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problems in budapest ?

Started by Krys TOFF, September 19, 2006, 08:05:46 PM

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What happened in Budapest last night and today ?
I saw images in the news but just the end of the subject, what is the problem ?


I just wanted to open the same topic - as far as I heard there were "secret" recordings from the Hungarian prime minister talking about liying to the Hungarian people about the financial situation of the country just to be re-elected again. Is it like that? I hope, there's no trouble at where you live, Zak, guess it's more on the Pest side...  :-\
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Quote from: CTG on September 19, 2006, 10:00:53 PM
I'm fine too, thanks for caring. ;D
You don't live in Budapest, do you? By the way I hope, you're fine wll and Usrin and Akoss, too!
Vintage Stunts Racing at


I just saw the news and heard some comments - the German opinion is to carefully watch, what's going on in Hungary. It is said, that there may be coming up fights or other aggressive movements in Budapest soon... What do you Hungarians think of what's happening?
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Hey, this is the Hungarian chat! :P

Btw, the violent events you seen on TV happened only on one square of Budapest, in front of the building of the Hungarian Television. (You can remember on it from the game of Stunts Meeting!) The events started with a political demonstration against the government because of the reason that JTK wrote. About 10.000 people protested in front of the Parliament on Monday evening - but as it's common at such events here, many of them were extremely stupid members of extreme right-wing gangs known from matches of Fradi and ?jpest. Their leaders wrote a "proclamation" what they wanted to present immediately on TV. Naturally they weren't allowed to do that - therefore the most stupid part of the crowd (a few hundred people) grew savage and attacked the buliding of TV. Police was not prepared for such an attack, so after 1-2 hours of battle (with about 100 injured policemen mainly hit by stones, many burnt cars, broken windows and a destroyed park) they managed to break into the building at 1 am. People working there escaped on a back door, broadcast stopped... and the stupid crowd started to destroy and steal all the things, from food to computers, what they found inside. Finally, more policemen arrived from all parts of the country (I've heard them blasting for 15-20 minutes as they passed near our hostel when arriving from SW Hungary) and they managed to disband the crowd. Other parts (>99%) of Budapest felt nothing of that, although everybody is talking about the situation from his (her) own point of political view... Now there's a demonstration in front of the Parliament again - let's hope tonight it won't turn such violent.

A few remarks:

I think the situation wouldn't have become so serious if police hadn't been afraid of attacking the hooligans immediately when the violence started. (This crowd was nothing compared to the events in Paris a few months ago.) But it's not a surprise that Hungarian police wasn't enough brave. As I know this country, that would lead to a scandal: our right-wing politicians would say "everybody has the right for protesting, police has attacked peaceful people", etc...

About the story of politics: it's true that the Prime Minister admitted his lies about the financial situation on that recordings. But the losers of the elections were also lying, they promised much more things in their campaign which would be impossible even if Hungary were the richest country of the world... (Decreasing taxes and prices while spending much more money on education, health, highways, etc.) They could know that their promises are even more impossible, but they also wanted to win the elections... and now they play the role of the nice and honorable power standing for the "deluded" people. That's the most disgusting! (Btw, is there any country on the world where promises of an electional campaign can be taken seriously?)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


I think the most serious danger of these days is the fact that many-many "average" voters of our right-wing politicians can also start to think like the attackers of TV: this wasn't hooliganism, but the start of a "revolution"... These voters are "normal" people, but their favourite politicians told them too much that the other side is an enemy of Hungary. (Why have they been telling that for about 10 years? Just for getting the votes...)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: CTG on September 19, 2006, 11:03:03 PM
I live here on weekdays for 9 years.

My situation is the same. Only Akoss doesn't live here.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: Usrin on September 19, 2006, 11:16:09 PM
Quote from: CTG on September 19, 2006, 11:03:03 PM
I live here on weekdays for 9 years.

My situation is the same. Only Akoss doesn't live here.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that!  :)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Quote from: Usrin on September 19, 2006, 10:58:26 PM
many of them were extremely stupid members of extreme right-wing gangs known from matches of Fradi and ?jpest.
Oh yes, the German TV interviewed one who looked like a real ugly right wing skinhaed and he saiad that in his heart he is a German...  :-[ :-\

Quote from: Usrin on September 19, 2006, 10:58:26 PM
(Btw, is there any country on the world where promises of an electional campaign can be taken seriously?)
Vatican (where the cardinals elect), maybe?
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Quote from: Usrin on September 19, 2006, 10:58:26 PM
Hey, this is the Hungarian chat! :P
That's why I considered appropriate to create this thread in this part of the forum, as it's a Hungarian problem.
I hope you'll all get out of trouble. No news or comments from Zak... Was he arrested with TomCat ? ??? :o


Quote from: Krys TOFF on September 20, 2006, 01:04:17 PM
That's why I considered appropriate to create this thread in this part of the forum, as it's a Hungarian problem.
I hope you'll all get out of trouble. No news or comments from Zak... Was he arrested with TomCat ? ??? :o

It's hard to imagine that Zak would ever take part in such a protest...
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Btw, I hope I won't have any problem when I'll try to go out of the university (where I'm sitting now) about 4 pm. The building has been closed at 2 pm because a never-seen organization announced some kind of illegal protest here. But I have some work to do here, so I didn't leave the building, although everybody was asked for it, and now everything is incredibly quiet inside. :-\
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Vintage Stunts Racing at


I think it's incredible if the hungarian population really thought its politicians were telling the truth during the election campaign... Everyone probably lied, I don't see what a big difference it makes that one of them unwillingly admitted it.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: JTK on September 20, 2006, 09:30:14 PM
Usrin...? Are you safe?  :-X

Yeah, I'm out. :) There were no policemen around the university, only the doorman was a bit angry when he had to stand up from his chair and open the door to let me out. (He was watching TV, believing that nobody would disturb him until next morning.)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.