 13 races this year is about  being in the pro league at least 30% of the races.

Since there are this year lots of new talents it'd might be a good idea to change this 4 race at pro to 30% at pro.

Please vote, and I'd like to see some explanations too.

Vote as always lasts for 1 month.
Racing Games & Other Competitions / Crashday
August 11, 2003, 09:15:48 PM
this is a topic about the new game
seems like somebody finally thought stunts is worth a sequel.

I'm sure I won't play with it, I don't have and won't have such a computer for a long time, and also the original stunts is always no1 for me, it cannot be repeated, the bugs make it unique.

I'm unhappy because less people will play with stunts when this game will be out, and I'm happy because it might attract some people to stunts competitions as well.

we have to advertise in crashday forums when the game is out :)
Stunts Questions / different windowses + stunts
August 06, 2003, 02:17:46 AM
My win2000 was getting old and slow, so decided to try out winXP. I used it for 4 hours and then had enough. It's DOS window is only a little bit faster compared to w2k's, still lots of delay in the comtrol. Good for playing, not for racing.

Because it's Kalpen's time now, I decided to install a windows with native dos mode, so installed WinME, its fine now.

It really matters a lot that I have to reboot to race, or not, so beware people .)
Competition and Website / Special rules
August 04, 2003, 12:08:50 AM
special rules for this year are over with Z28, vote about its future...
Competition and Website / Old forum converted
July 29, 2003, 12:39:05 PM
As you might see I've converted all the posts from the old forum, and integrated to this one.
This resulted in a messed-up topic order, sorry for the inconvenience, I think it's worth to search a bit for the recent topics, because now we have all the knowledge together, and the order will restore in some months as we post on the board.

Dont even care about the old usernames - they are like shadows.
Competition and Website / Rule modification
July 11, 2003, 04:42:01 PM
From Z28 and A08 there`s a new rule at ZakStunts:

pipsqueaks in one team can`t use the same coloured car on a track. The team must set up colours between members at the beginning of the month, and from the first replay until the final every pipsqueak should use the colour assigned.
You can play with the rule, like best in team uses red car next month, etc.

The purpose of this rule is to prevent continuing a teammates replay

Competition and Website / Forum skins
July 11, 2003, 12:41:18 AM
added a couple of new forum themes, just select the one you like the most.
If I have time I`ll try to create a stunts elated one matching with site`s colours.
Stunts Questions / Forum Archive
July 08, 2003, 01:16:30 AM
Newbies might not know that there was a forum before this one opened, and the archive still can be accessed at
you can find lots of useful info there too.
Competition and Website / ZakStunts 5.0 released
June 28, 2003, 04:51:41 AM
Well done.
me completely  :shock:

trying to list the things I did:

-new design (one)
-all tables recoloured, reviewed
-frames left
-design error corrections (lots of places, like pipsqueak profile etc)
-better news display system
-better dropdown select boxes
-at seasons results you can check if pipsqueak participiated on track or not
-relegations/promotions table (constant)
-leading time bonus tables (sql)
-combined archive page for 2003 season
-totally reviewed 2002 and 2001 archives
-minor things that make life comfortable (like TDC tracks packed together)
-bigger things that make my life comfortable (less things to update)
-chat client works again
-replay send button, no mail client needed

and the things I forgot to mention.
I`ll try to keep up updates there are some text pages I didnt write yet (information, troubleshooting), and for others like the notify system I had no time yet.

Now I`ll go and sleep.
its 5am :-S
Competition and Website / ZakStunts v5.0
April 30, 2003, 10:01:06 PM
Work will start with the beginning of june, this will be mainly a design job, because I re-organized the system with v.4.5, but still some code related things to do too.
Write here things that`d like to see, and awaiting your comments as well.

things gathered until now:

news display will be completely rewritten, possibly with the usage of somery, a blog system. It also supports commenting the news, I dont see why to allow that because we have the forum, but if you want it, maybe.

complete redesigning the menu system, cleaner, simpler, and finally a complete and usable archive page is planned.

new design of course, I`m planning 3 colour schemes with a bit varied design you could choose from. One of these will be optimized for 1024x768 possibly, others for 800x600.
new design will contain more design elements than this one.

want to leave frames, but I have to read through some technical stuff before this, looks like I can manage it. Not sure about this yet.

auto notification system recoded by myself, so it`ll work finally

at seasons results you`ll see that a pipsqueak raced on the given track, or just got 0 points.

support in code for 11 best results count/year rule. yeah, I was lazy and didnt code it yet, but I still have time :)

all tables will be redesigned so that they`ll fit both the 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions.

game section will be a bit more highlighted with the upload of more games. still help wanted here.

new online chat client

reorganizing lots of secondary stuffs, polls, guestbook, etc.

article section redesign too, with possibly an article upload script.

pipsqueak/team profiles better organized.

more FAQs for running stunts. Like sound setup, cheat car installing, and stuffs. So things that those will like, who are not pipsqueaks, but like stunts, and visit the page because o that reason.

chatroom bots reinstalled :)

cool calendar with email reminders before quiet days and deadlines.

