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ZakStunts 2014 - Useless stats

Started by CTG, February 28, 2014, 01:54:48 PM

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So, it seems the podium time distribution will be similar to last year...

Leading / podium times after 2 races:

1st place
1083.2 - Renato Biker
53.4 - CTG
10.9 - Alan Rotoi
3.7 - Zak McKracken
1.4 - Akoss Poo
0.1 - dreadnaut

2nd place
1022.8 - CTG
58.8 - Renato Biker
41.5 - Zak McKracken
11.3 - Alan Rotoi
5.5 - Akoss Poo
3.7 - dreadnaut
1.8 - Super Brian

3rd place
579.7 - Alan Rotoi
448.7 - Akoss Poo
80.4 - Duplode
10.6 - CTG
6.1 - dreadnaut
4.3 - Super Brian
1.9 - Renato Biker
1.8 - Zak McKracken

1143.9 - Renato Biker
1086.8 - CTG
601.9 - Alan Rotoi
455.6 - Akoss Poo
80.4 - Duplode
47.0 - Zak McKracken
9.9 - dreadnaut
6.1 - Super Brian

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

McLaren bonus is getting very high (if no McLarens in top6 on ZCT 158, especially). I'm already ready for a race with this car.
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km




Quote from: alanrotoi on September 09, 2014, 02:57:50 PM
Mclaren is a race-killer car :(

Why? It's like Melange with additional nitro and braking parachute. :D

I have to admit that Zapper creates beautiful cars, but he doesn't really take care of enjoyable handling.



Quote from: alanrotoi on September 09, 2014, 09:11:50 PM
Son of stressed.

Then Melange is the hybrid son of CarBlaster and Stressed - still a perfect one for racing.

Some of the additional cars are great (Melange, Speedgate, GT3, Xylocaine), others are simply well-designed (any cars from Zapper, Skyline). Ranger, Ikarus and the Kart are weirdos.


Quote from: CTG on September 10, 2014, 07:49:48 AM
Then Melange is the hybrid son of CarBlaster and Stressed - still a perfect one for racing


Quote from: Stunts WikiMelange XGT-88 Released:    2003 

Quote from: Stunts WikiStressed: first released on 19/04/2008


Quote from: alanrotoi on September 10, 2014, 03:03:49 PM
Quote from: CTG on September 10, 2014, 07:49:48 AM
Then Melange is the hybrid son of CarBlaster and Stressed - still a perfect one for racing


Quote from: Stunts WikiMelange XGT-88 Released:    2003 

Quote from: Stunts WikiStressed: first released on 19/04/2008

Okay, it's better to say "son of CarBlaster, botoxed by Stressed".


No, because the car performance wasn't changed since its release. Also the appearance of the cars built in those times wasn't a relevant detail.


Yearly stats are almost ready to be published - I'll try to finish them before ZCT 162 deadline.
