
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by CTG, April 28, 2006, 11:54:15 PM

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Quote from: Argammon on February 08, 2010, 11:22:43 PM

I remember you had severe problems with your handwrist (karpat) few years ago. Did you actually solve this problem? I think you have because you have been racing frequently again.

Yes, from late January 2007 to middle April 2007, three of the worst months of my life, I could not use my arms at all. I would sit at home, control my (pad) mouse with my nose, open my fridge with my stomach and just listen to music and read books because that was all I could do. Sometimes I had to use one hand for a short time (go for it, CTG ;)), and that would worsen things. When walking outside, I was like a puppet with no strings. It was horrible. After a long time of this, I started physiotherapy and could finally begin to do some exercise to release the tensions. I did exercises three times each day, both to stretch out the muscles and then try to strengthen them (of course they had been weakened by inactivity, which left them more vulnerable). However, some time in April things started to go better, and I could actually use my arms, if I was careful. When I went to Venice on April 24th, everything was nearly okay and nothing would ever be the same again. I found out I could write again, and subsequently went on a writing spree.
Since then, one can say the problem is "gone" although it isn't completely. It still comes back often, actually almost every day, but I only have to notice it immediately (which I can do easily) and then relax the arm a bit or do a quick stretch exercise (for like 10 seconds) and it's okay again. I can also do practically anything I want  do with them, so it bothers me very little.
But we can't be quite sure.


Can you tell me what kind of exercises you did, that solved your problem?



If you are having similar problems, the first thing to do is stop typing on your computer :) Then see a physiotherapist.
The exercises I did then were 1. Holding my palms flatly together and making a right angle with my arms in front of my stomach (looks like you're doing some kind of prayer) - for about 30 seconds., 2. Holding the tips of my fingers (not thumb) against a table or a wall (one hand at a time) and pushing my arm softly until I feel tension in my wrist and/or lower arm.

However, I could only start doing this after a very long time of humbling inactivity. The idea was to keep my arms totally relaxed (really totally, placing them on a table and pretending the table isn't there and you're letting the arms fall to the ground, you get better at this) for as long time as possible in a row. Several hours preferably. And if I had to move my arms, it was all about recognizing the pain immediately and then immediately relaxing that arm and only using the other. The crucial thing is really not to use your arm when the pain is there. But what cured me in the end was my physiotherapist.

I'll make a video for you tomorrow, that will be better. These exercises are hard to explain in words.
But we can't be quite sure.


Ty for your information. Looking forward to the videos.

Fortunately my case is not as bad as yours. I can swim or work the heavybag without problems. Can also open heavily sealed glasses etc. -> I have full muscle power and don't feel like a puppet.

However using the computer -particulary typing- for a longer period of time does not feel well. But I have to do so at work. So all in all I am wary of the situation and interested in your experiences to prevent it getting worse. 8)


It's a good thing you're taking precautions now, cause that's exactly how my problems started.

In this case, you should take care of your working position. Always rest your elbows on the table while typing, always use a trackball mouse, and try to be seated high, so you can rest your arms lightly on the table. Sit close to the table in order to spare your back. Give your arms small rests every few seconds, never type/click/work for more than 20-30 seconds (even resting for 2 seconds helps). Also, if you feel pain while working with a computer, stop immediately and rest your arms/do exercises until you can work without pain. Otherwise it will just get worse and you could end up like me.
But we can't be quite sure.



About the second exercise, it's also important that you relax all muscles in your arm except the ones you use to push down your hand.
But we can't be quite sure.


it was nice to see you!  :)


I just wonder why it's out of sync...
But we can't be quite sure.


LOL, you seem to be old. ;D



Thanks for putting this up. Btw can you please tell me where exactly you had pain? I googled a bit and  think mine is a bit to low for the karpaltunnel syndrome. It is right below the big hill that itself is below the thumb. Maybe a bit closer to the center of the handfrist.


I think he looks like and ordinary 25 year old...


Quote from: Argammon on February 11, 2010, 10:38:14 AM

Thanks for putting this up. Btw can you please tell me where exactly you had pain? I googled a bit and  think mine is a bit to low for the karpaltunnel syndrome. It is right below the big hill that itself is below the thumb. Maybe a bit closer to the center of the handfrist.


I think he looks like and ordinary 25 year old...

But I'm only 24! Maybe that's what he means ;D

My pains have mainly been in the lowest part of the arm, from where the hand begins and 10-15 cm up the arm. You can have pains elsewhere that are basically caused by the same problem. However, the exercises you need to do then are different. Once again, a physiotherapist is the one who can help.
But we can't be quite sure.


The physiotherapists I have met in germany haven been pretty incompetent so far unfortunately.


Quote from: Argammon on February 11, 2010, 06:09:10 PM
The physiotherapists I have met in germany haven been pretty incompetent so far unfortunately.

Ask Akoss Poo, he also had penis cancer.


Quote from: Argammon on February 11, 2010, 10:38:14 AM

I think he looks like and ordinary 25 year old...

Compared to BJ in 2008... ;D