
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by KHR, May 29, 2005, 01:29:59 PM

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Quote from: "KHR"Hi guys, this is JTK from KHR's place.

Please be sorry for not writing for weeks... this whole stuff is killing me - dealing with the breaking off of my brother and his wife, caring about both and also his kids... By the way one of my best friends also left his wife and kids the same week and my parents-in-law created the crisis of their lifes, too... This year seems to be awful to my environment and besides my much, much, much work I'm trying to cope with all of the shit... :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(

Anyway - there is no chance at my place for a meeting (sorry 2), but I definitely want to come to Denmark, which I can do on Thursday, because I work near Flensburg (Flensborg for BJ) :)

And I promise to bring Kiel beer, ideas for life racing tracks and a wide open heart looking forward to meet you all (again)!!!

BTW: Jacky, could you please tell your phone number? Thx in advance!


He went home 5 min. ago and since he still doesn't have a computer, I'll write it: (+45)28729206


O.K., thanks!

I'll come on Thursday night (about 7 p.m.) until Monday morning, right?




JTK : I think everyone is sorry for what happens to KHR... Maybe he can come to the meeting to change his mind a few... :roll:

Quote from: "DieselJoe"Do you already know, where in Hannover you would arrive? At the "ZOB" (Central Bus Station)?
Hannover arrival and Hamburg departure are both at city's "zob" DJ. :wink:


"Why can't we not be sober?"


I'm trying to get KHR to Aarhus, and maybe... I'm still hoping.

Two days ago I phoned an astonished Bonzai Joe and now I'm burning to get to the meeting and see you all (again). IS anyone against me bringing some beer to the meeting...?




Well, I can send a pack of Borsodi by Akoss if it's possible :)


Quote from: "JTK"I'm trying to get KHR to Aarhus, and maybe... I'm still hoping.

Two days ago I phoned an astonished Bonzai Joe and now I'm burning to get to the meeting and see you all (again). IS anyone against me bringing some beer to the meeting...?



Yes, I strongly oppose. Especially if you bring that awful Kielerbrau... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
I know I believe in nothing, but it is my nothing.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I started to arrange a liter of p?linka for the meeting again. :D
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"I started to arrange a liter of p?linka for the meeting again. :D
Finally, I'll get to know it! :D :smt030 :drinkers: :smt078
"Why can't we not be sober?"


Yes! P?linka! I will have to force Thomas to try it... And I will succeed.

Lise will probably not be coming to the meeting anyway, as she has left me... it would be weird. I know especially Alain will be sad to hear this, but that's life I'm afraid  :? .
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

There's a litre of p?linka waiting for the stuntsers in Denmark! My parents got it! :) (It is not ours, but friends of my parents had p?linka! :))

Well, it's sad to hear that Lise left you, it's sad to hear that we won't meet her on the meeting... but I'm sure we'll enjoy ourselves without her, too! :)

By the way, I have only one live, so maybe once I'll pay for a Danish girl to taste the famous FISSE once in my life... in Aarhus downtown on a hot Friday night... :)
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Shit, I'm sorry to hear that. Soon every Stunts pipsqueak will be single!? :roll:
"Why can't we not be sober?"



Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Lise will probably not be coming to the meeting anyway, as she has left me... it would be weird.
Damn ! :shock:  :(
Zak will be the only one cooking then. :lol:
Anyway, where will be the meeting ? Wasn't it supposed to be in Lise's house ?