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Hannover meeting point for DJ, Zak, Akoss and me

Started by Krys TOFF, June 16, 2005, 11:36:38 AM

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Oh, yes, I remember! Arrival lounge, Terminal B, ground floor! :D
"Why can't we not be sober?"

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

To contact Akoss Poo from now on:

10th July on Stunts forum, on msn or in mail (

11th July only on phone (+36304107459)

12th July from the afternoon: on Stunts forum, on msn or in mail

13th July until the afternoon: only on phone, from the afternoon: on phone or by contacting Zak

14th July: on phone or by contacting Zak (on the plane: no contacts :)), from the afternoon: LIVE!!! :D
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Quote from: "JTK"Hard to hear that, Diesel Joe... Hannover is the city I was born and of course there is much to see (JTK's and KHR's birth house in Helenenstra?e 10, for example  :-) ) Here's a maybe helpfull link:
Zak and Akoss, for you monday afternoon trip, tourists infos about Hannover city are right here :



but it will be a monday night tour (Hannover by night :))

as we'll probably (i hope not too much earlier) arrive to Hannover only late in the afternoon, after your bus has gone, and we'll do our sightseeing trip in the night until our plane files at 6am :)


I thought a bit about MY arrival time in Hannover. Maybe it wouldn't be the best idea to do a car trip (as the driver) to Denmark after a 8 hours walk around Hannover. :roll:
So if you (Krys) don't mind, I would prefer to come a bit later than 6 am.
"Why can't we not be sober?"


Quote from: "DieselJoe"So if you (Krys) don't mind, I would prefer to come a bit later than 6 am.
OK, no problem, I planned a walking tour in Hannover (something around 12 km or so) for the thursday morning : zob station => bahnjofstrasse up and down => kr?pcke => opernplatz => old town hall => Marktriche => Leineschloss (castle close to leine river) => new town hall and Leibnizhaus (house of Leibniz).
Then, according to the time spent already, either I go to Tammplatz and Eilenriede before going back to Herrenhausen or I go directly to Herrenhausen.

Zak and Akoss arrive at 14H30, so you could catch me at something like 13H00-13H30 right there (see bleu cross on attached picture) : at the way out of Herrenhausen garden to Herrenhausen strasse, just before the cross with Nienburger Strasse.

Just to be sure : in Germany and Hungary current time is GMT+2, like in France. Right ?

Quote from: "zaqrack"we'll probably (i hope not too much earlier) arrive to Hannover only late in the afternoon, after your bus has gone, and we'll do our sightseeing trip in the night until our plane files at 6am
I'll leave from Hamburg, not Hannover. :wink:
Afternoon trip in Hamburg for me before bus departure which is around 20H30.
In order to plan the Hamburg trip, I need to know an expected arrival time at Hamburg. Which will depend of the time when we will leave Aarhus on monday morning.


Quote from: "Krys TOFF"

Just to be sure : in Germany and Hungary current time is GMT+2, like in France. Right ?

But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "Krys TOFF"
In order to plan the Hamburg trip, I need to know an expected arrival time at Hamburg. Which will depend of the time when we will leave Aarhus on monday morning.

please, please not too early in the morning :)
I'd rather like an early lunchtime departure -> you can be in Hamburg around 3-4pm if it suits you.
Of course it also depends on DJ
Of course we'll see when we want to/can depart on monday :D[/list]


Quote from: "zaqrack"please, please not too early in the morning :)
I'd rather like an early lunchtime departure -> you can be in Hamburg around 3-4pm if it suits you.

Ok, I found less things to see in Hamburg (or it would need 2 or 3 days to do them so I had to do some choices). A 4 hours trip (16H to 20H or so) in Hamburg would be enough.

But it also depends of DJ because he is the driver, not only BJ. :wink:


I remember Satanziege told he may come to Hannover on thursday 14th to see at least Akoss, Zak, DJ and me.
Satan, will you come ? and if yes, at which time and place can we meet ?


The Herrenh?user G?rten, good choice! I'll try to be there around 13:00!

The departure time on our way back doesn't have to depend on me. I don't have any bus/plane to catch. You can decide completely!
"Why can't we not be sober?"


If you want to have a good telsex, just call +36304107459!  :-D

Akoss: when will you arrive to Keleti pu? Maybe I can go there and bring some beer.  :D


I'm trying to get it right - you are in Hannover on Monday? And then go to Hamburg? When will you arrive in Aarhus? (I'll be there on Thursday evening, directly coming from work.)


Quote from: "JTK"I'm trying to get it right - you are in Hannover on Monday? And then go to Hamburg? When will you arrive in Aarhus? (I'll be there on Thursday evening, directly coming from work.)
LOL, this is a mess in your mind JTK. :-D

I come from Paris wednesday evening (13th) after my job, travel by night on a bus and arrive on thursday morning (14th) at Hannover.
DJ catch me thursday at 13H00 (1H00 PM), then we catch Zak and Akoss at Hannover airport and we all go to Aarhus.

Meeting happens... 8)

Monday morning (18th), we leave Aarhus.
DJ drop me in Hamburg and the he goes (still with Zak and Akoss) to Hannover. Zak and Akoss will spend monday afternoon/evening in Hannover.
I'll stay in Hamburg until monday evening when I'll take another bus to go back to Paris.
Back to Paris tuesday morning (19th), I'll go back home, take a shower, and go back to work directly. :shock:


:D  :D  :D

Yes, there was a mess in my mind. I just wanted to delete the last message but you already answered.


(ye olde pipsqueak, like me!)