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Started by BonzaiJoe, October 30, 2002, 11:37:25 PM

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JTK, KHR, CAP, LQR, CMG, CTG, SDK, MFT, PCK.... What's with all those 3-letter abbreviations?
But we can't be quite sure.


Are you really interested in this? Well then I tell you: CTG means a very unmodest thing but contains another 3-letter-word. The original one: CAX The God I used this name for a joke in the secondary school when we (Akoss, Usrin and me) played Stunts. It's obvious that I was far the worst driver...  :evil:

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

And why are you Bonzai Joe and what does 'Bonzai' mean? And why is Alan Rotoi Alan Rotoi and what does 'Rotoi' mean? And why is Krys Toff Krys Toff, why is Usrin Usrin? Why is Duke Bismarck Duke Bismarck? What does 'Argammon' mean? Why is pArAnO pArAnO? They are more mystical for me!
Maybe we only know the origin of Zak's and Inavoeg's name.
And why am I Akoss Poo?
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Bonzai means in the japanese language: "Live for 1000 years!"  :)


I didn't know that :D I am Bonzai Joe because once upon a time when I was 10 years old, I wrote a story in which there was a character called Bonzai Joe (just called so because I thought it sounded cool) and then some months later, I started calling my self Bonzai Joe on the scoreboard when I raced with ManOnMoon. Now I am just Bonzai Joe because I am so used to it that I won't take another name. I don't think it's a particularly great name... the greatest name here is of course Zak McKracken.
By the way, we also know the origin of Roy's name (his real name) and of Alain's name (same thing). Mingva is probably a strange anagram/abbreviation of Mindaugas Gvozdas, and Krys Toff is a different way of spelling "Christophe". But the others I don't know... Parano must have something to do with Paranoya, and Duke Bismarck was a german (Preussian)... duke... in late 1800's/early 1900's. He slaughtered the danes in 1864.
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Well, I think it's time to tell ya why I am Akoss Poo.
But first I want to say that 'Bonzai Joe' really sounds cool and it's the best name there because it's original, no more Bonzai Joes on the world, it's the result of your own fantasy. But 'Alan Rotoi' and 'Sneller dan Ben' also sounds cool. :D
Well, my first name is '?kos' and in 1997 when I played Network Q Rally (it is an excellent computer game) I started to write my name onto the scoreboard 'Akoos' because 'Akos' sounded too simple.
A friend of mine is called 'Gunnar' or just shortly 'Gu', another is called 'B?l?' or just 'Bu'. A third friend of mine was started to give such names to us in 1998, he said let me be 'Pu'. Well, I didn't liked it, but he and Gu did, and my sister especially, so I got used to this name. But I said let it be written with two 'o'-s, so it became 'Poo'. It was in 1998. I started to use the two names together: 'Akoos Poo'. (In 1999 we formed a gang - it is rather a group of friends, not gangsta people, but we call it a gang - and the members are: Gu, Loo, Bu and Poo... well, we weren't and aren't proud of these names but we sometimes use it.)
In March 2000 I started to take part in Stunts competitions as 'Akoos Poo'. It can be seen on the site of the Swedish Stunts Championship, which is reachable from the Meganium site.
In April 2000 I started to be bored with 'Akoos' and I changed it to 'Akoss'. And the final form of my name was born: 'Akoss Poo'. It's a little bit complicated, but there was no other (shorter) way to tell you these. :?
We are still seeking for the origin of the others' name.

Policemen, gypsies, keep on killing each other!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


OK, well you asked for it...

so. I was 13 years old, and in the school we started to make small gropus as usual in that age. We formed a "family" with some friends, it was the Mustafa family. And it was a habit to give ourselves loooong names.
Mine was:

Mustafa Fitoska Tivadar B?lajos?d?nguszt?vazul?szl?luk?csongortaksony

why this one?
guess you know why Mustafa.
Fitoska because when we learned pascal on comp.programming lesson, everyone had a file noname00.pas, but mine was fitoska.pas, so it stuck on me. :)
Tivadar is my chosen favourite name.
And the long one is the putting together of 9 not so common, funny-sounding Hungarian names: B?la, Lajos, ?d?n, Guszt?v, Vazul, Ul?szl?, Luk?cs, Csongor, Taksony.

