
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by zaqrack, October 21, 2002, 12:07:20 AM

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1. It's my fault that I didn't tell everyone that track send deadline changed to nov.24, as voting deadline is postponed to 8th of december too. I did it on a request, many designers asked me, because they couldn't finish their tracks in time. Sorry for this.

2. about the CrazyDriver - CTG situation. We are just trying to figure out what's the picture & the solution. I'll inform everyone.

3. I won't remove your votes, nor your track. Why? Because I don't remove sent in times too. Sorry if this is uncomfortable for you, I guess you wont regret this. Reminds me of the situation when Alain quit Orion.

will post later...


Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "zaqrack"Hi!

1. It's my fault that I didn't tell everyone that track send deadline changed to nov.24, as voting deadline is postponed to 8th of december too. I did it on a request, many designers asked me, because they couldn't finish their tracks in time. Sorry for this.


OK. But that means no more tracks. I understand it. That's correct.
I want to design tracks, especially when I will be eliminated from the pro league. It would be good if I had designed all of the tracks (for this).
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


I can understand you are angry about certain things but a lot of your comments are unjustified and on the same level as the things you are complaining about!

->I'm telling you that Alps, Brakes On and Beijing .... all others are shit

Sorry that is only your opinion.I personally don't really like Alps.I know I voted a bit to low on the 1st couple of tracks and maybe Alps deserves a 3 but that's the best I can give it for very good reasons!

Brakes on is really a bad track imo and I would not even think giving it a better rating than 2 regardless who made it even if it was myself!

Conclusion:You can't really talk like I am telling YOU that...... it's your opinion and you don't have to tell me anything,I got my own opinion.

And the fact that you even thought about asking someone to give bad votes for good tracks speaks for itself.It's nice that you did not do it but even that you had that idea is bad enough!

And I don't understand at all that you complain about tracks send in after the 15th november! For once it was known to most ppl here that the deadline was posponed and if someone makes a better track than you which is sent in later his track should win and not yours because it is better!

You are making the impression that you want to win on all costs and the 'fun' factor is unimportant to you!Thus you overjudge your own track (of course taste is debatable!) and w/o any proof accuse CTG of cheating!
The best mark CTG gave was a 4 and he gave your track a 3 so you should be happy!

Another thing I did not like were you newer ratings like :'- 1 point because it appeared after 15th november' or 'it can't be better than 2 points because it appeared...'

I have the feeling that you only did this to reduce the chances of tracks which are possibly better than you own track!
Winning on all cost?Is it that what you want?

I don't care if my tracks win at all nor do most others.Look at Alain... his track cropcircle got very bad marks and he is still not angry about it.

I wanted to change my old votes because in retroview because my ratings on some tracks (Alps included!) where to hard! And I did not really understand why it is not allowed.
But I have to say that I understand now:
Because those ppl who take this way to seriously and would do nearly everything to win would just reduce the old ratings they gave potential competitors!

And what's that feeble attemp to get your track removed from the contest?
You still have a very good position a lot of other track designers would be happy to have.
Let your votes and your track stay and finish it like a man instead of crying how unfair certain ppl are w/o having a single proof!

Sorry this may sound a bit harsh but it had to be said.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "Argammon"->I'm telling you that Alps, Brakes On and Beijing .... all others are shit

Sorry that is only your opinion.I personally don't really like Alps.I know I voted a bit to low on the 1st couple of tracks and maybe Alps deserves a 3 but that's the best I can give it for very good reasons!

Conclusion:You can't really talk like I am telling YOU that...... it's your opinion and you don't have to tell me anything,I got my own opinion.

And the fact that you even thought about asking someone to give bad votes for good tracks speaks for itself.It's nice that you did not do it but even that you had that idea is bad enough!

And I don't understand at all that you complain about tracks send in after the 15th november! For once it was known to most ppl here that the deadline was posponed and if someone makes a better track than you which is sent in later his track should win and not yours because it is better!

You are making the impression that you want to win on all costs and the 'fun' factor is unimportant to you!Thus you overjudge your own track (of course taste is debatable!) and w/o any proof accuse CTG of cheating!
The best mark CTG gave was a 4 and he gave your track a 3 so you should be happy!

I have the feeling that you only did this to reduce the chances of tracks which are possibly better than you own track!
Winning on all cost?Is it that what you want?

I don't care if my tracks win at all nor do most others.Look at Alain... his track cropcircle got very bad marks and he is still not angry about it.

