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problems in budapest ?

Started by Krys TOFF, September 19, 2006, 08:05:46 PM

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Quote from: JTK on September 20, 2006, 08:01:57 AM
Quote from: Usrin on September 19, 2006, 10:58:26 PM
(Btw, is there any country on the world where promises of an electional campaign can be taken seriously?)
Vatican (where the cardinals elect), maybe?

Don't forget Slovakia! As wrote (after Slovak newspaper Sme):

Szlov?k politikus nem hazudik
Mi nem hazudunk - ?ll?tj?k a szlov?kiai politikai ?let szerepl?i, akiket a SME c?m? napilap a magyar minisztereln?k, Gyurcs?ny Ferenc esete ok?n k?rdezett. Szlov?ki?ban ilyesmi nem t?rt?nhet meg - ?rja a lap az MTI szerint. "?n soha nem hazudok" - mondta Milan Urb?ni, a Vladim?r Meciar vezette korm?nyer?, a N?pp?rt-HZDS aleln?ke. Milan Hort, a Mikul?s Dzurinda vezette SDK? aleln?ke sem eml?kszik arra, hogy valaha hazudott volna. Bug?r B?la, az Magyar Koal?ci? P?rtj?nak eln?ke ?gy nyilatkozott, hogy "a kereszt?ny ember soha nem hazudik" ?s legfeljebb azt tartotta megengedhet?nek, hogy a politikus "taktikai okokb?l" esetenk?nt valamit elhallgasson.

Original version:

Slovensk? politici: My neklameme
Ma?arsk?ho premi?ra zradila nahr?vka z politick?ho rokovania, na ktorej siln?mi slovami priznal, ?e voli?ov o situ?cii v krajine klamal.
Na Slovensku sa v?ak ?osi tak? asi sta? nem??e. Aj ke? sa politici navz?jom obvi?uj? zo l?i, o sebe tvrdia, ?e nikdy neklam?. Aspo? to vypl?va z reakci? politikov parlamentn?ch str?n, ktor?ch sme oslovili. "Ja nikdy neklamem," hovor? podpredseda HZDS Milan Urb?ni. Ani podpredseda SDK? Milan Hort si nespom?na na situ?ciu, ?e by klamal, aspo? nie verejne. "Nikdy som nemusel odvol?va? to, ?o som verejne povedal," hovor?. Kres?an neklame, hovor? l?der SMK B?la Bug?r. Za in? probl?m pova?uje, ?e niekedy nem??e ist? vec poveda?, lebo si to vy?aduje napr?klad politick? taktika.


A Slovak politician never lies
We don't lie - clamed persons of Slovak political life asked by newspaper SME after the case of Hungarian Prime Minister, Ferenc Gyurcs?ny. Nothing like this could happen in Slovakia, the paper writes. "I never lie" - said Milan Urb?ni, vice president of People's Party-HZDS, governing party led by Vladim?r Meciar. Neither Milan Hort, vice president of SDKU led by Mikul?s Dzurinda remembers any case when he lied. B?la Bug?r, president of Party of Hungarian Coalition [party of Hungarians living in Slovakia] told that "Christian people never lie", he felt allowable only keeping back some informations because of "tactical reasons" for a politician.


Well, don't worry, I'm also fine, just spending the week at my girlfriend's place ;)

These riots are just nonsense. As someone (I don'T remember the source) noted, Hungarian people live in happyness while they are being lied, knowing that the politicians lie, and at the moment someone is telling the truth they just can't stand it and turn violent. Incredible, really :)

During the daytime there is not much to fear from, the protests in front of the parliament have now turned calm (though I still don't get the point of it), but in the nights its quite unsafe to walk in the city, as the violent groups are starting to rampage each night, and always at a different place.

What will happen? Next sunday there are votes again - this time for the local district/city governments. I don't think things will calm down until then. But don't worry, we are fine.

Some intresting surveys and news:
57% of the population thinks that politicians lied and will lie anyway so this whole thing has no point.
32% thinks that the prime minister stating "we lied for years, day by day, night by night" will lead the country into a moral crisis.

