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JTK's diary of the 3rd World Stunts Meeting in Budapest

Started by JTK, August 10, 2006, 10:12:55 AM

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BJ (very drunk): "You are a cool old man" JTK: "Tell me more of this and I'll write it down!"

Okay then...

2:50. 2:50!!! Not at all my time to get out of bed usually. But today I very soon remember - after having crashed my alarm clock against the wall - today I will travel to the 3rd Stunts Meeting. Early, but still it's very early. And early. Too early to report something... so wait for what will be coming up (stay tuned ;))!

I wrote something here yesterday, but then Zak's laptop broke down and everything was lost...

Thursday the day life races started

It was a great welcome for me: Lise, Bonzai Joe and Zak were at the Ferihegy 2 Airport to catch me from there, standing in front of the door holding a sign which read "best track constructor"...  :) It was a longer journey to finally get to Zak's home, and there we startet shopping first: Salami (of course!!!), chicken breast, raspberries and some beer: Borsodi, Arany and the "communist" Kobanyai. Coming out of one shop suddenly CTG stood there and he came with us.

Back at home Zak and me started to design the first tracks: Ferihegy (by Zak) and Melon (by me). Ferihegy then was used for a warm up race, which Zak won - an BJ lost. I was better than BJ!!! Yay!!! ;D (Maybe the first and the last time, but I was! Lalala!) We wanted more, so I fast-constructed a modified Melon track called Between, which Lise finally joined to race. :) In the meantime BJ harrassed on me all the ntime, that there is no new contest track at the Kalpen's contest, so I took the beginning of Melon and built ctr2006d. Sure noone of the pipsqueaks tried it, after finishing and testing the track I put it on my USB stick and deleted all evidence... 8)

After that we headed into town to visit the castle and the Buda castle's labyrinth, which was quite nice: Walking around in caverns and dungeons just holding a petroleum lamp and trying to scare each others... Hihetetlen!

No we were hungry (hungry in Hungary...), went home and started cooking. Zak made a brilliant filling for pancakes made of spicy chicken breast, onions, paprika and some more spices. It tasted great, yummy!

We just finished eating when Zak's door"bell" rang (it doesn't sound like a bell at all): Zak went to the house phone and held it to my ear. And I heard it singing: "Chillie, Chillie, Chillie beans in pina!". Ah - Akoss and Usrin were coming and finally serious life racing and beer consuming started! We raced Melon with the Indy first (which Zak won) and afterwards Borsodi for the Audi (which Zak won as well - maybe because he was the only sober one? Maybe not?). Poor Lise, she had to experience the one thing, BJ was waiting for all day: Akoss' home brewed Palinka! Phew - I couldn't drink mine I have to admit. Far to heavy for me.

I was more than tired when I fell in bed about 0:15 o'clock and fell asleep almost immediatly.

Friday the day first Salami disappeared

Goooooood morning everyone! Had a nice sleep. Zak prepares breakfast and BJ's and my dreams come true: Three different kinds of Salami with paprika on bread - we loved it so much that very soon there was no slice of Salami left on the plate. :D So we had to go to the market again and buy Salami,Salami, Paprika (for lecso) and sausages.

Back at home we did some smalltraining races and the headed for a hill aroung Budapest to take a look at the city from above. That was the plan: Go by bus, then by tram, then by train. And that was reality: Starting by bus, getting into a traffic jam, getting of the bus, walking by foot, missing the next bus, waiting for the bus after that, getting inside, waiting, because the bus won't start, as the bus starts seeing the tram driving away even before we can get out of the bus, climbing a hill by foot, hearing the train coming, running up the rest of the hill and finally reaching the train! :D It was a nice journey uphilll and a gigantic view from top of the hill to Budapest. We had some pastry for the small hunger there (mine was with cabbage, hmmm... :)) Then we headed forward to an everr higher hill nearby with a tower which we climed to have an even more spectacular view of Budapest and the surroundings, so nice - hihetetlen!

We went downhill by chair lift. It was a very, very nice trip, long and silent. One could take a look at other houses, their windows and terraces as the chair lift chairs went just across the gardens of the inhabitants. Nice ride, really enjoyed it.

We took the next bus and entered a huge ice cream shop where I had had five scoops of ice cream: Chocolate, chocolate, coconut, apricot and red currant - delicious! :P

Back at home it was time for Paprika, another live racing track which Akoss should learn to hate  very soon (he didn't even finish it once by Saturday noon. We had hard live races on Paprika and Salami (by Bonzai Joe). The best in doing this is, that I beat Akoss because I finished the track twice! :D But I guess still there is no chance for me to win the original 4 D Sports Driving in the end... *sigh*.