but still no useless flash design shit I hope. functionality over design as always :)

and lots of more...
hope I`ll be able to code this all.
Competition and Website / 10 or 11 best results?
April 02, 2003, 07:44:34 AM
You asked for it.
Poll vote time: 14 days
Racing Games & Other Competitions / AMIGA games
April 01, 2003, 06:16:59 PM
well, my Amiga 500 is just being posted to me from the corner of the country, it'll arrive i a week. I could have bought one cheaper I guess, but I dont care its still worth the price. I've downloaded around 800 disk images full of games, so I'll play all the old racing games at their best soon (Test Drive, Street Rod, Lotus 3, etc), as well with some only-amiga games, like Skidmarks.
I only need LOTS of working disks. :)

I'll inform you about the games later :)
Chat - Misc / Game section
March 31, 2003, 12:35:25 PM
well, how do you like it?
I'm quite satisfied, wasnt too hard to code, and is a big quailty jump.
If you want to write reviews on games, contact me :)
Stunts Chat / STUNTS SHIRT
March 20, 2003, 08:31:25 PM
Well, as you may heard it was so that winners of last year will get a Stunts T-Shirt.

I was looking after some prices and ways to do this, and there were two ways:

1. You can print the picture you want on a special paper, and that can be heat copied to the shirt. Its about 10$+shirt price, but coloured prints can be copied only on white T-Shirts. You can change the picture for each shirt. On black/coloured ones you can put only white stuff, and its not so reliable.

2. The company can create a special sieve, which costs about 20$/color, but can be used multiple times. Then making a shirt is only about 1$+shirt price. This is only worth if you make several shirts, because the sieve(s) must be made. It can be printed onto coloured shirts too, but only the same on all shirts.

So I thought that instead of making the shirt for winners only with the first method (with the second it costs a lot) I'd rather do a shirt accessible for everyone. I'd pay the cost of the sieve, and everyone could buy it for shirt price(varies from2$-10$ here) + copy cost (1$) + post&pack (around 2-3$). So i'd be somewhere between 5$ and 15$, depending on shirt quality you want Of course free for the winners of last year, and they deserve something with the shirt of course, like a small diploma in 2001 or anything.

Shirt could be any color preferably black, with 1 color print on the front side, preferably yellow, like:

So who would be intrested in this?
Write it here, with your desired size.
lets say if 5 people beside the top3 last year then lets go. :)

Competition and Website / Problems solved
March 09, 2003, 01:30:53 AM
today my home server was set up, so please welcome him:

Intel P100, 1GB HD, 32MB RAM, 12kb/sec uplink, running freebsd.

Not so much, but enough for a home router

for an SQL server.
From today the site's database has been moved to this computer. It's almost 24h online, but because my provider drops my connection every 24th hour, the DNS forwarding must re-initialize, and it can take 1 minute up to 1 hour. During this time databases (scores, forum) are unavailable.

This machine is not only hosting the SQL database, but I directly edit the files and the DB here, so you pipsqueaks, and please ONLY pipsqueaks can access the latest stuff always (when not reiniting) at:

Site is directly mirrored of course to which is open to the public.
12kb/sec is not much, but should be enough for us, pipsqueaks, who want to check out latest scores, and use the forum. Please note that it's the connection and server I use at home, so if you overload and/or abuse it I'll be really pissed off and shut it down.

web based IRC client is only available from webdream for security reasons.

so, feel free to use as a backup, or instead of

hope you'll be more satisfied with the site


p.s.: th following two week is testing phase. If my connection will be overloaded I'll apply some restrictions.
things for it:

-quiet days always on friday-saturday, so everyone can race
-live update always on saturday, so no need to stay up long before tomorrow's work.
-everone can test the track on sunday
-leading time counts from monday, because of sunday everyone could send a good time as start
-this stupid track would be 1 week shorter (main reason)
-two special tracks a year
-4 day long winter holiday :)))

against it:

-messed up timetable
-sometimes deadlines match with other competitions
-not sure I want to change during season, but if I want I must now.

your choice, as usual. Vote open for 10 days
one thing is sure:

timetable would be:

ZCT21 dec31 - jan31 (finished)
ZCT22 feb 01 - feb27(finished)
ZCT23 feb28 - mar22 (shortened)
ZCT24 mar23 - apr19
ZCT25 apr20 - may17
ZCT26 may18- jun14
ZCT27 jun15 - jul12 (special)
ZCT28 jul13 - aug9 (special)
ZCT29 aug10 - sep6
ZCT30 sep7- oct4
ZCT31 oct5 - nov1
ZCT32 nov2 - nov29
ZCT33 nov30-dec27
dec28-jan01 : winter holiday :)
Chat - Misc / Anime / Manga
February 23, 2003, 10:41:10 AM
any maniacs out there except me? :)
Competition and Website / VOTE about February closure
February 21, 2003, 07:42:01 PM
Well since I'm organizing a demoparty on friday-saturday 0.-24h, and I work on friday and sunday, I'll have totally no time next weekend. ot even for sleeping.
So please choose which closure times are the best for you.
Poll available until next tuesday (25th)