I wanted to change my old votes because in retroview because my ratings on some tracks (Alps included!) where to hard! And I did not really understand why it is not allowed.
But I have to say that I understand now:
Because those ppl who take this way to seriously and would do nearly everything to win would just reduce the old ratings they gave potential competitors!

And what's that feeble attemp to get your track removed from the contest?
You still have a very good position a lot of other track designers would be happy to have.
Let your votes and your track stay and finish it like a man instead of crying how unfair certain ppl are w/o having a single proof!

Sorry this may sound a bit harsh but it had to be said.

Argammon! (and the others)

You are almost 100% right but I think me, too. I'll explain it.
I wanted to design all of next year's tracks so I needed the win (and I need it). Lot of things happened this year which things weren't good for me and weren't all 100% legal and fair I think (foundation of Cork's Crew, you left Euroteam-MasterStunts and joined Orion, somebody finds a trick and tells it to everybody except for Looping Warriors and Flying Dutchmen), and I thought if I had won the track design contest, all of these things would have been compensed. So 2nd or 3rd place is NOT enough because I wouldn't design all of the tracks this case. Not the victory is important to me, rather the possibility to design next year's tracks and to relieve the anger which was caused by the mentioned things above. And why is it good t design the B tracks? If I am eliminated from the pro league (because some people divide their shortcuts, I think it may happen), I will design my track and I'll give a car which I like and I've got more chance to re-attach the pro league.
And for Alain it's not an important thing, he can find or get the shortcuts, but I don't. And Crop Circle is not a bad track, it deserves 3. Sometimes I feel the first mark is determining: the following votes are adjusted somehow to the first mark. It's not a complain, and it may happen, don't change this, but it's interesting. Crop Circle is one of the best examples.
It was nowhere signed that Zak lenghtened the sending-in-time of the tracks. Some new good tracks appeared which settled danger on my track's victory. Can you imagine what I have felt? I know that I'm alone so I must have agreed with that thing. So I must give back the minus points from Crop Circle, so it's 3 and Canyon, so it's 4. If it's possible.
And yes, I've got an opinion and you've got a different opinion. I never complained about the thing that you gave 2 to my track.
Crazy Driver - another thing. Zak said it seems that I'm right and the cheat is proved (he wrote me the reasons). I'm only complaining when it's necessary. I don't feel it was in vain.
The other tracks aren't all sh*t, I only said it in my anger. But the mentioned 3 tracks are the best.
I wanted to jump out of the contest because I feel that you (the community) are making my victory impossible. I guessed the sending-in-time had been lenghtened to avoid my victory, because you somehow don't like me. And I'm repeating myself: I want to design all of the B tracks so only the victory counts.
So. I won't complain about you gave me 2 instead of 3. Crazy Driver's votes will be deleted and CTG's can maybe stay. No more tracks. No complains on future votes. Is it OK for everybody?
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


Just a little piece of information: CTG gave several tracks 5.
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Finally... Truth exists!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


Well it seems to me you don't believe me. I told everything to Zak and he will tell you the whole story. Akoss, don't be angry! I told it only to CTG that I know your track. I haven't known about his second character, Crazy Driver...  :evil: I talked to him about this cheat today. If you want any information, I'll tell it. But I'm innocent!!!


Just a little commentary...

Akoss Poo said:
Quote...and I thought if I had won the track design
contest, all of these things would have been compensed.

I didn't find a difference building the track of the competition you take part and using another. I built some tracks which there were in competitions but I couldn't win in all of them doing my best. It's the same in zak's and pershing's competitions. The aren't the winners all the months.

I don't care who will be the winner of this contest. I only hope he'll build good tracks.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "alanrotoi"Just a little commentary...

I didn't find a difference building the track of the competition you take part and using another. I built some tracks which there were in competitions but I couldn't win in all of them doing my best. It's the same in zak's and pershing's competitions. The aren't the winners all the months.

Not only the track, I can choose the car, and it's more important. When I'm in the pro league, I'll give cars to the amateurs which I don't like, and when I'm sacked to the amateurs, I'll give a car which I like, and it's easier to come back to the pros.
And for example Ben was great on his Amsterdam track. There are some elements which I don't really like, and maybe I can miss them.
But you are good on all tracks and with all cars, sure that you can't complain.
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


-->Not only the track, I can choose the car, and it's more important. When I'm in the pro league, I'll give cars to the amateurs which I don't like, and when I'm sacked to the amateurs, I'll give a car which I like, and it's easier to come back to the pros.
And for example Ben was great on his Amsterdam track. There are some elements which I don't really like, and maybe I can miss them.
But you are good on all tracks and with all cars, sure that you can't complain

Akoss you clearly missed the point of the track contest! It looks like you want to win it in order to get advantages over other drivers next year! I mean other drivers don't have the possibility not to use track elements they don't like!

