
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Useless messages - place for maniacs!

Started by CTG, September 09, 2005, 01:47:57 PM

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CTG should...

win ZakStunts 2011
4 (17.4%)
2 (8.7%)
shut up
6 (26.1%)
skid hot teenage girls
6 (26.1%)
böff an öblös one
5 (21.7%)

Total Members Voted: 21


Awful. In effect, this situation encourages thugs - "just don't do anything too obvious and it will be all right".


He should be punished with fines, perhaps prison sentence, and certainly with being evicted from the building. I don't think anything you can do will make things better for you, except if you can make the police do their stallin job, and if that will end in him being thrown on the street, as it should.
But we can't be quite sure.


sorry to read this. The sad thing is that knowing the situation back home the only effective solution is to move. You must be very careful selecting your place to live in Budapest. Fortunately our Stunts HQ apartment is still relatively in a good vicinity (though degrading slowly through time) - residents don't smoke in the building, only the cleaning lady does (which is kind of surreal if you ask me).
The only issue is the crazy women living on the 7th floor who is shouting with herself on some nights, and recently I heard she came to ask our neighbors (who live above her) not to throw dead bodies out the window. :)

There are many problems with China but at least the police is reasonable, well-respected and do their job well. Also the punishments aer quite strong. Result = almost no violence here and much less crime. However people are allowed to smoke (and do smoke) almost everywhere - fortunately it is restricted and fined through CCTV in our compound.
(btw there are 5 big pharmaceutical companies just on my 7km trip to work in case you plan to move :))

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I can't re-asleep... (I was very sleepy at  6 p.m., I went to bed then...)
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah - THW! THW! THW! Best handball team ever!!! :-)
Vintage Stunts Racing at

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Thunderstorm here... it's pouring...
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I ate hot lecsó today. I'm farting now heavily.  ;D This is summer, and now i'm on holiday.  8)
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: Akoss Poo on July 26, 2012, 11:57:04 PM
I ate hot lecsó today. I'm farting now heavily.  ;D This is summer, and now i'm on holiday.  8)

Oh my god, they're extremely smelly!!!  :o
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

The lecsó induced sh!t has arrived to the last corner in my bowels. Well, let's drink a morning coffee...  ;D ;D ;D
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

No coffee enhancement was needed. Until the water boiled, I had to run to the toilet!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Now let's drink my coffee, and write my German homework - and wait for Round 2.  ;D ;D ;D
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: CTG on August 10, 2012, 10:25:45 AM
Poo: ne húizonlájnkodj! >:(


Ich habe gepischált!!!

(for others: it's half German, half Hungarian)
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Well CTG, you've finished another legendary spam session. Most of the posts are really useless, but I would like to say thanks because it's really more interesting than no posts.
But we can't be quite sure.


Vera - Vera -
What has become of you...?
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Probably you all know the games with truck / racing car / airplane / etc. cards, competing in HP, top speed, length, weight, whatever. It would be fun to make Stunts pipsqueak cards (number of races, victories, forum messages, WSM participations...)


ooh what an idea - though I am not sure others are familiar with these kind of cards, as far as I know it is a Hungarian (or regional) specialty.  I am totally in for Stunts cards as someone who created numerous card decks (cars, classmates, fictional characters). Let's decide on the stats to put there. Who will be the "Mindentviv?"?