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Territory dispute from Sports topic

Started by CTG, December 08, 2007, 11:03:57 PM

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why??? Slovakia extra why??? You may also state Austria is an organic part of Germany :-S


Slovakia extra? Check the map, it was the border. Not the whole country of Slovakia, but almost.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Krys and BJ, you are very stupid. Does those French colonial realms were ever inhabited by native French people? The opposite is true, the niggers and arabians and all kind of people came to France to live there (the French football team shows the true - they even don't sing the anthem).  On the other hand, in Transylvania, we can find large areas inhabited by true native Hungarians, living there since long long centuries, but the French took it away from us, because in their opinion, we were sinners in the World War (like them, but they won the War, unlike us). Slovakia never existed, only the modern history created it in 1993. Romania - this name was only referred to as the areas east from the Carpathian mountains during the history. What would you think if somebody said the whole French Alps would belong to Italy from tomorrow? I don't think you'd agree, although in 1920, Hungary had to accept a way bigger percentage loss of our area. I'm finishing now, because I'm getting more and more angry when I'm thinking about the injustice of history.

Chürműű! :-)

2939.49 km


You talk about all those collonized lands that were taken away from you. (Btw, I thik USSR lost many more lands that anyone else, but who cares, no Russians here). Has it ever crossed your minds that those 'lands' belonged to someone else before you coollonized them and take them away from Sioux, Iroquois, Aztecs, Mayas, Comanches, Caribs, Onas, Tehuelches, Amazons and so many tribes? I don't think so, because you are the 'inocent colloners' who discover new lands that later were 'unfairly' taken away from you! That's a stupid thinking. How did Europeans feel when they where invaded by Nazi-Fascist forces in WWII? Probably the same those tribes felt when they were collonized...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: Akoss PooKrys and BJ, you are very stupid.
Hey, that was a joke by BJ and I. Don't get nervous buddy.

Quote from: Akoss PooDoes those French colonial realms were ever inhabited by native French people?
Not everywhere, but in some areas there was French people. Lots of.
Examples :
- all "cajuns" in the USA are grand-grand-...-grand-children of French people.
- half of the people coming in the 60's from Algeria had metropolitan-French ancestors.
- lots of French people lived in Djibouti, Lebanon and Ivory Coast.
- Quebec (now part of Canada) still speaks French due to the former presence of a lot of French people there.

But I agree that some other countries never were full of French people : only a few French (compared to the local population) lived in most of African colonies or in "Indochine" (now divided into Tha?land, Vietnam, ...).

Anyway, colonies were made only to make original European country richer. Local natives were treated as slaves more than once, and it's a good thing they all got their freedom. Sadly, some of them were (and some still are like Syria for example) unable to manage it and became slaves of dictators once liberated from French domination.


Quote from: Chulk on December 12, 2007, 07:16:21 PM
Probably the same those tribes felt when they were collonized...

Exactly! You can never draw a line. It's like the egg and the chicken. half Europe, including half Hungary can be claimed back anytime by the Italians (Romans), and half the World by the Vikings on the same basis as some people these days long for the lost territories.

The only real basis for such demands could be the language spoken (which I also disagree with), as in Hungary's case:


Quote from: zaqrack on December 12, 2007, 08:36:06 PM
The only real basis for such demands could be the language spoken (which I also disagree with)
Thanks God you disagree! Otherwise, manslaughting and entire native population, settling there and then have your language spoken would be a real basis to claim for a territory!
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Zak: this is the CURRENT situation on your map. There was almost everywhere a Hungarian majority in 1920 when we lost them. (maybe you had an ultra-liberal history teacher or you just don't understand history) After that most of these countries tried to "clean" the population with deportation, forced mixed-marriages and decreased law for Hungarians. That's why the ratio went down in a dramatic way.

Chulk: we did not collonize anything. THESE AREA WAS ORGANIC PART OF THE COUNTRY. Like the district of Cordoba in Argentina.


I know, I was talking about Hungary (corrected) France or Denmark. Also Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and many others were an organic part of USSR. BTW, Cordoba is a province, not a district.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: Chulk on December 12, 2007, 09:23:37 PM
I know, I was talking about Hungay

I hope you meant France, for your safety...  :D


Quote from: Duplode on December 12, 2007, 09:38:24 PM
Quote from: Chulk on December 12, 2007, 09:23:37 PM
I know, I was talking about Hungay

I hope you meant France, for your safety...  :D
Yes, I meant France (before CTG gets mad at me) I'll correct it now.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: CTG on December 12, 2007, 09:19:13 PM
(maybe you had an ultra-liberal history teacher or you just don't understand history)
I had a history teacher who was hitting on my girlfriend. So basically I don't care about history, except XXth century, which interests me. I just hate all the nationalist crap. It's dangerous, it's useless and its outdated.


Argh, I wrote a big post and it didn't get posted. Anyway: Chulk: don't be angry I wasn't serious, I know the colonies don't "belong" to us. But would you suggest to rid South America of spanish and introduce mayan/tupi/inca?
Akoss: if there are areas outside Hungary with a mainly Hungarian population, that actually want to be Hungarian, they should be allowed to decide so by vote. Just like in Denmark/Germany in 1920.

(btw about Denmark: southern (present day) Sweden and Northern (present day) Germany were originally Danish. When the Swedish areas were taken away, they did have a mainly danish population. The Germany issue was solved democratically, as I said)
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: zaqrack on December 12, 2007, 10:25:56 PM
Quote from: CTG on December 12, 2007, 09:19:13 PM
(maybe you had an ultra-liberal history teacher or you just don't understand history)
I had a history teacher who was hitting on my girlfriend. So basically I don't care about history, except XXth century, which interests me. I just hate all the nationalist crap. It's dangerous, it's useless and its outdated.
I don't think it would be useless if everyone recognized the other's right to be in that place. Imagine if governments helped native tribes of Africa instead of just taking their diamonds away...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 12, 2007, 10:39:18 PM
Argh, I wrote a big post and it didn't get posted. Anyway: Chulk: don't be angry I wasn't serious, I know the colonies don't "belong" to us. But would you suggest to rid South America of spanish and introduce mayan/tupi/inca?
Akoss: if there are areas outside Hungary with a mainly Hungarian population, that actually want to be Hungarian, they should be allowed to decide so by vote. Just like in Denmark/Germany in 1920.

(btw about Denmark: southern (present day) Sweden and Northern (present day) Germany were originally Danish. When the Swedish areas were taken away, they did have a mainly danish population. The Germany issue was solved democratically, as I said)
LOL! You posted the same time as I did! I know you weren't serious and I wasn't angry. I just wanted to give a serious point of view to the topic. And about your question about Tupi/Mayan/Inca thing, I don't think I can answer that. If Colombus (or Colon as he's called in here) and Spanish hadn't have come, I wouldn't be here today, on this forum. Of course I'm used to live like I do now, but I also would be used to leave in a tribe if South America hadn't been colonized...
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)