Beside the fact, that Zak cooked a brilliant and sooooooootasty Lecso, did anything else happen this evening/night? No I don1t think so. At one o'clock Akoss, CTG, Usrin and Jacky killed more than half a bottle of Palinka and almosthalf a bottle of Absinth. They were quite loud, raced terribly, while Zak and Lise were playing old C 64 games. :) It was big fun but as usual I fell asleep one quarter of an hour later. Akoss twice tried to wake me up (in which he succeeded), but I tried to pretend I was dead and so he went away soon each time. ;) As Zak told me later the party went on until 2:30... 8)

PS: Of course - Lise told me to write - she also drank Palinka, the worst drink in my eyes must have been her glass half filled with Palinka and half with ice tea...  :P

Saturday the day blind race killed bass

I woke up at about nine o'clock. Everything was quiet in the flat. Oops? But - oh - I could see an alcoholic corpse, a victim of Palinka and Absinth lying and snoring in bed - looked a bit like Akoss Poo. Yes, and it was his smell, too. ;) I went to the kitchen to prepare some tea and Zak also came also out. After some time another great breakfast - I had fried egg with HOT paprika, lots of Salami and some pieces of the 9 1/2 kg-melon (actually it was half a melon, really huge). Lecker!

Soon after breakfast there was no more Salami anymore and we had to go to the market again. There I bought for to take it home some not-so-spicy paprika, some spicy paprika, a biiiig Salami (about 2,2 kg) and another 600g of thin Salamis.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D And of course I told KHR about this and he exploded of jealousy reading this in Germany! :D

At noon Akos was still trying to finish Paprika and Zak and BJ did some great football matches on Zak's old C 64. Bonzai Joe had a very crazy idea then: He started Stunts, chose the Indy and the default track, startet teh race - ans shut down the monitor - blid race!!! We were ROTFL, he did never reach the end of the track but made some nice tries to get back on the road several times, the replays were great to look at. ;D Astonishingly the sound of the game changed, when he turned the monitor off: In the music the bass line was not to be heard anymore! Crazy melody. As we found out: Live race killes base.  8)

And then came the time: Zak wanted to meet his girl friend at noon and wanted us to do something he prepared the day before: A Budapest city game! We drove with him to Margits Hid (bridge) and there we went off the bus. Two teams were maid, one was Usrin and Bonzai Joe, the other one was Akoss, Lise and me. We got four sheets of paper: One was a plan of the Pest side of the city, the other three had 25 places or streets on the plan (in alphabetical order) with up to five exercises to do there (find out, who some statue belongs to, which special scholl was there, to write a haiku about a cow, etc.). We had four hours time to finish all the tasks and to reach the highest amount of 200 points. 5 extra points could be achieved by doing some live stunts, which had to be documented by camera. My team - of course - finished all in time, although sure we had to walk more than ten kilometres through Pest. It was a great game, we saw a lot of the city and had quite some fun. The second team of course said, that their live stunts had been much better, but seeing BJ running around a fountain did not prove, that they were better all in all, didn't it, Jacky? ;D  ::)

We were very tired being at Zak's later, where we had some pizzas, and only three hours later Zak's fabulous stuffed cabbage! Oh, I was sooo satified and tired and slept like a log...

Sunday The day the Beer Situation appeared

Early get up at 6:00! Zak booked a mini bus for me to get to the airport on monday morning. I fell asleep again as soon, as I saw my bed, Zak stayed up to provide us with a fast breakfast, because we had not much time - the train was waiting for us. It took us to Szentendre, a nice village with many old and cosy houses, an absolute touristic place but soooo nice. (BJ: I liked the rooves of the houses ;)) We sight-seeing-ed a lot, had some nice ice cream again and sat at the Duna river talking about Hungarian car number plates. BJ and me were seriously discussing things, a seperate topic would be needed for (check it out here). Then we went to the bus which took us to Esztergom, a small city straight at the Slovakian border. We crossed the border (by walking a bridge over the Duna) and reached Esztergom, where many Hungarians come to for eating. It is very cheap there, indeed.

My special dinner was: As El??telek I had one of the life stunts Levesek. Testicals soup. Bulls balls soup! :o Yep! ;D I never had something like this before but BJ and Zak also tried and found out like me, that testicals do not taste that bad at all - they had the consitency of octopus and a certain ballish taste... ;D Then I had Frissens?ltek: smoked, diced pork with homemade T?szt?k (quite near to Zak's pasta) scalloped with sheep cottage Sajtok. Yummy. Lise had to beat us all - she ordered three (3!) dishes: salad, a cheese plate and tortellini. That looked quite greedy, didn't it Lise? ;)

And of course we had beer. Zlat? Bazant from tap. Great beer. And cheap. About 60 euro cents per 1/2 litre (in restaurant!). As BJ stated we had the beer situation now - when beer is that cheap we should drink and drink and drink until we ell from our chairs and still go on drinking, paying a ridiculuos amount of money later. But we did not have the time, so the beer situation went, as we left the restaurant... *sigh*  :-\

Outside on the street Usrin introduced us to a very special (non-alcoholic) drink - Kofola, a kind of Slovakian coke. But it had a very special taste. A different one. Like some herbs and spices inside. Nice. There should be a racing track like this, I thought.

