
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Hannover meeting point for DJ, Zak, Akoss and me

Started by Krys TOFF, June 16, 2005, 11:36:38 AM

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damn it's hard to find sightseeing places in Hannover for monday evening, as everything is closed :)

let's presume we arrive in Hannover around 6-7pm (sound realistic with a 4pm Hamburg arrival), we take a walking trip in the inner city, sing some honouring songs in front of the Kalpen's birthplace, still it's far before midnight, not speaking about 4:30am when our train leaves to the airport from the main station. Well it's great to sleep in the parks, but I could spend my time better when visiting a distant country. :)

so my idea is, that if DJ also wants and isnt too tired we can join Krys in the Hamburg sightseeing trip (could be refreshing after a drive from Arhus  :wink:) -or take a short break in Hamburg, have a quick lunch, etc), and then we part from Krys in the early evening and go to Hannover.

then we part from DJ, he goes home and sleeps well after the big driving (thanks in advance!), and we with Akoss follow the footsteps of Krys in the night on the 12km walking route he took back on the 14th before our meeting. :)

Voila, and it's already almost 4am :) Short sleep at the bahnhof, and an enjoyable flight back home :)


Yeah, why not take a look around Hamburg!?
We don't have to decide already I guess, the exact plan can be made on monday!
"Why can't we not be sober?"

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

So Zak, I'll arrive tomorrow at Budapest Keleti pu. at 12:37 p.m., if you can, please come to Keleti, because I think I wouldn't be able to find your house. If I can't contact you today, then I'll call you or write an sms tomorrow morning.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Metro-substitution bus, 1 stop to Pusk?s Ferenc Stadium; then many stops with Tram number 1 to Fl?ri?n Square... :)


why that long way?

bus line number 7 one station to Hung?ria krt, and then tam no 1 to Fl?ri?n square.

anyway I'll be there when your train comes.

and I also wish a good journey to Krys!


Quote from: "JTK"CU SOON!!! (ye olde pipsqueak, like me!)
Yep, I can't wait for the arrival at Aarhus !!!

Quote from: "zaqrack"I also wish a good journey to Krys!
Thanks. And your common trip in Hamburg is a good idea. :wink:



Our planned arrival gate is Terminal C gate 13 according to the webiste of Hannover Airport.


Quote from: "zaqrack"why that long way?

He has a lot of time... :)

Bus number 7 is very chanceful for ticket inspector's danger and I guess Akoss won't buy a ticket...  :-D


Still no picture of DJ... Mmm, I guess he will recognize me anyway. :)


Yes, you will be the smiling frenchman with large erection seeing the young german beauties  :-D ;)


Today evening: pre-meeting at Zak's flat with live race - Hungarians are practicing for the big challange of the contests in Arhus. :)


Sorry for the missing photo, I searched the archives of my friends, but there were no pictures I would like to show anyone! Guess I should stop drinking so much! :-D
I'll wear my red Stunts shirt, guess that should be enough! :wink:

OK, then let's meet in Terminal B. Somewhere around number 21 - 23 in the picture you posted
"Why can't we not be sober?"


By the way, I'm afraid it's too late for Krys now:
I would like you (my co-pilots) to bring some music for our travel to denmark! I have a CD player in my car, it works best with Mp3-CDs.
"Why can't we not be sober?"

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

To Diesel Joe: I have an mp3 CD with me with my current heavy/power/symphonic metal favourites on it. :) (And some other songs.)

To CTG: yes, but where are you? It would be high time you arrived here.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km