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Rotoi's secret files opened!

Started by alanrotoi, October 11, 2012, 08:29:20 PM

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After ten years Stunts Oracle convinced me to open my stunts secret files :).

Here we have the checkpoint notes for ZCT14, my first competition track. This is the way I wrote the checkpoints, in small yellow post-it papers.

As we can see I did 3 trys, 3 different replays. The last part of the third replay was too weird to write because a big jump from a bridge to a corckscrew up/down.



oooh. nice!

I still have one copy of the ZakStunts 2001 award somewhere in Budapest... hand-drawn by me!


My first Stunts WRL was written on paper, maybe it's still in the drawer.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I always used this kind of paper, for almost each track. But I'm not collecting them.
Chürműű! :-)

2939.49 km


Quote from: Akoss Poo on October 12, 2012, 10:21:24 AM
I always used this kind of paper, for almost each track. But I'm not collecting them.

I guess the speciality of this paper is not the habit of taking checkpoint notes. But it's the first one ever made by Rotoi during the legendary ZCT 14.


Great to see! Were you using advanced replay handling?
But we can't be quite sure.


Now... I have all of them but ZCT16!!! damn!!!!! Or maybe I didn't use checkpoints because the weird way, I don't remember.


Another secret file opened. This time in a wiki article form. Check it out.


Email sent to Eddie Brother, 24 May of 2002

Before the creation of MeganiuM Aces High team I was some days in Unskilled Drivers  ;D

Hola! Estuviste jugando al estún?  Contame como va
eso! Acordate que la competencia es mensual y termina
a fin de mes!
Sabes que recibi mensajes de los de mi equipo
preguntandome como era el truco que usaba para hacer
tan poco tiempo. CTG al principio, antes de que vea mi
mejor tiempo me decia que el queria intercambiar
secretos y asi me decia su truco. Ahora me pregunta
como hice, ya no pone mas condiciones el gil. Y
despues Cordi Monserrat, que recien ahora me escribe y
para preguntarme "como compañero de grupo" como hago
ese tiempo. Me busco x icq!! Vayanse a la mierda!!!
Yo me voy de ese equipo, son dos nabos! jeje Y bueno,
asi de interesados son...
Buen Patiniksnos vemos! Manda tu replay a Zak's! Adios!


Hmm I'll translate it as best as I can :D

"Hi! Have you been playing Stunts? Tell me how is going. Remember the competition is monthly and it finishes the end of the month.

I received a message from my team, asking me how was the trick I used to be that fast. CTG told me before he saw my best time that he wanted to exchange secrets and then he'll tell me his secrets. Now he asks how I did it, without conditions, what a jerk. After, Cordi Monserrat that he writes me now asking me as "teammate" how I do that time. He searched me from ICQ. Go to hell!! I'll leave this team, they are two jerks. They are like this... See ya send your replay to Zak's. Bye."

I can't do it better. It says how I disliked the way they got interest of my replays after seeing it was faster. I was a newbie too and I needed a "symbiosis" team.


Another crazy thing... I wanted to attract the most people possible. So I made a brochure to print and publish on all the boards of the University. September 12 of 2002. But I never printed them.


Quote from: alanrotoi on March 06, 2013, 05:17:09 AM
Another crazy thing... I wanted to attract the most people possible. So I made a brochure to print and publish on all the boards of the University. September 12 of 2002. But I never printed them.
wow, this is a good idea. :) We should make it happen! :)


Quote from: alanrotoi on March 04, 2013, 10:56:14 PM
Email sent to Eddie Brother, 24 May of 2002

Before the creation of MeganiuM Aces High team I was some days in Unskilled Drivers  ;D

Hola! Estuviste jugando al estún?  Contame como va
eso! Acordate que la competencia es mensual y termina
a fin de mes!
Sabes que recibi mensajes de los de mi equipo
preguntandome como era el truco que usaba para hacer
tan poco tiempo. CTG al principio, antes de que vea mi
mejor tiempo me decia que el queria intercambiar
secretos y asi me decia su truco. Ahora me pregunta
como hice, ya no pone mas condiciones el gil. Y
despues Cordi Monserrat, que recien ahora me escribe y
para preguntarme "como compañero de grupo" como hago
ese tiempo. Me busco x icq!! Vayanse a la mierda!!!
Yo me voy de ese equipo, son dos nabos! jeje Y bueno,
asi de interesados son...
Buen Patiniksnos vemos! Manda tu replay a Zak's! Adios!

So that's how our friendship started... :D