It's very questionable that you plan to use car you like when you race at amateur and cars you don't like.
You are turning a track design contest which was made to enhance the fun of this stunts community into a deadly serious competition only to get advantages over other drivers.

Now this being sad I am getting worried about your attitude and would really like not to see you win.Not because I can't stand you but because of the reasons stated above!


and by the way, how many times I have to say, that pro & amateur league track&car is the SAME!!!![/i][/u] every month. TDC winner(s) design track for the alternative competition, which is open for every pipsqueak.



Well, another storm in Stunts community...
I think 1st mistake is due to Zak not explaining well the deadline change.
BUT Akoss attitude is not good at all. I agree with Argammon and Alan on that.

Btw, this discussion would have never happened.
Zak is right, he said it before staring the TCD : B-tracks will be for everybody, but especially for NON-REGULAR DRIVERS WHO WANT TO RACE FOR PLEASURE, NOT FOR COMPETITION.

Pro and Amateur league will use Zak's "track & car of the month".
So stop thinking anything weird like "I'll choose bad cars for amateur when i'm not with them and good cars when i'm with them", this is really bad attitude. :x  :evil:

I gave Alps a 5 because i liked this track and it deserves this note. But i really don't want u to win if u really think this way. B-tracks will be for pleasure of driving. Never forget that when u vote.
If u liked racing on a track, tell it honestly and vote the appropriated note.

Just a final point : u gave minus points for latest arrived tracks like Crop circle and Canyon. I hope Zak will allow u, for exceptionnal reasons, to put away the minus points u gave to these tracks.
I built Canyon and the only thing i would like is to know what others think of my work. If i don't create B-tracks next year i don't care. But i would like to know the real place it deserves on this contest.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "Argammon"-->
Akoss you clearly missed the point of the track contest! It looks like you want to win it in order to get advantages over other drivers next year! I mean other drivers don't have the possibility not to use track elements they don't like!

It's very questionable that you plan to use car you like when you race at amateur and cars you don't like.
You are turning a track design contest which was made to enhance the fun of this stunts community into a deadly serious competition only to get advantages over other drivers.

Now this being sad I am getting worried about your attitude and would really like not to see you win.Not because I can't stand you but because of the reasons stated above!

I can understand you but I need some help because our team can't find shortcuts.
And one thing: you should have given better marks. This is a track design contest, not a university exam.
Read the last lines of this comments, that is for you, too.

Quoteand by the way, how many times I have to say, that pro & amateur league track&car is the SAME!!!! every month. TDC winner(s) design track for the alternative competition, which is open for every pipsqueak.


re: I hope at least you will tell me for which car will I have to design the track. (in case I win)

QuoteI gave Alps a 5 because i liked this track and it deserves this note. But i really don't want u to win if u really think this way. B-tracks will be for pleasure of driving. Never forget that when u vote.
If u liked racing on a track, tell it honestly and vote the appropriated note.

Just a final point : u gave minus points for latest arrived tracks like Crop circle and Canyon. I hope Zak will allow u, for exceptionnal reasons, to put away the minus points u gave to these tracks.

I think you can't say I gave unreal votes. Almost all of the leading tracks got 4 or 5 (rather 4) from me. I can say I was honest when I was rating the tracks.
Zak! Please give back those 1 points to Alain and Krys (Crop Circle and Canyon)!
Comment on Argammon's comment here and Krys' comment in 'Design contest in general': is it a problem that I told you my opinion, my goals when I'll design the tracks? I just love to design tracks and I don't think I create terrible ones (I sent a slow track done by me to Mingva last weekend, so you can't say I design only fast tracks, but amateurs should have easy ones), so I think I can design the tracks. But if you don't want me to win, I won't design the tracks next year. None of the tracks. I don't want to design tracks while you are feeling I shouldn't have got this job. I would sense badly, and in this case I would lost my ability to find joy in designing tracks. Tell me please if you don't want me to design next year's B tracks.

:cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


The track contest have rules. Who have the highter average will be the winner. So if Alps wins you will design the tracks. If somebody isn't agree so don't race on them, but don't change the rules few days before the end. It would be unfair for all not only the winner.


There will always be people who like your tracks and people who don't like your tracks. It's a statistical law.
But we can't be quite sure.