This might technically belong in a different subforum, but what the heck, I'll put it here since this is the most active subforum.
I was checking out Hard Drivin' II, the dos port, which as you might expect, is derived from the Hard Drivin' arcade game. I knew there were dos ports of Hard Drivin' and Race Drivin', but what I didn't know is that...... Hard Drivin' II has a full featured track editor with dozens of tracks/objects that can be placed on the terrain, akin to the Stunts track editor.
Stunts does many things better than this game (better framerate, better draw distance, more cars, hills/water in terrain), but HD2 does some things Stunts does not, such as greater variety in the radius of the turn tracks you can place.
I haven't exhaustively tried out HD2's editor, but what gives? Unlike Stunts, there is no indication of any HD2 community or custom levels ever being uploaded anywhere.
I suppose the same could be said about Stunt pipsqueak, another dos pipsqueak with the ability to make custom stunt tracks... but at least in HD2's case, I would have thought this game was somewhat popular through the relationship to the highly popular and well known arcade game...
Anyone else tried HD2's editor, or made custom tracks in it?
I was checking out Hard Drivin' II, the dos port, which as you might expect, is derived from the Hard Drivin' arcade game. I knew there were dos ports of Hard Drivin' and Race Drivin', but what I didn't know is that...... Hard Drivin' II has a full featured track editor with dozens of tracks/objects that can be placed on the terrain, akin to the Stunts track editor.
Stunts does many things better than this game (better framerate, better draw distance, more cars, hills/water in terrain), but HD2 does some things Stunts does not, such as greater variety in the radius of the turn tracks you can place.
I haven't exhaustively tried out HD2's editor, but what gives? Unlike Stunts, there is no indication of any HD2 community or custom levels ever being uploaded anywhere.
I suppose the same could be said about Stunt pipsqueak, another dos pipsqueak with the ability to make custom stunt tracks... but at least in HD2's case, I would have thought this game was somewhat popular through the relationship to the highly popular and well known arcade game...
Anyone else tried HD2's editor, or made custom tracks in it?