It's very likely that the tape wasn't leaked but released by the government as a nice marketing trick. -I also agree, they reacted with statements and explanations almost immediately and perfectly, but:

The opposition now claims that the riots may be generated and organised by the government with the help of the secret service.  :o This is nonsense really.



Quote from: CTG on October 25, 2006, 04:51:10 PM
Why don't they throw stones and Molotov coctail on Gyurcs?ny's house instead of burning civile people's car and crashing the windows of shops.

I agree with a single correction:

Why don't they throw stones and Molotov coctail on Ors?s Gipsy Viktor's house instead of burning civile people's car and crashing the windows of shops.



yes, today I felt I am exactly at the right place :)))


Maybe they should just leave it there - If it made it through 63 years without exploding, it will probably never explode :)
But we can't be quite sure.


Another kind of trouble: flood is coming on the Danube. Budapest will survive it easily, but my hometown won't...


Quote from: CTG on June 06, 2013, 08:51:24 AM
Another kind of trouble: flood is coming on the Danube. Budapest will survive it easily, but my hometown won't...

And there's again the typical bullshit in the Hungarian media: they are panicking about Budapest and asking people to help "protecting the city", and don't tell too much about other parts of the country, where help would be really needed. Don't they see that in Budapest the Danube flows in a deep trough, the riverside is higher even than the expected record flood, so there are no dams to be strengthened? (The only exception is a housing estate north of Zak's place, but it is also only ~1 m below flood level... In NW Hungary, there are large areas which could be easily flooded by 2-3 m of water.)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: Usrin on June 06, 2013, 11:30:23 AM
Quote from: CTG on June 06, 2013, 08:51:24 AM
Another kind of trouble: flood is coming on the Danube. Budapest will survive it easily, but my hometown won't...

And there's again the typical bullshit in the Hungarian media: they are panicking about Budapest and asking people to help "protecting the city", and don't tell too much about other parts of the country, where help would be really needed. Don't they see that in Budapest the Danube flows in a deep trough, the riverside is higher even than the expected record flood, so there are no dams to be strengthened? (The only exception is a housing estate north of Zak's place, but it is also only ~1 m below flood level... In NW Hungary, there are large areas which could be easily flooded by 2-3 m of water.)

Exactly. The country with water-head...

Pessimistic as usual: I think Bácsa will be flooded. Experts say the highest water level will be on Saturday - meanwhile the historical record is already very close (45 cms left, still increasing very fast, + 3-5 cm/hours).


Quote from: CTG on June 06, 2013, 11:37:08 AM
Pessimistic as usual: I think Bácsa will be flooded. Experts say the highest water level will be on Saturday - meanwhile the historical record is already very close (45 cms left, still increasing very fast, + 3-5 cm/hours).

The chances as I see them:
- flooding of areas protected by dams anywhere in Hungary: 40%
- flooding of Bácsa: 10%
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.



Quote from: CTG on June 06, 2013, 11:37:08 AM
Experts say the highest water level will be on Saturday - meanwhile the historical record is already very close (45 cms left, still increasing very fast, + 3-5 cm/hours).

The record is already broken, one day left before the highest level.


Quote from: Usrin on June 06, 2013, 02:41:17 PM
- flooding of Bácsa: 10%

According to the news, it increased to 50% because of the crappy embankment in Györújfalu (~4 km from us).


Quote from: CTG on June 07, 2013, 08:52:34 PM
Quote from: Usrin on June 06, 2013, 02:41:17 PM
- flooding of Bácsa: 10%

According to the news, it increased to 50% because of the crappy embankment in Györújfalu (~4 km from us).

Wouldn't there be any obstacle in the way of the water between Györújfalu and Bácsa? When I made my estimations, I thought there would... (I gave the 40% mostly because of Györújfalu, where the dam was under construction when the flood came, but I didn't know that it threatens Bácsa.) Btw, people were evacuated from Györújfalu, but not from Bácsa, so the experts still think that it is safe.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.