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Real names

Started by CTG, January 30, 2007, 01:50:11 AM

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Varga means Leatherworker.
Peré I guess it means son of Peter.
Ostergaard I bet it's western land or similar :D
Osuna is a city (duchy) in Andalucía, Spain and Sbarbi I guess is from around Lombardia, Italy.


Quote from: alanrotoi on February 08, 2015, 09:13:55 PM
Ostergaard I bet it's western land or similar :D

Ost must be East instead...

Btw what does "Vargas" mean in Spanish? I guess it has nothing to do with Varga.


I don't know but if "Varga" means leatherworker then they have different origin.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Forgot to tell you, since 29th April 2017 (wedding anniversary), I'm Ákos Pintér-Móricz officially.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on January 08, 2021, 09:28:02 PM
Forgot to tell you, since 29th April 2017 (wedding anniversary), I'm Ákos Pintér-Móricz officially.



Quote from: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on January 08, 2021, 09:28:02 PM
Forgot to tell you, since 29th April 2017 (wedding anniversary), I'm Ákos Pintér-Móricz officially.

Interesting, did you both get both surnames?

I suggested swapping surnames with my wife, but she didn't like the idea :P  Each kept their own, which would be something quite rare in Italy. But we're not in Italy :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: dreadnaut on January 08, 2021, 10:34:06 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on January 08, 2021, 09:28:02 PM
Forgot to tell you, since 29th April 2017 (wedding anniversary), I'm Ákos Pintér-Móricz officially.

Interesting, did you both get both surnames?

I suggested swapping surnames with my wife, but she didn't like the idea :P  Each kept their own, which would be something quite rare in Italy. But we're not in Italy :)

Hungarian married names underwent a serious change in the past decades (even in the 80s, it was still very common to lose the whole name of the bride, getting just the name of the groom+'né'), but swapping surnames is still very rare. Today it happens that the groom's name appears in the name of the bride, but adding the surname of the bride to the groom's name is still uncommon (but popularity is slowly increasing). However, my wife insisted on the concept that she would only add my surname to her name only if I also complete my name with her surname. We agreed, and I was not reluctant to add a noble surname ('cz' indicates that) to my name. So we are called now Ildikó and Ákos Pintér-Móricz.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


That is very interesting!
Well, I was born in Argentina. In Latin America, the standard is upon marriage, men's surname remains the same, whereas women's add "de" plus husband's surname. So they keep their single surname, but have to add their husband's at the end. This is gradually, but unofficially, changing especially in the most culturally liberal countries in the region (Argentina being the craziest one in that respect) to just both keeping their surnames. Legally, it's still the other way. On the other hand, children traditionally get their father's surname only, but it's legally allowed to use the mother's name or both. In the past, everybody would go for the father's name, but now, without anything legal to stop it happening, the most common thing is to get both surnames, father's first. I'm personally in favour of just using the best sounding surname of combination thereof possible :)

I am not married, but my girlfriend (who is Peruvian) is OK with any of these combinations. In her country, adopting both father's and mother's surnames has been the most common thing for a long time.

By the way, my name is Lucas. "Cas" is just the "second half" of it. Very simple :)
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.


When we married we were shown a combination sheet of the possible choices regarding surnames :) There were plenty options to choose from, which is good as we both hated the idea of "losing" our name when getting married. Appending is fine, but we ended up keeping our own and having the kids get a combined surname similar to how Akoss changed his. 


Quote from: zaqrack on January 09, 2021, 02:22:33 PM
Appending is fine, but we ended up keeping our own and having the kids get a combined surname similar to how Akoss changed his.
...Acs-McKracken?  ;D
Vintage Stunts Racing at



@dreadnaut where are you?
@Cas mistery solved! But seems more simple than I thought. Are you living in Vicente Lopez? I moved to Castelar 2 years ago (that's why zct219 has this name).


Alan Rotoi: I'm in Córdoba city. A little far. It'd be nice to one day have a national Stunts meeting. We used to be many, but now Paleke (who's also from here) I haven't known of for some fifteen years and I think all other Argentines in the community were from BA and nearby.
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.