Then we went shopping. In Slovakian supermarkets things are cheap to Hungarian people and hihetetlen cheap for us western Europeans. We bought some stuff, went to the bushes and back, walked a while and passed the border again to the Hungarian Esztergom. There we took a look at the Hungarian main churgch, a huge buiolding upon a hill, where we fancied a tremendous view across the Duna and Slovakia. After having one small ice cream (three scoops for me only) we went to the train which brought us back to Zak's home.

There we started designing live contest tracks at onec, while Zak refused to do so and rather went cooking. ::) 8) Kofola was built by me and Alcohol by Akoss. Then we had to eat and fulfill one the Stunts Meeting's musts: CHILLIE BEANS! Yeaz! Akoss was in a state of full satisfaction and we all loved it very, very much! Thanks Zak for cooking the best meals ever! :) :) :) While we were eating, Dinmor came straight from the airport by mini bus - aaah, there he was, come on, Dinmor, eat and drink and talk and start racing immediately! :D Poor boy! But he did!

We raced Kofola first, with special KOfola rules: each time you crash you have to take a deep gulp of Kofola. Then we raced Alcohol, of course with Palinka rules. But the track was too easy, only Dinmor crashed three times and was a candidate for a nice glass of Palinka...

In the end - no wonder - Bonzai Joe was the overall champion of all live races and won an originally sealed and boxe 4 D Sports Driving for the Amiga. He even woke up for some seconds , kissing the game over and over and smiling his winning face into the jounalists (Usrin's) cameras. Congratulations from all of us, BJ!  :)

But now it was time for me to go to bed, we took the obligatory group photo and then I fell into uneasy sleep.

Monday The day I didn't wanted to...

Ah shit! That was my alarm. Get up at 5:15 am. Grumbl. Have a quick and quiet wash, pack the rest of my stuff, had a cup of tea and there was my bus to the airport to get back to Kiel... :'(

Thanks to all of you for having such a nice meeting again, I was very happy having met you again (or for the first time :)), I deeply hope we will manage to meet again, maybe next year at Lise's??? :) Thank you Zak for your hihetetlen efforts and work and kindest hospitality - it was the second time ever so great being at your place, thanks again! :)

Well then - I hope to CU at my scoreboard and at the next World Stunts Meeting! Yours sincerely, JTK 8)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


a diary ? hehehe, great idea!

btw, happy birthday!!! ;D ;D
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


Vintage Stunts Racing at



These lines awake mixed feelings in me, it is great to hear that you had such a nice meeting, but I would have liked to be there so much...  :-[

The last year passed so extremely fast, this one will surely also do. And then I'll hopefully be with you!  :)
"Why can't we not be sober?"


...but Diesel, Diesel, Diesel Joe's still drinking!
Vintage Stunts Racing at


"Why can't we not be sober?"


Phew - finally finished, sorry for letting you wait. :) By tha way, Zak, the day before yesterday I used the last of the paprikas I bought in Budapest and some from here, some tomatoes, sausages and pork fat and tried to re-cppk your lecso - it was very good, I was astonished. And my wife ate so much of it she almost exploded (I guess she did the next day, because of fiery, firey, fiery ass...).  8)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


sounds so great!

the others here maybe had enough of my food because they are going to a restaurant tonight. they know :)
I'll have a cooking party with my girlfriend then :D

btw, I really hope Bonzai Joe will continue the diary ;)


Quote from: zaqrack on August 19, 2006, 01:26:46 PMthe others here maybe had enough of my food

NO WAY! I cannot believe it. But I hope, you have/had a great cooking night...!  :)
Vintage Stunts Racing at

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I also hope that BJ will continue to write the diary! :) I'd especially like to read his comments on the Monday night.
Chürműű! :-)

1607.22 km



Maybe I can join just to say goodbye.

(Only maybe because I started to feel very ill after the last evening's catastrophy: too long time in the cold rain and storm)


Quote from: CTG on August 21, 2006, 10:19:33 AM
Maybe I can join just to say goodbye.

(Only maybe because I started to feel very ill after the last evening's catastrophy: too long time in the cold rain and storm)

Yep you can do that....we are leaving around 6 pm from Zaks place...after we have bought a lot of salami to bring home (we are really thinking about you JTK!)