
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by zaqrack, February 07, 2006, 11:14:15 PM

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I'll copy all the required informaton here.

Please, dear meeting participants, write here if you would like to join this fun or only watch it. We need that to calculate the best option and place.


OK, I had a nice search online, and found this:
As normal tickets are bloody expensive (6-8EUR for 6-8 minutes) and we would like to have a champiobship anyway, it's cheaper and better to rent the whole track for an a hour. Here are the options:

1. Eurocenter cart hall

-10 minutes walk from our flat
-320m long course in a hall
-computerized lap time measurement
-no organzied race, we have to do it ourselves
-1 hour with 5 carts = 280EUR
-with 8 pipsqueaks it would be 35EUR/person
-only 5 can race at the same time. (HUN/GER)

advantage is that its really nearby. I think its no problem for us to write up the lap times, and make a qualifications, then some races. But of course its more fun if all of us can race at the same time.

2. Budaring cart course

-1-1.5 hours of travel with public transport
-700m long course with a bridge, lights in the evening
-computerized lap time measurement
-at least 6 persons needed
-all of us (10 pipsqueaks max) can race at the same time)
-5 minutes warm-up
-3 laps qualification
-15 laps race
-first three gets a medal and the winner also a champagne
price is 30EUR/person. (HUN/ENG)

Advantage is that the track is longer (double length!), and all of us can race at the same time, which is of course more fun.
Of course we have to travel for this option but it might be more enjoyable (medals!!! :))
I dunno how much time do 15+3 laps on a 700m track take, you are the expert JTK.

3. Campona ring

-1-1.5 hours of travel
-unknown track lenght
-1 hour, six carts = 200 EUR
-that's 25/person with 8 pipsqueaks.
-computerized lap time measurement (HUN)

well this is the cheapest if 8 of us would like to race. But anyway its the same as option 1, except that its an open-air track, not under roof.

waiting for comments. :)


I'd like to race! All options seem nice, I can't really decide which I like best.
But we can't be quite sure.


great I'm of course also racing, and I guess JTK too. thats already 3 of us :)


I'm not brave enough  :oops:


I can't drive.  :?


Quote from: "zaqrack"I dunno how much time do 15+3 laps on a 700m track take, you are the expert JTK.
It depends of the power of the karts, and also it depends of the track map.
With good indoor karts (max speed around 75 km/h) and a not too sinuous track, lap time should be around 1 minute 05. Maybe 1 minute 15 if track is very sinous.

Last indoor kart race I did (offered by my job for christmas, nice gift :D ),  track length was 600 m, karts were good (max speed 70 km/h) and track was not too sinuous and we did around 50 seconds per lap.


Quote from: "CTG"I can't drive.  :?

You don't need a driving license to drive karts...
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"
You don't need a driving license to drive karts...

But people having some experience in driving a real car are in a big-big advantage. I won't pay 25 Euros to be defeated.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Is there auto or manual transmission? I don't have a driving license, so it would be a very big disadvantage to me if there's manual transmission.

If it's auto, I'd like to join the race - I can afford it once in my life. ;) I would opt for the SECOND option, it is clearly the best. Medals, champagne, cheaper than the first, both can go together, possibility to warm up... great!!! ;)
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km


Do not worry CTG or Akoss : karts available for public use have only 1 gear. :-D


Quote from: "CTG"
Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"
You don't need a driving license to drive karts...

But people having some experience in driving a real car are in a big-big advantage. I won't pay 25 Euros to be defeated.
You don't need to pay to be defeated. :P  :-D  :lol:


Which day is for kart race?

And an idea: let's make a costs prediction to make the situation clearer for the future participants and for people who want to leave out the WSM because of the costs!


All sounds very nice to me, IMHO we should opt like this:

1. Option 2 (long track, prices, I'd love to drink the champagne and I will :-D )
2. Option 3 (like option 3, but cheaper, also outdoors sounds nice)
3. Option 1 (short track, high price)

Now I have to stop eating to loose some weight ;-)


Quote from: "JTK"
Now I have to stop eating to loose some weight ;-)

oh yes! Thats my advantage :D :D :D