So, and we were in quite a revolutionary age, so we did some small graffittis in the school & publis transport. So I needed a tag, which was MFT from Mustafa Fitoska Tivadar.

That's how MFT was born. I used it for some years, in computr games, from 1997 on fidonet and shadownet (you may not know these, they were old BBS and remote-based mailing networks, when Internet wasn't so well-known yet, and then I used it from 1998 on the net too.
In 1999 I had enough of it, because it was too short, and we played one day with some friends on IRC, that we took some favourite game character names on us, and spoke as we were them.
When I arrived to Zak McKracken, I just felt that I won't change it anymore. It stayed so, but I also needed a shorter version of it, it was
ZakKrack first, but then I changed to Zaqrack, which is pronounced almost the same, but sounds also more unique.

Now here we are. :)

Shoegazing Leo

Leo Ramone don't need explications. Sure?

I'ts funny to see CAP and Parano in the same team...
CAP is too the abreviacture of Clube Atl?tico Paranaense and Parano looks alike Paran?, a rival of Atl?tico Paranaense. The two soccer teams are 2 of 3 professional great teams of my city... The other one is Coritiba (also called Coxa). Exists a player called Corisco or Coxa... They can create a team called "Los Tres Inimigos"... :lol:


But now Leo, Parano is a MeganiuM Team traineer... errr I mean member!!

(personal joke)  :wink:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


And what about your name Alan? We are interested in this question?


This story is very funny so pay attention ;) (and sorry for my bad english)

The Story starts 10 years ago, when I go out with my dog Alan (a beatiful brown German Shepherd) to do that they do in the trees  :D  , piss and another things.

All was ok so I didn't pay atention to him. And when I see him, he started to piss, not in a tree exactly, he started to do it almost in the front door of a neighbor. So I pulled the strap trying to stop that mess. I couldn't but in the ground he left some strange marks. It was "written" a word: rotoi. So I assumed that he chose his own name and I started to call him Alan and as a last name Rotoi, then Alan Rotoi.

I used Rotoi as nickname in internet almost from the beginning (1998)

He born the 5 of may of 1988 in Monte a small town of Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina with 8 little dogs more. 45 days after that my uncle brought us a little dog and we called him Alan.
He died the 20 of October of 2001 and from that moment he will be on my heart forever and ever.  He was with us 13 years, and it's more than the half of my life. I only have a lot of memories and some pictures. He lived as a king here, you can't imagine how we loved him, my family and friends. I still miss him and sure I will all my life. :cry:

SO!... It isn't a sad story! :D  :D  :lol:  :lol:  I started to use the nick alanrotoi more or less from the beginning of 2001 and I edited some pictures with my body and the head of Alan and now that being (we) is called Alan Rotoi.


Nice story! Anyway I have the same kind of dog called 'Lady' so I will never use her name in the championship...  :D


BJ is right, Krys Toff means Christophe (my 1st name).
I changed the way it's written because old games limited names to 8 letters only (due to filename length, u know that of course).

First, i wrote it ChrisTof.
Then KrysTof to be more original.
And then KrysToff because i encountered someone (a Hungarian guy if my memory is correct) which real 1st name was Krystof and i wanted a unique nickname.

Sorry, but there's no wonderful story like BJ or Alan's. :lol:


yep Christophe = Kristof in Hungarian, so Krystof must be a common name here. :)


Quote from: "Leo Ramone"Leo Ramone don't need explications. Sure?

I'ts funny to see CAP and Parano in the same team...
CAP is too the abreviacture of Clube Atl?tico Paranaense and Parano looks alike Paran?, a rival of Atl?tico Paranaense. The two soccer teams are 2 of 3 professional great teams of my city... The other one is Coritiba (also called Coxa). Exists a player called Corisco or Coxa... They can create a team called "Los Tres Inimigos"... :lol:

uh! ok ;)