Our asshole PM just sent congratulations to yours, expressing his gratitude that he won by sharing the same values as he does.
Yay. I pray for the economic crisis to hit for all these fuckheads to take the blame and fade away finally.
Yay. I pray for the economic crisis to hit for all these fuckheads to take the blame and fade away finally.
Quote from: Duplode on November 12, 2018, 12:00:51 AMQuote from: Shoegazing Leo on October 28, 2018, 11:14:50 PM
RIP Brazil. The fascists won...
A little over three years ago, I posted this:Quote from: Duplode on August 16, 2015, 11:16:37 PMQuote from: BonzaiJoe on August 16, 2015, 11:18:55 AM
What's happening in Brazil? Duplode? Leo?
Economic downturn + corruption scandals + a politically weak and generally adrift government => demonstrators and sectors of the opposition (*) crying "Impeachment!". That has been the default state of affairs since January, so there is nothing to be too overtly worried about (**).
(*) I'd rather say overexcited demonstrators and sectors of agitators within the opposition, but that's my own political slant, and so YMMV.
(**) Of course the three things I listed at the beginning are quite worrying. I just mean we are not at the brink of an institutional crisis or anything really serious like that.
And look where we are now. That should teach me not to tempt fate...