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Competition Archive updates

Started by Duplode, January 08, 2008, 04:19:55 PM

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Quote from: zaqrack on January 07, 2016, 12:22:18 PM
ping :)

Thanks -- I have just mailed you the archive :) The update will cover:

  • ZakStunts 2014 and 2015;
  • The final two USC seasons, plus the Christmas Cup 2014;
  • The Stunts LOL Classics winning replays; and
  • The two Le Stunts races held in 2014.


Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I found some of my early winning replays in my old mailbox which are NOT included in Duplode's pack.

ACT 12, Indy, 1:15.80 (2003 Secondary) - EDIT: found in a newer pack of Duplode
Phatt, Indy, 1:23.45 (4dsl 2003) - EDIT: found in a newer pack of Duplode
Tirith, Indy, 0:59.95 (4dsl 2004)
CTK2003b, Indy, 1:08.30 (2003 Kalpen)
CTK2003c, Indy, 0:35.20 (2003 Kalpen)- EDIT: found in a newer pack of Duplode

Somehow the system doesn't allow me to upload the files.

I may still have some more from other drivers (e.g. ACT tracks, 11 and 15).
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


I might have the one for ACT11 somewhere. If I'm not mistaken, I won that won with Ferrari PG.

Whoa, this just reminded me I had a dream recently in which someone talked about Stunts and referred to power gear as "rope", because it was like there was a rope pulling the car.  ???
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 11, 2016, 09:29:11 AM
I found some of my early winning replays in my old mailbox which are NOT included in Duplode's pack.

Great! I will be glad to add any replays you (and/or BJ) might have. The upload issue might have been a transitory problem (it seems to be working right now); if you still can't attach the replays you can mail them to scrstunts AT yahoo DOT com DOT br. 


I've got the ACT11 one but for some reason can't attach it at the moment. I get an error message. Remind me later.
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

here they are (now uploading works):

Tirith winning replay by me
CTK2003b winning replay by me
BJ's winning replay at my competition, ACT 15 track

now I think BJ can also upload his ACT 11 winning replay

other remark:
13th track at IMSA Cup wasn't won by me, though in the pack its name is akosspoo (I didn't even race that track, I missed IMSA Cup 3)

I have won 33 races in my career by now.

Let's sum them:
ZCT 53 - Kinetic Energy (Indy) by Zak - included in Duplode's 2013 competition archive pack
ZCT 154 - El Crash (LM002) by Charles - originally won by CTG, he was deprived of his track victory then - missing from it
ZCT 155 - Dough Job (Audi) by Zak - originally won by CTG, he was deprived of his track victory then - missing
ZCT 159 - Beijing (F40) by Bonzai Joe - missing
ZCT 160 - Oligoway (Melange) by Argammon -  - originally won by CTG, he was deprived of his track victory then - missing
ZCT 161 - Münchausen (Jaguar) by CTG - missing
ZCT 163 - Full House (P962) by Zak - missing
ZCT 164 - You Cut (Acura) by Akoss - missing
ZCT 165 - Swollen Forefinger (Gate) by Shoegazing Leo - missing
ZCT 168 - Holiday (Countach) by Shorty (tied with: Duplode) - both replays are missing
ZCT 169 - Corsica-1 (LM002) by Krys Toff - missing

ACT 06 (P962) by Akoss Poo - included
ACT 09 (Indy) by Akoss Poo - included
ACT 10 (Jaguar) by Akoss Poo - included
ACT 12 (Indy) by Akoss Poo - included

Brussels (Jaguar) by CTG - missing
Utrecht (Melange) by CTG - missing
Rabat (Jaguar) by CTG - missing
Ottawa (Indy) by Akoss (original track name from 1997: Eagle) - missing
Hönefoss (Skoda) by Akoss (tied with: Duplode) - both replays are missing
Csongrád (Countach) by CTG - included
Rozsnyó (Melange) by Akoss (tied with: CTG) - included, but CTG's replay is missing
Miskolc (Indy) by Akoss - included
Kaposvár (P962) by CTG - included

Las Palmas (Indy, OWOOT) by Argammon, modified by Mingva - included
Vilnius (Indy, OWOOT) by Argammon, modified by Mingva - included

Taegu (Indy) by Leo Ramone - included

CTK2003b (Indy) by JTK - uploaded now
CTG2003c (Indy) by JTK - included

Tirith (Indy) by Alan Rotoi - uploaded now
Phatt (Indy) by Alan Rotoi - included

Road Atlanta (P962) by Krys Toff - included
Oran Park (Jaguar) by Krys Toff - included
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 12, 2016, 01:17:54 PM
here they are (now uploading works):

Awesome, thanks!

Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 12, 2016, 01:17:54 PM
CTK2003b winning replay by me

This means that only BJ's 2003a replay is missing to complete the Kalpen "revival era" set.

Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 12, 2016, 01:17:54 PM
now I think BJ can also upload his ACT 11 winning replay

And this, in turn, will complete AkossStunts' set.

Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 12, 2016, 01:17:54 PM
13th track at IMSA Cup wasn't won by me, though in the pack its name is akosspoo (I didn't even race that track, I missed IMSA Cup 3)

There are a few mislabelled IMSA Cup 3 replays indeed. I will straighten them out.

Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 12, 2016, 01:17:54 PM
Hönefoss (Skoda) by Akoss (tied with: Duplode) - both replays are missing

This one is already in the 2013 archive, in the USC2 directory (I had to split the directory due to the number of files limit).

Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 12, 2016, 01:17:54 PM
Rozsnyó (Melange) by Akoss (tied with: CTG) - included, but CTG's replay is missing

Now this one had really fallen through the cracks -- thanks for pointing it out!


Here they are. The Kalpen one is very special for me because CTRACK31 was one of the first competition tracks I raced on in 2001. At that time, I perceived CAP, Mark Nailwood and Fdzierva as Stunts gods, and CAP's winning time of 47.70 was something unattainable. By 2003 I was beginning to think we were better than those old gods but I wasn't sure until I won Kalpen A and beat CAP by such a margin. It was then that I knew that we were the gods now.

The ACT one is fun because my average speed is so low until the power gear part. I was proud of this one because I was the only one who did PG so I won by 11 seconds or something.
But we can't be quite sure.


Thanks! I have just sent an updated archive with yours and Akoss' replays to Zak. Those are some mighty fine tracks by the way.

Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 15, 2016, 12:37:19 PM
By 2003 I was beginning to think we were better than those old gods but I wasn't sure until I won Kalpen A and beat CAP by such a huge margin. It was then that I knew that we were the gods now.

2003A was a very important race in competition history; as such, it was a major omission from the archive -- now rectified.

Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 15, 2016, 12:37:19 PM
The ACT one is fun because my average speed is so low until the power gear part.

Yup, it is a lot of fun to get away with such things!


After months of procrastination and computer woes, I can finally announce that there will be a 2018 update to the Competition Archive. The plans are for it to be ready before the new year. Here are the competitions the update should cover (please do tell me if I forgot anything!):

  • ZakStunts (2016-2018)
  • ZakStunts GAR (2016-2018)
  • ZakStunts NoRH (2016)
  • R4I (2016)
  • R4K (2016-2018)
  • LeStunts (2017; Dorsal and Second)
  • Superkart Special Event (2010)

I think almost all of those either are somewhere in my computer already, or are otherwise easy to retrieve. In any case, I will ask you folks if anything turns out to be missing.

On an additional note, another thing I would like to do is setting up some architecture for the Archive more resilient than a bunch of folders, textfiles and spreadsheets loosely correlated with each other. I'm not sure I will have time to play with that before the release, though.


Quote from: Duplode on November 12, 2018, 04:42:35 AM

  • ZakStunts GAR (2016-2018)
  • ZakStunts NoRH (2016)

Uhm, these can be filtered out from the result through the database, but I could also make the replay tags visible in the full list of results for a track. Would that help?

Quote from: Duplode on November 12, 2018, 04:42:35 AM
On an additional note, another thing I would like to do is setting up some architecture for the Archive more resilient than a bunch of folders, textfiles and spreadsheets loosely correlated with each other. I'm not sure I will have time to play with that before the release, though.

Tell me more.


Quote from: dreadnaut on November 12, 2018, 10:17:56 AM
I could also make the replay tags visible in the full list of results for a track. Would that help?

It would help; also it is, for unrelated reasons, a feature I have been wanting for a long time  :) The way I once imagined it was having little (G) and (N) indicators in the replay entries, like the (A) ones for automatic transmission laps; in any case, I'll be happy with however form of display you decide on.

Quote from: dreadnaut on November 12, 2018, 10:17:56 AM
Quote from: Duplode on November 12, 2018, 04:42:35 AM
On an additional note, another thing I would like to do is setting up some architecture for the Archive more resilient than a bunch of folders, textfiles and spreadsheets loosely correlated with each other. I'm not sure I will have time to play with that before the release, though.
Tell me more.

While I didn't really feel such things when I was making an effort to update my working version of the archive at the end of every race, the prospect of updating it after not having touched it in years makes the procedures seem a bit fragile -- prone to mistakes, and perhaps with sub-optimal results for users. More specifically, I would like to have a single point of truth for race information: it might be, for instance, a SQLite database from which the text file race lists and the spreadsheet could be generated, and which could also be used to perform consistency checks on the .TRK and .RPL files (if not storing the files themselves there, though there are some subtleties that would have to be dealt with for that to work well). In terms of amount of work to do, the main complication is that such a plan would entail not only designing the database schema and writing the program, but also getting the ~900 race entries into the database -- a process that in all likelihood can't be fully automated.


Sorry for the months of procrastination... but I have news! I have finally started to make some real progress with the update: the R4K replays, which I consider the most critical element, are more or less in place now. ZakStunts GAR laps and other replays should follow shortly.

I'd like to hear your opinions on the release date. Given that it is already July, and that I will, at a minimum, wait for the July races to finish before the release, I wonder if I should wait for the 2019 season to end or just release it as soon as it is ready.