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Body piercing

Started by Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister, September 18, 2006, 12:37:27 AM

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What's your opinion about body piercings?

I have one in my body.
2 (14.3%)
I like them (or at least most of them).
5 (35.7%)
I don't have a strong opinion.
1 (7.1%)
I don't like them in general.
4 (28.6%)
I hate piercings - I stand against them, they're disgusting.
2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: October 16, 2006, 12:37:27 AM


And do you think it's okay to protest so hard against your "big love" only because she's wearing a small skiding skided piercing (in navel)? :P


It wouldn't be okay to kick him for not liking it, but for not accepting it. It's just too small a thing to make a fuss about...
And to Usrin: maybe this revolt against the bosses is not so stupid. Who can say the old people are always right? Besides, I don't think piercings are always a revolt, as can be seen by this poll, 5 people here likes them and 2 people have them, and that might be another reason why they are worn.
But we can't be quite sure.


BJ's theory fails. Ask old or middle-age people (boss age) about piercings in a conservative country (Hungary). The poll will be totally different...


That has nothing to do with my theory. The fact is that some people like piercings, however many don't. And people wear them because they like them, and because they know others like them (I guess young people mainly care about their appearance in other young people's eyes, not so much old people's).
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 02, 2006, 11:11:30 AM
And to Usrin: maybe this revolt against the bosses is not so stupid. Who can say the old people are always right? Besides, I don't think piercings are always a revolt, as can be seen by this poll, 5 people here likes them and 2 people have them, and that might be another reason why they are worn.

Neither I said that old people are always right. But I insist on my opinion that typical piercing-wearers think "I'm individual, I want to live my life in an extraordinary way, nobody should control me, I don't accept advices from anybody" - while they don't notice that they don't know more about life than anybody of their age, and their behaviour is biggest fashion than anything else... And it's totally right that signs of this behaviour are disadvantages on a job interview, because no firm can be successful with "rebellious" workers who can't accept the authority of their bosses.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 02, 2006, 07:58:17 PM
That has nothing to do with my theory. The fact is that some people like piercings, however many don't. And people wear them because they like them, and because they know others like them (I guess young people mainly care about their appearance in other young people's eyes, not so much old people's).

I think they mainly not try to look better in other youngs' eyes, but try to show them "I'm so cool that I can do anything I want, and I don't care about the opinion of my parents, teachers, bosses, etc." I'm sure that if piercings were fully accepted by the society, 99% of their present wearers would find nothing interesting in them. It is the well-known childish behaviour, when kids want to try everything just because it's forbidden. That's natural - under the age of 6 or 8...
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: CTG on September 29, 2006, 10:17:49 AM
And do you think it's okay to protest so hard against your "big love" only because she's wearing a small skiding skided piercing (in navel)? :P

I think it's not okay. But it's okay to be disappointed about your "big love", if she intentionally tries to conceal such a small thing for weeks, just for making herself even more "perfect" in your eyes...
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Summary: Akoss Poo is metalofobic, Bonzai Joe loves meaningless arguements, Usrin is right, CTG is crapping on the whole topic. ;D


Quote from: CTG on October 02, 2006, 09:19:44 PM
Summary: Akoss Poo is metalofobic, Bonzai Joe loves meaningless arguements, Usrin is right, CTG is crapping on the whole topic. ;D

and if everything goes well I'll have my arm free again from tomorrow :D


Maybe Zak has a sick sexual fantasy about plaster... you wear it too often. :)


I don't agree Usrin, I think that only goes for maybe 50% of piercing-wearers, and in those cases it comes in combination with a lot of other rebellious ways of dressing and behaving. (not necessarily a bad thing)
But we can't be quite sure.


Now that we know that many people like piercings, it would be very strange if that was only the reason for 1% of them to have them.

In fact, it's like saying people only listen to metal or rock music to revolt against the old people who all listen to classical music. True for some, but most people listen to metal and rock because they like it, regardless of whether it can also be considered rebellious.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: zaqrackand if everything goes well I'll have my arm free again from tomorrow :D
Cool. That was the info I was waiting for to start WRC Stunts revival.
Expect it to start this week-end then. ;)


Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 02, 2006, 11:22:49 PM
Now that we know that many people like piercings, it would be very strange if that was only the reason for 1% of them to have them.

In fact, it's like saying people only listen to metal or rock music to revolt against the old people who all listen to classical music. True for some, but most people listen to metal and rock because they like it, regardless of whether it can also be considered rebellious.

Many young people like piercings, but, as you can see, still there are some who don't, especially the more conservative, the more mature, the older people. (and there was a Hungarian poll on the Net which said around 25-30% still don't like any kind of piercings)
Accepting/liking piercings or not, it is about a.) the ability to accept new things (BJ: high, Akoss: very low) b.) the age in which you grow up (BJ, Akoss: around the same) c.) intelligence to decide if you you need this new thing or not (BJ: very low, Akoss: high) d.) environment, experience. These will set the level of the acceptance of the new things. Wearing a piercing is revolt and childish (I fully agree with Usrin in his post), and accepting/liking this is caused by my words in my latter lines.
To Usrin: she didn't want to be more perfect in my eyes... she was only afraid of the moment when I notice her piercing, and tried to postpone and postpone the moment till it was possible. But when I took off her top for the first time it wasn't anymore...
To all who don't understand me: it is not about making the girl perfect, or trying to make silly rules, to insist on my principles. A part of a body, pierced by pieces of metal disgusts, scares me, I find it deterrent - it's not so easy to accept this, to become acquainted with piercings. If someone doesn't understand this, he or she is not less stupid than me. I still love Nelly very much, and it is a great insult to me to use the inverted commas and ironic expression "big love". You will get this back in a similar situation.
To BJ: when you mentioned rock music I know that you were pointing at me. Listening to rock music (or metal) is not rebellious. There's rock music for some decades now. It's the same for heavy metal, which is quite close to rock. Rockers also exist for decades now. My mother also listened to rock music when she was a girl, and nobody found her rebellious. It's the same for her sister, who like Iron Maiden very much. If you like guitar music, if you have good enough ears to receive the melody of electronic guitar, especially the faster solos, if you are emotional enough to enjoy a great guitar solo, you will definitely listen to rock music or metal music based on melodic guitar music, drums and vocals. I am not rebellious, the reason why I listen to heavy metal music is not to make a revolt or a rebel, I am not protesting against this world with it. Now I'm wearing usual clothes, I am too old to wear black jeans and black shirts with a cover of a metal album in front. It is a normal thing to like guitar music, rock and metal.
Those who are listening to metal to make a revolt, are the 15 years old children who have mental problems or serious problems with their family. They are always wearing black, they are wearing piercings of course, they have tattoos, too, they have a very scary appearance. They listen not to heavy or power metal, rather to black or death metal, very unmelodic and satanic. Many people consider this to be metal music. When I showed Usrin the music I listen to, he also said he had thought it is "only" rock music. But it was heavy metal of course - a genre which is quite popular and widespread, and was very popular and widespread in the 80s, the golden age of heavy metal music. (Iron Maiden reached 3rd spot on the European charts in 1988 with "Can I play with madness")
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