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Mounting C:Drive in Dosbox MacOS

Started by Mortimer Macmire, January 13, 2025, 12:35:48 PM

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Mortimer Macmire

Hi guys,

Quick question. Since my dos Emulator (Boxer, made especially for MacOS) hasn't been updated since 2016 it is now showing more and more problems after every Mac update.

So I tried to install dosbox for Mac, which in itself works flawlessly. But there's one small problem. Every time I stop the program and restart it, it "forgets" the directory I mounted as the c:drive. So, every time I start up dosbox I need to Mount the C:drive again. Is this normal? In itself not a big problem, but it would be a lot more convenient if I found I way to let it remember the Mount.

Since Boxer was nothing more than copying a folder of the dos game into the program, Dosbox is totally new for me. So this might be a Noob question but thanks in advance!

Erik Barros

Hello there!

This is the normal behavior of the default dosbox configuration. To automate this process you need to add the lines you use to mount the unit to the dosbox.conf configuration file. I checked the dosbox wiki to get a clue as to where the file will be in the finder.
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At the end of the file, there is [autoexec]. Just include the lines as in the example below.

mount c c:/games
cd stunts

The example above uses the Windows folder structure, you need to adjust it. You can choose whether when you open dosbox you start stunts, or go to a specific folder.

Erik Barros

Here is the reference page for dosbox configuration.

As an immediate suggestion, generally in the default configuration Stunts is a little slow. Increasing the cycles parameter to a fixed value above 10000 should fix the problem.

Configuring the scale and type of rendering is a matter of taste. Our wiki page may also be useful to help with adjustments.

Mortimer Macmire

Thanks for the answer Erik! And also thanks for the parameter hint, I'll definitely keep that in mind when start to set DosBox up further.


Hi!  You can write an "autoexec.bat" at the end of your dosbox.conf file. In Linux, it's located at /home/user/.dosbox... I guess it'll be the same for Mac. At the end of the file, there's the [autoexec] block and you can add commands to be run upon start.

EDIT: Looks like this had already been answered :P
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.


Quote from: Mortimer Macmire on January 13, 2025, 12:35:48 PMdosbox for Mac

A tangent: our Stunts tools are unfortunately lacking when it comes to macOS coverage, as the toolmakers among us typically don't have a Mac available for testing or building binaries. CarEdit and several of Cas' tools have DOS builds at least, so they can be ran on DOSBox as a fallback.

And now, something optional: since you're remaking your DOSBox setup, consider switching to DOSBox Staging, which offers a number of nice quality-of-life improvements over vanilla DOSBox (for instance: correct aspect ratio by default; tasteful CRT filters; integrated MT-32 emulation; improved controller support).


QuoteFrom the x86 family of processors, a processor with SSSE3 (Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3) is required.

That's great. I can't use it. Let's see the source code.

QuoteMeson >= 0.56, or Visual Study Community Edition 2022

QuoteMeson is implemented in Python 3, and requires 3.7 or newer.

Ok, I give up...